Beat the baseball game in one go on Hard after turning off auto aim. Head shots have a pretty fairly large hitbox.
Yep, cheerleaders and pitchers are top priority.Same boat. I had auto-aim turned off from the outset, but I beat the baseball minigame on hard my first go. The goal is to not shoot the enemies on Nick's tail, but the enemies ahead of him. Also cheerleaders and pitches are a priority, but your gun is pretty powerful so it honestly wasn't too tough.
Where is the auto aim setting at?
I don't recall ever seeing it in my menu options, but I wasn't exactly looking for it when I started the game.
Do you mean you need to be connected to the internet to use the code to get the costume or that once you've redeemed the code you can't use it in the game unless you're online.
Key thing to specify, that.
Stage 3 beat. Loved thefight. Was trippy as hell which was clearly the point considering the theme. Think I still like the stage 1 boss the best though.Mariska
And dammit, they completely stole my idea of a boss thatspeaks entirely in auto-tune!
I had no trouble with it as well. I played it on easy normal and hard and got through it no problem every time. The only minigame that I had a little trouble with was the gondola, that was because I was impatient....I must be the only one here that had no trouble at any of the minigames? Outside of the cake, I did just fine. I even did the 'no shot Gandola achievement' on my second try. How I did it:
Continue should always start you off at the last checkpoint
Medals accumulate anytime you're playing story mode. The things you buy in story mode will carry over to ranking mode (minus lollipops and nick tickets) but the medals you earn in ranking won't carry back the other way.
Bit of a slog, but it's mostly just fighting so if you enjoy that it'll be awesome.
Saint's Row the Third.
Whelp, guess it wasn't an original idea in the first place, :lol
Well duh, people talk about the game in the ot. Sure, most people want to spoil major stuff. But chitta chat....
whatever....oh shit did this game just reference Monty Python? Suda make me a baby in my belly!
I am so close to saying screw it because of the shitty zombie baseball minigame X-(
I am so close to saying screw it because of the shitty zombie baseball minigame X-(
Yeah, that one stunk. If it helps any, I recommend bypassing the target lock and just use manual aiming by holding the aiming trigger -- the left one on the Xbox 360 -- and using the cursor to follow Nick as he runs the bases.
I think Amazon may have made an error with my order. Can someone tell me if there was a preorder bonus for the game, a special costume or something? If there is/was such a bonus, did it come in the form of a code? Because I saw absolutely no code ...
There was supposed to be a costume code (or 2) sent by email
I forgot to preorder so I am glad that the base game actually has some nice costumes anyway without DLC
That damn zombie baseball game. After what seemed like a billion tries I finally cleared it. Then I had to go do other stuff so I turned the game off, figuring it would auto-save. Come back to the game, find out I have to do the damn thing all over again. Ragequit.
I might do the 'no-auto-aim' thing next time round.
Turn off auto aim? I'm surprised people having so much issues.
Here's an anecdote related to this game that you might find funny.
I was in a local game store, and I asked the clerk if he played Lollipop Chainsaw, and if he liked it.
Clerk: It's amazing. It's exactly like Shadows of the Damned.
Me: Ugh. I hated Shadows of the Damned.
Clerk: What!? Anyone who doesn't like Shadows is OBVIOUSLY not a fan of Suda 51.
Me: Suda barely had anything to do with Lollipop. It was written by James Gunn.
Clerk: ...
He refused to speak to me after that.
So... what should I save my medals for when I shop ?
Does anyone know what the chainsaw trail says? Think it says "Hello" can't tell. Wish there was a clean pause screen.
I must really suck. This game is hard. I feel so weak. I have to hit so many times before the zombies die.
I'm enjoying, but I think I have to go down to easy. (╥_╥![]()
I also need to stop buying games and start playing them more!I should open my copy some day.![]()
I only have the level 1 strength. They don't show up in the Chop2Shop anymore. I've died a lot already. I'm at the sports stage.Just spend money on combos and barbells to increase strength. Game gets stupid easy as you progress even on hard difficulty.I beat hard on my first run through and by stge 4, i died twice and last stage: once on boss.
I've been going back and forth between this and gravit rush. Have you played rush? What do you think of it your second time through and with englih text?
I also need to stop buying games and start playing them more!
So when do the anime costumes start popping up?