1. [m] Muffin1611 & [f] Samuraischnecke
Samurai seems a bit clueless and aloof - I know that the game moves at a fast pace and there's an unusually high amount of players in it (I myself have trouble keeping up) but there's very little in her posts of actual substance. Everything she's done is dig up an Exodu5 post when I asked about it and then joke with Muffin about anime and stuff. Not a good look.
Muffin is a bit polarizing, from what I can gather. Personally, I lean a bit towards scum on him because most of what he's posted feels pretty low-effort. There was a summary formatted as a read list early in the game that didn't contain one single original opinion. He read Dragonz as scummy after the spat with Kitsune, he voted for Ouro when people were discussing his read on me with disapproval... feels like he's following what he sees as the status quo rather than bring up new stuff.
As a pair, they seem pretty introspective in that they interact plenty with each other - Sorian read that exchange about Samurai feeling ignored as being indicative of a townie alignment but I don't agree that it is as indicative as he thought, specially considering they both live together.
3. [m] Fat4all & [m] Sorian
I'm a bit disappointed with these two. I said Sorian seems a bit disengaged and I stand by that statement. He's far from leading the conversation, and most of his posts seem to exude disinterest from the lack of "flashy new leads" to follow, which doesn't seem to me like the usual Sorian attitude. Most of his posts are of him dropping in to agree or disagree with people. Seems to have lost some initiative. I'm surprised he has as many post as he does.
Fat4all I only remember for telling to me to look at the dragonz/Kitsune thing after I announced I was available. Other than that, I'm drawing a blank.
4. [m] CrimsonFist & [f] Sophia
They've both been active and proactive; they strike me as a pretty good combination that's been on top of the game most of the day phase. I know they're both great players and as such don't think this is necessarily alignment indicative, but their contributions have been valuable and I wouldn't consider them for a lynch at the moment.
5. [m] TsuXna & [m] Royal_Flush
Tsu is a non-entity. R_F is one of my favorite players due to how useful his posts usually are, but so far he feels like he's not quite there yet. The coasters post was alright but the lack of a conclusion in his post left me with a bad mouth feel.
6. [m] franconp & [m] Dr. Worm
I feel franconp's contributions have been solid. He was right to point out how Dragonz has been focusing on the newbies lately. He's actually disagreed with people and made his opinions clear.
Worm has been a bit reactionary with his posts, but it doesn't strike me as staying on the sidelines. When Ouro made that odd post about the side-eyes or whatever I feel he had a good reaction and knew how to follow it up.
7. [m] Xbro & [m] Karkador
Very absent; Xbro has a couple of alright posts but he seems very indecisive when it comes to actually providing a definitive opinion, as if he's trying to make time or not stir the pot too much.
Kark is just not here. His last post was about no-lynch stuff. Eh.
8. [m] Trigger & [m] Ty4on
Trigger has very few posts but they're alright, better than Xbro's IMO since they feel like they have a definitive "direction" to them rather than being meant to stall. Insight is lacking, but at least he's asking questions? Still, the lack of activity hurts.
Ty4on has been playing well. Tons of posts between poking, questions and opinions. I like it. Not much to say beyond that, I'm getting bored of this read list.
9. [f] kitsunelaine & [m] flatearthpandas
Kitsune has been very defensive and I'd like to offer her the same advice I gave to Orb: Please take a position even if you're not sure if it's the right one. Being in the middle of things and reacting only to save yourself is being dead weight. You could've easily flipped the tables against Dragonz earlier if you'd been more decisive, I think.
FEP feels very null so far. He had a very tame read list earlier, and since then his contributions seem very risk-free. That post I answered a bit ago also left me asking myself about his intentions.
10. [m] Natiko & [m] Nomadic Sparks
A blindspot for me. I admit to have been largely ignoring them so far. Checking through their post histories, Nomadic feels similar to Muffin in what I said about following the status quo, with some massive shade-throwing at Ouro after he was called out for town-reading me and his side-eye thing. That's it.
Natiko feels solid. He's got plenty of decent posts and even though I said I've been ignoring him, looking through his posts it's easy to recall his positions, so he's made an impression after all. The only thing I'm missing is a vote with substance because his current one feels like it already served its purpose (or didn't, but has no effect now).
11. [m] Verelios & [f] WhereAreMahDragonz
Beyond the Kitsune thing, Dragonz feels like the opposite of concise - too many walls of text and trying to explain her positions without much getting across. This could either be genuine difficulty in defending her arguments, or just trying to seem more insightful out of a sense of self-preservation, which should be a bit of a red flag.
Verelios started strong, but he hasn't made as strong an impression on me since the first ~36 hours of the game.
12. [m] Ourobolus & [m] kingkitty
This pair is hard to read. Ouro has made some questionable posts. I believe him that he could have genuinely town-read me when he did, but then the side-eye thing, the "I'm always defensive" stuff which I don't really agree with, and some of the exchanges where he feels weirdly commited to his positions as if he couldn't back down for fear of losing towncred or something are raising red flags. I do like his level of activity though, and I also like KK who has felt very assertive and equally engaged. My first instinct is to take a wait-and-see attitude, kind of how I usually do with Sorian when he's active and leading the conversation.
13. [m] Orb & [m] TheWorthyEdge
Orb still feels very indecisive and defensive. Kitsune 2.0.
TWE feels very safe - he's spent way too many posts talking to his partner in a very useless way and that feels like stalling. Actually, most of his posts feel like some sort of stream of consciousness, with weird asides like him forgetting about what he meant to say, or hoping a question didn't seem to aggressive when asking fat4all about his interest on the Kitsune/WAMD thing. Weird stuff.
14. [f] StarSketch & [m] SexyFish
literally nothing to say. Pretty much dead weight. SexyFish hinted at being useful later previous to making an easy defense of a new player. I feel like that's something I like doing as scum, town-reading newbies and jumping to their defense when they make an obvious slip that could be read either way.
StarSketch meanwhile has demonstrated some very dubious math.
15. [-] Darryl & [m] nin1000

Still plenty of time but here's my vote for now:
Vote: Muffin1611
Muffin has way too many posts for the lack of decision I'm reading in them. Samurai feels like a non-entity. I want some assertiveness.
Top scum:
1. Muffin & Samurai
2. Kitsune & FEP
3. FatSorian
4. Vere & WAMD