What do you make of their D2 votes? Other than just "they bussed"![]()
AT POST 1778
What do you make of their D2 votes? Other than just "they bussed"![]()
The aforementioned interaction I liked with Ouro and FEP:
Which looks like an opportunistic vote on a townie to look productive. He moves the vote to someone else on the very same page.
Do you feel the same way about his follow-up vote on Star then? Why or why not?
More the lead up and read than the vote in the Ouro case.
That Star vote is a prod so it doesn't tell me much.
I ask because I get sort of a different vibe. It feels more like wanting to throw shade without committing to it, hence the quick change to a prod vote. In that case it's not inherently indicative of alignment as he could want to throw shade and vacate for scum or town just depending on his agenda.
It just makes more sense for me to be more committed when bussing. Initially the read seems committing too until nobody follows him.
This is a really easy vote to jump out of should Star face some heat later in the game.
I don't really think they're on the same team, but this vote (he fixed it next post) isn't what makes me think that. For me the townie thing Star has done is thinking criticism of kitsune was directed towards her. It was weird, but would be *especially* weird if kitsune were her scummate too.
It was early D1, I don't think scum would look to do actual bussing there. More just throw some shade and then quietly move elsewhere.
It went further than I think distancing would. If a wagon forms he now has to deal with that.
So do you think a scum Star would suddenly pay far more attention to the game than usual despite knowing that would be a pretty obvious 'tell'?
Ehhhh, I feel like that's really over inflating that exchange. It was brief, and immediately after the vote it was dropped by both sides. That doesn't read to me like a strongly pushed argument or something that was really meant to gain steam.
Who do you think the likely candidates are for remaining scum?
Yes, kinda. She'd be more afraid to mess up and generally more attentive, but more importantly I think she'd know more about the case against kitsune since her teammate is on the line.
The way he pushed it makes it look like he's eager to make something out of it. "Look at what a good townie I'm being and finding scum for us!"
For a scummate I think he'd he'd be more careful. Call out in the chat instead and maybe comment on it if I townie comments first. It just seems a bit heavy-handed.
Scumteams wise the one thing the Ouro lynch really has going for it if I don't see that many other potential scum.
Or to play Devil's Advocate she would be more nervous and make even more bizarre mistakes than she normally does. Perhaps being antsy and on edge would lead to things like getting defensive over posts not even directed at her.
I guess it's just a difference of opinion then. While I can see your opinion I just really don't see that as a strong push since he dropped it so fast. He wasn't afraid to take shots at town WAMD and that was brought up multiple times even after he unvoted. That just contrasts to me with his vote on Ouro and then quietly moving off of it and not revisiting at any point.
You surely have more scum leans beyond Royal/monkey. Any others?
Didn't you specify high profile interactions?o7
I got no strong reads on either party out of this interaction
Can't be bothered to parse that post down on mobile but to respond to Ouro:
I meant is that a bad result if you are in fact scum. As scum if you saw all the heat on you then you could put out a fake claim like that and best case you're believed and you can delay your death, but if a different group admitted to being roleblocked instead of you then your surviving scum buddies would have a confirmed PR they could take out.
I'm not doubting there is a hooker. How important they are in comparison to the other Scum team was the question. And it came up because of an example I gave.At this point, the RB has done something of relevance, and that is made their presence known. We don't have to imagine the scenario, it already happened. The fact that we have a Virgin pair also lends credence to their existence. Your point doesn't make any sense.
I'm not doubting there is a hooker. How important they are in comparison to the other Scum team was the question. And it came up because of an example I gave.
And you know what, if they knew there was a virgin that makes them much more valuable (in the eyes of the Scum team) then in the standard scenario I imagined. It also makes them way less likely to sit on you twice in a row.
Right, but we're assuming they are listed as "hooker" and not "roleblocker," or some other flavor. Hell, kitty and I are "Mailmen."
Which is the standard name for that role: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Mailman
There's also another hunch I have based on the events of D2, as far as Worm is concerned, but I need a bit more deliberating before I pursue it. Which is probably going to be hard because I can't bounce my ideas off of Kark.
Waaaait I'm just now checking in and I haven't read everything but I'm not for a Darryl lynch. Suggested a team that seemed to have built some ill feeling and part of that shift was Darryl but if they hadn't, no big, just floating ideas. They have players now anyway so it's moot. Let's see what they do. Do want to correct tho that I was not opening the volcano for Darryl.I thought about that while writing it
At the start of the day I came in with a scumread of Darryl, but was met with some pushback because there are good reasons to townread him and I agree. When monkey came with a big "what about lynching Darryl?" post in defence the optics were poor making it look like she wanted to spread our focus.
It fits better in my head than in writing. Probably my poor writing, but I'll blame it on mobile.
Basically if everybody is scummy nobody is scummy.
*Reads entire post*
It's not *that* scummy by itself and a lot of players do it. I've had to tell myself when reading a lot of Sophia's posts "That's how she plays town.
I do take a bit offence to your "let's all vote here" because that's kinda what the Ouro vote was.
Ourokitty, just for shits and giggles, could you share the contents of the message you tried to send us?
I'm curious
Okay I'm here. finally saw Dunkirk, not great, but fine. Anyways from what I skimmed, Ouro is correct. We were silenced which seems to 100 percent confirm what Kark said.
Just to make everything clear.
Me and Ouro are shipping Bowser and Waluigi. Is Bowser and Waluigi dating? I don't know.
We are a Pair of Mailmen.
We can 'mail' a note during each night phase to any pair of our choosing.
Night 1:
We sent a note to CzarSketch. If they received the note we asked one of them to say "The wallaby made me do it" as their first post of the day in Day 2. We promised that if we felt comfortable about them, we'd say "KAMEN RIDER" and "DUCK PLACENTA" in our posts.
Unfortunately CzarSketch didn't say anything relating to a wallaby. Although as things were heating up at the end of Day 2, Ouro said the words Kamen Rider and Duck Placenta anyways in case our pair was near death and CzarSketch somehow popped for help. But no acknowledgment of those words came.
Night 2:
We sent a note to Dr. franconp. If they received the note we asked one of them to say "I love dabbing" as their first post of the day in Day 3. We promised that if we felt comfortable about them, we'd say "BAKA SHINJI" and "UGUU SENPAI". As far as my skimming goes, I don't think franconp or worm said anything about dabbing.
So yeah. Two nights in a row we've supposedly picked a pair that won't acknowledge our notes. So roleblocked maybe?
Vote: ourobolus
Your move bruh
Honestly didn't know that. Eh, my point is still that we don't always use the standard terminology for our games.
Right, but we're assuming they are listed as "hooker" and not "roleblocker," or some other flavor. Hell, kitty and I are "Mailmen."
Ourokitty, just for shits and giggles, could you share the contents of the message you tried to send us?
I'm curious
I don't think we are allowed to post the entire thing (Burb, correct me if I am wrong, I thought it followed the "don't post PMs" rule), but the gist of it was what kitty posted:
it's like he's trying to say something
i can feel it
As Ouro says, would like to get clarification if we'd be allowed to copy paste what we sent. But as a general summary there was a lot of erotic sonic fan fiction.
To Dr. Fran said:To whom it may concern:
Hi. We are a duo that can send notes. We have just sent you a note.
If you received this note, please acknowledge by one of you saying the sentence "I love dabbing" in your first post of the day.
If we think you're not scum, my partner and I will mention "Baka Shinji" and "Uguu Senpai" in our posts so that you know who we are.
We may notify you of our existence immediately the day after, or maybe at a later day phase. Never if we think you're scum.
If you've acknowledged our post AND we notified you of our existence, further correspondence may occur through these notes.
Thank you.
The Duo
To CzarSketch said:To whom it may concern:
Greetings. We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive a message from a wonderful town duo! We are currently accepting new members into the Wonderful Town Folk group, and we think you may have what it takes. Your steadfast desire to hunt down scum has been duly noticed and you have thus moved on to the next phase of selection. Over the next few days we will assess your scumhunting skills and will make a final judgment on whether you are ready to be a member of the Wonderful Town Folk.
Should you make the cut, both my partner and I will mention "KAMEN RIDER" and "DUCK PLACENTA" in our posts so that you know who we are.
Should you not make the cut, we will take steps to make your time in the game shorter than you'd like. Please do not get on our bad side, we don't want to be hurtful!
Please acknowledge receipt of this message by posting "The wallaby made me do it" in your first post of the day.
Thank you.
The Founding Members of the Wonderful Town Folk
I looked at the mafia scum wiki that was linked above and it says mailmen can be any alignment. So that's interesting. Because I am inclined to believe the claim (though I have been wrong on elaborate stories before) but that doesn't wipe away anything else. I am really uncertain on the RB though. Why block Ourokitty two days in a row? So unlimited RB, can target same people twice in a row, chooses to use it there. Now there wasn't any real reason to move it I guess. But the odds are not in favor. Doesn't make it impossible.So if that was a fake claim you'd have to be lying here.
Which would make this:
a gambit to confirm your role name.
At which point it's easier just to assume that probably actually is your role.
I looked at the mafia scum wiki that was linked above and it says mailmen can be any alignment. So that's interesting. Because I am inclined to believe the claim (though I have been wrong on elaborate stories before) but that doesn't wipe away anything else. I am really uncertain on the RB though. Why block Ourokitty two days in a row? So unlimited RB, can target same people twice in a row, chooses to use it there. Now there wasn't any real reason to move it I guess. But the odds are not in favor. Doesn't make it impossible.
So you seemed to agree they were a decent lynch.That's an odd question to ask.
Can't say I disagree though.
Why didn't you join us? What made Orb a better wagon? Orb maybe had one more vote from your POV, but that's nothing a little pushing and a vote can't solve.Fuck it, with 10 minutes left, I'd rather have a two horse race the whatever this comfortable shit is.
I doubt Star or Dr Fran would be lying regardless of alignment, they should have no reason to. It's possible that one or the other is ascetic/commuter and doesn't want to claim I guess, but I have a feeling that the virgins are the main kill blocking role in a game this size, which would make a commuter less likely to me.
And I'm sure scum has fake claims, but for posterity's sake, kitty and I are Bowser and Waluigi
I wanted to point this out again because I'm watching Ouro work like Ouro ain't worked yet so far in this game and it makes me want to think maybe we're wrong but... I keep circling back to this. Crimson's catch is really good. Scum flip showed us that they ARE roles, but the rest of us are shipping roles (and man, our ship is terrible, for the record; it's so bad and v. nonsensical indeed). So I'm wondering here if scum picking up a fake claim would flub the wording. We are Bowser and Waluigi instead of shipping them.huh
Scum are lovers, going by the existing flip, town are just shipping them.
I hope everything is okay! xoSorry guys, likely won't get to that Day 2 read anytime soon. Had some family matters pop up that I need to focus on. I might be back later on today to catch up but that's it. Sorry.
Reminded of a certain drink giver; it is possible they were hit by a jailor. Either the giver or recipient.I doubt Star or Dr Fran would be lying regardless of alignment, they should have no reason to. It's possible that one or the other is ascetic/commuter and doesn't want to claim I guess, but I have a feeling that the virgins are the main kill blocking role in a game this size, which would make a commuter less likely to me.
Franconp/Dr. Worm
If you have us as Null, Why did you send the message to us?
You said before that, if we confirmed that we received the message with that phrase, if you thought we were town would use another phrase to make you know to us. So why not target one of your most townie reads?
It's really cool that Ouro is obfuscating now
please mr. magician, pull more magicks out of your hat
If you have us as Null, Why did you send the message to us?
You said before that, if we confirmed that we received the message with that phrase, if you thought we were town would use another phrase to make you know to us. So why not target one of your most townie reads?
from my point of view, I felt null towards CzarSketch (considering Czar was joining next day phase). if we felt good about them the days after, we'd confirm our presence, if we didn't feel good then we wouldn't.
the second pair dr.franconp was because I felt like there was some decent friction between them and the scum pair.
overall goal? to successfully send a note, and perhaps share our thoughts if we think they're okay. and if necessary, confirm that we indeed sent notes as our role entails.
right, I'm the one obfuscating. Go back to your lovers chat and let Natiko come play with the adults, k?
The reads i just put down are new - I literally just went through the entire thread again with the knowledge the FEP/kitsune were scum.
As for when we did it, I'll defer to kitty since he picked you:
So do you believe scum knowingly accepted missing out on a night kill then?I do think that wording thing is a mistake scum could legitimately make if they hadn't read the sample PM carefully (which is a pretty typical gafia scum thing to do).
But I'm also pretty convinced that Ouro is a mailman at this point, and it probably makes more sense for it to be town than scum.
But I was your biggest scum read with Sorian until the flip. You tried to get me lynched pretty hard.
So if the reads are new that mean that when you send me the message I still was your biggest scum read? Or did I make you feel worse since day started?
Also you were OK with Kitty's choice even when we aren't town reads for you? Don't both of you share any townie reads?
After the flip I had to reassess my reads, because clearly I was wrong on FEPsune. kitty proposed you guys, I figured I'd give his reads the benefit of the doubt since my original ones were clearly off. We didn't go for anyone we thought was TOO townie because we didn't want to send a message to someone we thought might get NK'd.
We haven't been using our chat too much, really. Mostly for the night actions, some minor discussion of reads here and there, but we tend to play (usually) at differing times of the day.
CompleteOne question: The message you posted is the one that we should have received? Completly or it is trimmed?
Who in your book qualified as too townie then if the group that got into a huge fight with a scum pair the day they were lynched doesn't?After the flip I had to reassess my reads, because clearly I was wrong on FEPsune. kitty proposed you guys, I figured I'd give his reads the benefit of the doubt since my original ones were clearly off. We didn't go for anyone we thought was TOO townie because we didn't want to send a message to someone we thought might get NK'd.
We haven't been using our chat too much, really. Mostly for the night actions, some minor discussion of reads here and there, but we tend to play (usually) at differing times of the day.
Who in your book qualified as too townie then if the group that got into a huge fight with a scum pair the day they were lynched doesn't?