So I've picked up an old computer from my mums, she decided that she didn't like using this old thing generally and got herself a new Windows 7 one.
Anyway, it is a Dell Dimension 2000 IIRC, Pentium 4 3GHz, 512MB Ram, Radeon X300. It really does run like an old man, the last few days I have just been using it as a file holder as it contains two HDDs with a total of about 400GB.
I would usually just take the HDD's out and stick them in an enclosure and just use the space, but I would quite like to use it on the side of my Macbook that I have OS X/Windows on, whether that is for browser or using as some sort of temporary network storage between devices around the house, I also don't trust Windows XP as far as I can throw it which isn't far considering how heavy this thing is.
I have a basic knowledge of Ubuntu but no real knowledge using commands but I also don't want it to run like ass, so the question is where do I go from here to get it working as a simple computer for browsing and network storage while not running like ass? lol.