thank you.Its in the main menu pause screen under Juliets Stash. Shift through the tabs and youll find a list of phone calls and messages to listen to.
yes, I thought it was like No More Heroes. SO SORRY.With fairness, it kind of threw people off when they saw Juliet talking on the phone, which probably made them think that they had to do it while in game. :v
Eurogamer (6/10) said:It all makes for an oddball game that struggles to be odd in the right way. Despite the clever, if patchy, script and some great performances - Michael Rosenbaum from Smallville is particularly good as Nick - there just isn't enough fun lurking in the combat to keep you entertained when a level goes on a bit longer than it should, when an extended joke or homage isn't quite witty enough to earn its keep, when the upgrade shop isn't filled with anything you'd really want to buy, and when the tone descends into damp sleaze. Grasshopper's latest really is a bit of a lollipop: it's sugary, colourful, insubstantial - and perhaps a bit sickly with it.
yes, I thought it was like No More Heroes. SO SORRY.
If you read the reviews, this game sounds like a hot mess... Bitching about the controls, "cheap one-hit deaths" and clunky counter-intuitive combat aplenty. I was pretty psyched about picking this up after having an unexpected blast with Shadows of the Damned, but it sounds like this isn't even a fraction as good. :-/
If you read the reviews, this game sounds like a hot mess... Bitching about the controls, "cheap one-hit deaths" and clunky counter-intuitive combat aplenty. I was pretty psyched about picking this up after having an unexpected blast with Shadows of the Damned, but it sounds like this isn't even a fraction as good. :-/
Juliet, baby, it's Sylvia. I just wanted to let you know... that chainsaw, you wield so elegantly? It is you. You are it, and it is you. All you can do in a situation like this is to trust in yourself. Trust your force... and head for the garden... of madness!
I have the stupid Lollipop song stuck in my head thanks to this game. GRRRRRR.
My cheap deaths are almost all exclusively related to the goddamn instant-fail minigames, and on one aggravating situation, one bit during a running-over-jumps thing where despite my best efforts Juliet repeatedly ran into a wall mid-jump and plummeted to her doom.
There are no cheap one hit deaths. If you were excited about it check it out for yourself man. It's a really solid gameIf you read the reviews, this game sounds like a hot mess... Bitching about the controls, "cheap one-hit deaths" and clunky counter-intuitive combat aplenty. I was pretty psyched about picking this up after having an unexpected blast with Shadows of the Damned, but it sounds like this isn't even a fraction as good. :-/
There are no cheap one hit deaths. If you were excited about it check it out for yourself man. It's a really solid game
Man, the instant Empire State Human starts playing Lollipop Chainsaw becomes "Cheap One Hit Deaths: The Game."
That mini-game is responsible for at least half of my game over screens.
Man, the instant Empire State Human starts playing Lollipop Chainsaw becomes "Cheap One Hit Deaths: The Game."
That mini-game is responsible for at least half of my game over screens.
Man, the instant Empire State Human starts playing Lollipop Chainsaw becomes "Cheap One Hit Deaths: The Game."
That mini-game is responsible for at least half of my game over screens.
All of them are fucking horrible but that one in particular is full of shit and ruined a lot of my liking towards that level.
Is that the gondola mini-game? I just got to that. Fuck this mini-game. Dammit!
/tries again
Heh, yeah. I made the mistake of trying for the "no shooting" trophy for that minigame on Hard difficulty yesterday... ended up with 29 deaths. I got the trophy, but fuck that minigame.
Unless you are going for the achievement that requires you to complete without shooting that mini-game is incredibly easy. You can just shoot the guys that are dropping stuff.... Think it's the Y button. You can shoot everything except the UFO that drops cows I think, hell you might even be able to blow that up too. The only reason it should be frustrating is if your trying to do it without shooting for the achievement and if so good luck. I the only advice I'd give for that achievement is to just keep moving forward don't even go backwards. It's mostly luck.
Is getting the achievement/trophy actually possible? Once you get to a certain point it seems like you have to shoot to destroy the falling objects since they all come at the same time and there's only three squares to go between, and there's something falling in each one.
Seems like the achievement is more luck than skill, getting lucky the drops don't sync up at the same time.
I was just about to post that Swery pic!
I fucked the gondola one up right at the end, didn't think the moving panels would actually kill me.
The existence of that gondola achievement is one of those things that makes me incredibly glad that I don't care one whit about achievements.
I basically made it to the very end on my first try but got killed with the goal in sight. Then I started trying to rush through on subsequent attempts because, hell, I almost made it on my first try, right?
It ended disastrously. Repeatedly.
Completing the Gondola without firing was a pain in the ass, got almost all the "situational" Achievements out of the way.
Is there really no way to access the shop outside of a stage? That's kinda lame. =/
I've seen 2 major glitches so far - the first one was after the wrecking ball section of stage 5, the dialogue kept looping over and over again over itself to the point where the audio was messed up badly.
What, you expect to be able to access internet commerce just anywhere?
Well, in Resident Evil 5 you were able to buy and manage equipment from the main menu after having at least started the game. Though that pretty much broke RE5 because you could just replay levels and stock up on ammo and money and all that. LEON NEVER HAD IT THAT EASY! =x (though, after initially playing through RE4 on normal, I came out of Professional mode with so much eff'n ammo in the end. Having come from the previous RE games where ammo was truly scarce, I learned to really manage my stuff and use it sparingly. I spent a good amount of time in RE4 and RE5 just using the hand gun and knife when I could. lol anyway...)
Also, my copy just came today. Can't wait to try it later tonight with the headphones on. =D
(Got the PS3 version. Please don't let the load times irritate me.)
Well, in Resident Evil 5 you were able to buy and manage equipment from the main menu after having at least started the game. Though that pretty much broke RE5 because you could just replay levels and stock up on ammo and money and all that.
I've seen 2 major glitches so far - the first one was after the wrecking ball section of stage 5, the dialogue kept looping over and over again over itself to the point where the audio was messed up badly.
Second one at the first of stage 4 where I kicked a zombie into the elevator and it went through the wall, making it impossible for me to continue.
Final stage here I go~
Dude this isnt RE5 and in no way should ever be compared to that piece of shit.
As opposed to just replaying levels in Lollipop Chainsaw, reaching a shop and buying stuff, then quitting at the next checkpoint?![]()
RE5 wasn't "broken" from having the shop available on the menu screen and it's definitely annoying that the shop isn't available from the overworld map.
Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just using it as an example that games have done what the guy was wanting. However, despite RE5 being a POS, I still enjoyed it. And I'm very much looking forward to RE6. Especially the Leon sections.
But I won't derail the thread anymore than I already have with that. I'll be posting my impressions of Lollipop Chainsaw after I've given it some playtime.
I didn't really mean it was broken just because of that. Because you could do that anyway before starting a level. I just meant how the whole save thing works and being able to restock ammo and give people stuff so even in the beginning the game can be overly easy. This wasn't possible in any of the previous RE games. I admit, I don't like where the series has gone entirely, but it was gonna end up this way somehow eventually. They were always trying to make biological weapons and stuff. I always viewed the zombies as a side effect and an accident. That's what experimenting is all about. So I'm not surprised they can use guns and stuff now. Just supposed to be super human.
Okay, I'm really done with it. lol >_<
To get the "Go, Medal Racer, Go!" achievement, all I had to do was collect all the medals on the roof in Chapter 2. When there's the split at the end, go right through the pink caution signs. Popped as soon as I got to the ship.