No lynching also gives you and Sawneeks another chance to hit scum.
With Darryl's flip and this tracker claim, we're already at more PRs than I was expecting and if that tracker claim is real then I'm going to go out on a limb and assume we aren't long for this world.
With Darryl's flip and this tracker claim, we're already at more PRs than I was expecting and if that tracker claim is real then I'm going to go out on a limb and assume we aren't long for this world.
Can't you still block the night kill tho?
Yes but that's only helpful if we get the game down to one scum. We can't report ahead of time who we blocked because then they would just kill with the other team--
It was at this point, I realized why this was a derp answer. Though it still doesn't allow us to clear a town player with our block because of the same issue.
so we should go after someone who hasn't claimed
if you are so sure about us being scum why block Ty4on and Trigger last night?
I was thinking more if you stopped the night kill, you'd effectively be a cop.
The correct play in mylo is always to no lynch because it forces scum to kill off someone and you have less teams to choose from. 4 people with 1 scum left is easier to hide in than 3 people with 1 scum left.
I just don't see a good reason to lynch today without knowing for sure if we are or aren't in mylo so I don't think I'm good with putting a vote on someone. I will say I feel a little better about the odds of there only being two scum boats left now that we've seen Fran's claim. Tracker and roleblocker would be a decent town PR base.There is no downside and I've said as much here and in our chat, it's just I also highly doubt we are in mylo, I don't see a world with 4 scum teams for this game. I already agreed with Sawneeks that if we didn't stop a kill with Ty that I'd vote with her on rac and acohrs if we were still alive.
I was afk since I just got to work an hour ago though so didn't realize we were voting already.
For the record, I'm also highly doubting that there is a neutral here, there's been nothing to indicate one and I don't think there are enough suspicious people left to justify a scum team AND a neutral imo.
Yes, I realized that which is why I derped myself but i mentioned the bolded because we can only red check, we can't green check if they kill us.
I'm not, I'm sure Ty and Trigger or Kark and Xbro is scum but Sawneeks is dead set on you two. I promised if I couldn't prove it on one of them with a block that we'd go for you because at this point I'm screwed on reading you two.
So that's where I'm at. I haven't actually gone very indepth, but it just clicks for me.
Given what you just said why are you pushing a vote if you admit there's some chance we're in mylo? What would be the downside to no lynching today regardless?
I just don't see a good reason to lynch today without knowing for sure if we are or aren't in mylo so I don't think I'm good with putting a vote on someone. I will say I feel a little better about the odds of there only being two scum boats left now that we've seen Fran's claim. Tracker and roleblocker would be a decent town PR base.
That being said... I still strongly suspect one or two scum boats are among the top posters in this thread. I strongly doubt Fran/Worm are scum. Ouro is dead. Muffin was replaced and I don't think ever felt like a true top poster despite what the numbers would say. Monkey only came in part way and replaced an inactive slot. That leaves Ty, you, Sophia, and Crimson. I find it doubtful my vote will land on anyone but Sophia/Crimson until they're dead. I still think they are the most likely pair to have bussed kit. I still think they established themselves early and have been coasting since then. They went for the easy lynch yesterday too. As far as candidates outside of the top posters my money would still be on Kark.
Hmm.. that's some hardcore doubt regarding this game not being in Mylo then.
For what it's worth, I liked Sawneeks's post on Rac and Acohrs.
ok so you block ty and trigger from getting a nk
how does that clear achors and i
Given the pair structure of this game I don't think we're going to get forcibly turboed by scum regardless. Very unlikely four town votes get placed on one person and then all of the scum team shows up simultaneously. I personally just think no lynch is the right move to be on the safe side.Since you are on this topic for a second what are your thoughts on Crimson/Sophia's votes for Days 1 and 2? You may have already given then but I don't remember. :x
I feel somewhat confident on them and that we're at a 3-boat Scum Team but if people want me to remove the vote for now I will.
I've never actually No Lynched this late in a game but Sorian and I discussed it a bit and we aren't totally against it. I do worry that not having a vote record other than a No Lynch wouldn't help find Scum but I get the logic in forcing Scum to narrow down the list and trying to read it from that. I personally would rather try and lynch scum though...
Also to your Acohrs' meta read I will agree he is playing more aloof than he usually does but at this late in the game I don't know if that's enough for me to say Town.
I feel like you've explained this to me before but how do you read their votes as a bus? I still have issues with them but it's one I'm less certain of.
It doesn't but it damns whoever was blocked and now I don't care about you until the next day phase at earliest.
But Crimson and Sophia are the interesting one to me. They come in and vote in the middle of the phase, present no outward argument, and when pushed to justify it mainly reference private posts. Neither of them really pushed the lynch. They weren't laying out an argument as to why people should vote with them. Sure kit gets lynched ultimately but say nin votes with Darryl - kit may have avoided being lynched. Say Ty doesn't argue for the lynch and convince Trigger - kit may have avoided being lynched. That's why it feels like a bus to me. They didn't do anything to drive the lynch and were passive through most of that phase, almost as if they were hoping town would potentially swing the vote away from kit.
Something about Kitsune's read on Fran/Dr. Worm feels off and I can't quite place my finger on it. Like there's a lot of fluff and weasel words in an attempt to make the read seem bigger than it actually is. The biggest example being right here:
Cut out the bullshit and get to the point. There's no reason to fill your reads with stuff like this unless you're trying to lead others on.
I mean if he thinks you're scum, then that's the logical accusation. It's kind of the Mafia's goal to twist and lie about stuff... : \
I mean, I was kinda sorta directly involved with the conversation you make here...
... and I have no idea what you're talking about with the bolded. Neither of which were implied when we had this conversation on Day 1. In the first case in particular, he's basically saying "Why is that a town tell?"
A lot of times I notice these "duels" just turn into word salad with a side of fallacies. It makes it difficult to follow a bit. Darryl vs Fat/Sorian for example just left me scratching my head and looking for the little details, so I ended up kind of feeling meh about both pairs. I got a similar feel with kitsunelaine's read of Fran/Dr.Worm. A whole lot of fluffy words, not a whole lot of getting to the point. *shrugs*
If you're referring to the Kitsune lynch, almost all of this is untrue.
1) We voted near the end of the day phase. Dates show August 10th for both of our votes, same day the lynch
2) I was actively engaging Kitsunelaine throughout part of Day 2.
3) Yeah *I* did reference private conversations a little bit. Not so much Crimson tho. I've also put that info out there on the table as I'm not busy now.
Voting with my partner for now.
Vote: Kitsunelaine
I really want to know why people want to vote fep/kitsune over Dr Fran.
Cuz I have a scum read of Kitsune, and a slight town read of Fran.![]()
Well that's definitive proof if I've ever seen it
Well I didn't say it was definite proof! You asked why, so I told you why...
You told me the end result of your "why"
So I've got to get going but I want to get my final thoughts out.
I still don't see the Scum Reads on Muffin, call it a gut read if you will but I'm not feeling their lynch. Especially with this little back-and-forth with Darryl it feels like Muffin is genuinely frustrated and exasperated with how it's going and how Darryl isn't budging. I'm fine with Ouro/Kit/Darryl getting the axe if it comes to it and it's why I voted for Ouro to get a choice going to see where others fell into place ( call it the Sorian method if you will ) but I wouldn't mind any of those 3. I'm also rather indifferent on Dr. Fran; I'm going with Sorian's lead on this one and would much rather see Ouro/Kit/Darryl go first.
As a side note this is roughly the second time this Day Phase I've seen Sophia only give partial answers and have to be prodded to give more. Why are you holding your thoughts back, Sophia?
Wait, what? That wasn't a partial answer...;
He asked "Why are people voting Fep/Kitsune over Fran/Worm?" and I gave him an answer! Not my fault Ouro can't be assed to properly ask any follow up questions. : |
I assumed you understood what the word "why" meant.
But fine, I'll spell it out:
"Why do you have a slight town read on Dr Fran and why do you have a slight scum read on Fepsune?"
Let me put it this way, trying to get your full thoughts/opinions on things is like trying to pull teeth. You'll give just enough to somewhat answer the question but won't go into detail with the rest of your thoughts and just aren't putting yourself out there.
My question is why.
Much better! You're learning how to ask follow up questions!
I haven't really seen anything that shouts out "major scum" on Fran's part, and his behavior is familiar with what I know of town!Fran from previous games. Dr. Worm likewise hasn't done much to trip my radar after he stopped his early shit posting. As for Kitsunelaine, I really didn't like her earlier read on Fran/Dr Worm, as I noted at the time. I have less of a read on FEP, but my partner felt confident voting there, so I'm voting with my partner. There's also the fact that Kitsune was very defensive on Day 1, which kind of comes tom ind too.
You know, answering the question correctly in the first place would save you and your teammate a lot of shade-throwing.
At any rate, gonna try and make sense of the Darryl/Muffin spat.
asks why I thought rac was defeatist
Yesterday with a town boat easily the front runner for being lynched why would scum rac/acohrs push for a Sorian lynch and ignore the momentum on Star entirely? If your answer is because of Sorian's PR why do scum not kill Sorian last night then if it was such a concern?I just didn't feel like his posts were very motivated. Like you said, he throws out some things but doesn't really follow up on them. And like here, he just seems disengaged (how can silencer and roleblock claims not give info?). Way more concerned about the OK lynch in terms of PRs than probably is merited. I don't read that behavior as particularly scummy but I find it worth noting since racohrs doesn't have a huge presence in general.
Yesterday with a town boat easily the front runner for being lynched why would scum rac/acohrs push for a Sorian lynch and ignore the momentum on Star entirely? If your answer is because of Sorian's PR why do scum not kill Sorian last night then if it was such a concern?
They don't need to stick their necks out to setup a lynch on you. They can just not night kill you and we'd likely lynch you anyways if we're sure we're in lylo. Taking out Darryl also doesn't add up if their goal was to setup a lynch on you. If scum did want to push a lynch on you then isn't it more likely they would have sent rac/acohrs out with..I don't know..something even remotely resembling a reason for why we should lynch you? For a supposed push by scum it was very weak and lacking any sort of cohesion or sense.Setting up future lynches, getting town to take care of a big threat instead of using a NK to do it, especially if they already knew they wanted to kill Darryl/nin instead. There's a lot of "by the books" reasons why scum would just let town devour an easy lynch like that while staying off to the side.
They don't need to stick their necks out to setup a lynch on you. They can just not night kill you and we'd likely lynch you anyways if we're sure we're in lylo. Taking out Darryl also doesn't add up if their goal was to setup a lynch on you. If scum did want to push a lynch on you then isn't it more likely they would have sent rac/acohrs out with..I don't know..something even remotely resembling a reason for why we should lynch you? For a supposed push by scum it was very weak and lacking any sort of cohesion or sense.
Given the pair structure of this game I don't think we're going to get forcibly turboed by scum regardless. Very unlikely four town votes get placed on one person and then all of the scum team shows up simultaneously. I personally just think no lynch is the right move to be on the safe side.
By process of elimination. I doubted nin was bussing as he easily could've pushed the lynch away from kit but didn't even at the annoyance to his partner. We now know he was town. I highly doubt Fran is scum. I still doubt that you're scum - just seems like a very unnecessary claim as scum. I will say today has made me a bit less sure, but not enough to change my mind. That leaves Ty/Trigger, Crimson/Sophia, and Xbro. Ty's vote was the first one and he had been pushing kit even the day before. That's one really early and committed bus. Xbro came in last and I could see being a scum vote, and as I said as far as lower activity boats go this would be my pick for scum.
But Crimson and Sophia are the interesting one to me. They come in and vote in the middle of the phase, present no outward argument, and when pushed to justify it mainly reference private posts. Neither of them really pushed the lynch. They weren't laying out an argument as to why people should vote with them. Sure kit gets lynched ultimately but say nin votes with Darryl - kit may have avoided being lynched. Say Ty doesn't argue for the lynch and convince Trigger - kit may have avoided being lynched. That's why it feels like a bus to me. They didn't do anything to drive the lynch and were passive through most of that phase, almost as if they were hoping town would potentially swing the vote away from kit.
2) Ah yes, a whole four posts in which you don't even say too much outside of maybe the first one. Then instead of trying to really sway anyone as to why kitsune was scum and should be lynched we get the following exchange when you vote several pages after your four previous posts:
You went out of your way to avoid having to address the topic and then as soon as you did you shifted away from the discussion again. Boy, it really does seem like they were your top scum read and the lynch you wanted to happen. Or am I just saying more things that are supposedly not true?
3) You're a pair. The private conversations referenced by you are some of the only indication we have as to why Crimson voted on kit. I get that he was busy at day end, but there's not exactly much progression to be found on his part. It just happens and then you sort of explain it away later (and in the case of the 'full info' you put out way, way later).
2) I was actively engaging Kitsunelaine throughout part of Day 2.
They don't need to stick their necks out to setup a lynch on you. They can just not night kill you and we'd likely lynch you anyways if we're sure we're in lylo. Taking out Darryl also doesn't add up if their goal was to setup a lynch on you. If scum did want to push a lynch on you then isn't it more likely they would have sent rac/acohrs out with..I don't know..something even remotely resembling a reason for why we should lynch you? For a supposed push by scum it was very weak and lacking any sort of cohesion or sense.
The way Kark corrects him reads like he's shushing him. He is being very clear it is day and night instead of just casually mentioning they're blocked for night too.
It's also possible they just decided it was better to stay out of the whole lynch entirely to not attract attention should it reflect poorly and instead sit nicely on someone who can easily be mislynched if they just leave them alive: Sorian and I.
I'll try this and see where it goes:
vote: rac/highlight]
VOTE: rac/highlight]
lol why not
looking at their posts quickly, I can see why you're heading here. Also as nonentity as I am, I don't want to help scum vote for town, so:
vote: rac/highlight]
couldnt i just vote absolutbro and then bring up the fact that you are still alive anyways
I'm confused what you mean. You were never in danger of being lynched, aren't these all the last minute votes that stuck for all of 2 minutes with like 5 minutes left in the day?
just thinking how exactly we decided to not attract attention
She's insinuating that you were trying not to, you can fail things that you try to do.
so my reason for voting for town roleblocker is to not attract attention, how did that fail
Muffin/Sam's ignoring of Kits/FEP strikes me as Scum not knowing how to react to their partner and therefore just ignoring them or giving only half-reads. Their insistence on Darryl at the End of Day 2 reads to me as Scum not knowing how to save their partner and just staying out of it entirely which lines up with them just ignoring Kits/FEP despite them being a hot topic on Day 1 and Day 2. There was someone who said something along the lines of the Kit lynch 'feeling too easy' and this may be the reason for that? Their frustration towards Darryl is something I feel is rather NAI after thinking on it as I've seen both Scum and Town give that kind of reaction before when arguing with someone who they feel is using 'faulty' logic. Since entering the game, Rac and Acohrs have done a whole lot of nothing. From ignoring questions, deflecting questions, and hardly giving any elaboration they haven't really given any thoughts or comments to anything going on other than Sorian and Myself. When they do read others it's either a non-read on Nomad, slight shade on Monkey that goes nowhere, or promises of future reads that just also go nowhere. Nothing I have seen from either pair is pushing me towards a Town Read of them.
Vote count
I think it's just Saw and I voting on rac.
I'm trying to read into it. For a townie Xbro's mistake is small and almost meaningless, but for a scum it's a big deal to get that part right. That's what I meant by it, you seemed really set on correcting him as if it was important....? I'm not even sure what you're saying anymore. Calling it "shushing", or that it "wasn't a casual mention" is kind of inventing stuff that was never said, and ignoring context.
The context is, we came off of a D1 and N1 where we stuck to the chat a lot, not expecting something like a silencer. There was no prep on our part to deal with something like a silencer, so the chat closed and we were caught off guard. Not helping matters is that Xbro and I play pretty damn differently.
So I dunno, is it really that crazy that it got awkward and the left hand didn't know what the right was doing? I got some idea about protecting the PR, Xbro thought he'd just keep quiet. It's pretty clear we tripped over each other, which I'm sure I'll get made fun of for it at the end, along with Xbro's 'purity'.
Xbro and I were literally in the middle of collectively gathering our thoughts about the silencing, without the benefit of the private chat. It's kind of irrelevant that you didn't find it casual enough. Not having a chat in this game, all of a sudden, is harder than it seems.
So if I had to make an obligatory return fire here, I'd say that I've already noted some disingenuous behavior from you in this game, and this is some low hanging fruit for you to retrofit a narrative onto.
Isn't it possible, especially knowing that you survived the night, that scum can circumvent your block?I'm confused what the mylo and the block conversation have to do with each other at this point? I'd obviously like a smaller pool to block from where possible which is why I'm not up for an early mylo than necessary.
It doesn't but it damns whoever was blocked and now I don't care about you until the next day phase at earliest.
I dunno.Since you are on this topic for a second what are your thoughts on Crimson/Sophia's votes for Days 1 and 2? You may have already given then but I don't remember. :x
I want your roleclaim like right now
My attention span is shittier then the usual so c'mon get with it
Isn't it possible, especially knowing that you survived the night, that scum can circumvent your block?
Otherwise I don't see why they spare you. A switcher messing with their NKs is one PR too many.
Vote count
I have less trouble believing that Sorian is scum more then anything else
Enough trouble to lynch him for it? Who is your top scum right now?