Maybe you should book one if you can't see the artifacts 8 ft in front of the character.
Sony Bravia 55X95 and about 4/5 feet.
it's the same shit you seen in Silent Hill 2 before they removed PSSR and Avatar, maybe not as bad but it's there.
Yet no mention of it from DF, instead DF says it's fantastic and a improvement over the native 4k mode
I saw their video, I was convinced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But that's not the case, because when you actually have on hardware it's sharper and more solid....except for the PS5 Pro patch which looks like it's still on YouTube
but as
said, they need to book an eye test.
If just you're okay with it and it doesn't bother you that's fine too
but it's blatantly there and anyone who says it ain't is either blind or playing dumb.
I don't mind grain but this is like a bad implementation of it, like Until Dawn Remakes bad grain effect that was criticised but it definitely looks like video compression.(Maybe Sony is making you get used to it so Streaming won't look as bad

But as I said, if you okay with it, just say "I don't think it that bad and I can live with it to get my 60fps"
Just don't tell me it not there when.....it is.