Barrel Cannon
Oh that sucks. That means in the future we won't have access anymore. This game sounded so good and suddenly this drmSo I can't use my preorder costumes unless I'm connected to the internet? That's fucking bullshit.
Oh that sucks. That means in the future we won't have access anymore. This game sounded so good and suddenly this drmSo I can't use my preorder costumes unless I'm connected to the internet? That's fucking bullshit.
CHRIST after an hour and a half I finally got the gondola achievement.
Good luck to anyone going for that. My advice is put on lots of music and go into zen mode.
No. Fucking. Way.
...well maybe.
If you enjoy any of Suda/Grasshopper's recent stuff, I think you'll really like this.What do you guys think of the game so far?
America PS3, never encountered any issues. I'm really sorry to hear that, and I hope you're able to get past it.Regarding my "Chainsaw Blaster won't work"-problem - just tries it again after a restart of the PS3 and it still glitches and won't be usable. Now I'm angry and this seriously ruins my weekend now. Is this happening to - anyone - else?
Has anyone figured out what you need to do for theto appear in the shop? Beat Dad's high scores?Rosalind/Cordelia/Dad costumes
Regarding my "Chainsaw Blaster won't work"-problem - just tries it again after a restart of the PS3 and it still glitches and won't be usable. Now I'm angry and this seriously ruins my weekend now. Is this happening to - anyone - else? European PS3 version, as I said... I sincerely hope I'm just doing something totally wrong since my controllers work in every other game where R2 and L2 are needed...
Thanks for a European confirmation, just checked. Controller 1. Won't even work when I change it to controller 2I'm on the EU PS3 version and haven't had any issues like that. Could it be anything weird like your controller being on port 2?
Well yeah, we get that part, what's tough is the fact you gotta collect all those yellow cans to maintain speed so that building doesnt crush you. Im gonna try for it tonight.
Has anyone figured out what you need to do for theto appear in the shop? Beat Dad's high scores?Rosalind/Cordelia/Dad costumes
Yeah, you need to beat Dad's score on specifically stages 2, 3 and 4 I want to say.
Cool, I'll aim for 3/4 then. Was going for 2 last night, but it turns out Zombie Baseball is straight-up bullshit hard on anything but Easy.
How is the game guys? Is it worth the purchase?
I should stop reading this thread. Tons of posters spoiling dialogue and scenes now. Anyways congrats "newgameplus" for your world ranking.
I am so close to saying screw it because of the shitty zombie baseball minigame X-(
So I can't use my preorder costumes unless I'm connected to the internet? That's fucking bullshit.
Hm, just started the game and the prologue right off the bat made a bad impression on me. Just in terms of what you can do just makes everything feel so, stilted. I get the impression that you should in theory, herd zombies to kill them all at once, but the stun takes too long to initiate and you can hardly get it effectively going as crowd control.
Hm, just started the game and the prologue right off the bat made a bad impression on me. Just in terms of what you can do just makes everything feel so, stilted. I get the impression that you should in theory, herd zombies to kill them all at once, but the stun takes too long to initiate and you can hardly get it effectively going as crowd control.
I've pretty much pushed forward by buying new techniques whenever I reach a store, but they feel like really basic moves that you should start with. I really don't want to bury a game before I give it a fair shake, but after completing the first boss (Zed), I can't help but feel really underwhelmed by what I've played so far.
In terms of Grasshopper games, its currently dead last for me. Maybe it just hasn't clicked for me yet, but I'm a little skeptical considering how short everyone is saying it is.
Turn off auto aim? I'm surprised people having so much issues.
You can later on when you've upgraded your combos and Juliet's strength, homing attack etc.
That said, if you didn't enjoy Zed, this might not be for you. I thought it was one of the best boss battles until the penultimate one.
I want a SudaSwery 116 collaboration.
Glad you were able to get things sorted out! Have fun! : )OK i finally got it to work properly! So if anyone ever should have that problem, I had the USB transmitter for an Arcade stick in the PS3 and that somehow wrecked controls for the Chainsaw Cannon even though the stick was controller 3 and I always had it active - no other game had a problem like this with R2/L2 before. Dunno. Now it works and I'm having a blast againwent smoothly through the baseball minigame and stage 2's boss ^^ Now enjoying funky music. Weekend is secure