kaching said:
Well, don't leave me in suspense - what's your definition of a bargain then, esp. since you said it's got nothing to do with affordability?
And please don't presume to tell me what I do and don't know about the cost of parts to manufacture various consumer goods.
If someone doesn't know what it costs to manufacture/produce goods they're interested in that's quite simply a blind spot in their ability to assess how good of a deal they're getting. It's one they can remedy in most cases, if they want to. There's no reason to try to devalue the merit of having that info at one's disposal.
so how much did your microwave cost to manufacture then?
the definition of a bargain is as follows:
an advantageous purchase, esp. one acquired at less than the usual cost: The sale offered bargains galore.
cost is the price the item is usually sold for.
generally speaking a bargain is something that gives you a lot of value for your money. it's basic economics. prices are set by what people are prepared to pay for what something offers them by and large.
affordability is whether or not you can afford a given price. something can be good value, yet not affordable. like say, a jet fighter sold at half price. a bargain? yes. affordable to most people? absolutely not.
lets hypothesise that the in two months time the cost of some of these parts to sony drastically reduce. does that stop the console being as good value for money when it's still the exact same console that does the exact same thing?
lets pretend there's a shortage on memory chips and the prices of them go up (this happens quite a lot) is it now an EVEN better deal?