Can't post any pictures at the moment but is Cassandra at her maximum earn at the moment? If so, the weed side mission cannot be done.
Fwiw, the car upgrades you buy only apply to lincoln's car. Visually, at least. Sure couldn't feel a difference with any of the others.
Well that ending was prettyweakEspecially considering how memorable Mafia 1 & 2's were. Also after hours and hours of build up with pretty much nothing interesting going on story-wise I really hoped the final stretch of the game would have been less predictable. The JFK stuff was such a weird note to end it on.
Decent game, but probably my least favorite of the series. I do hope Hangar 13 gets another shot at the franchise. Maybe building all the tech for the game meant they didn't have the time and money to create more unique and varied content.
Just finished the game on X1. I really enjoyed it, probably crashed on me at least 10 times though.
At the endI chose to "take the throne" and "rule together" when I got to see my underbosses. Overall I put 20-30 hours into it, I wasn't going to just walk away!
Awwwww, well that kinda sucks for you though. That's the one that doesn't let you go back and see the others. Do you have a cloud save?
How do I know that?
I didn't get anything extra for playing it on hard with no aim assist, just a warning to anyone out there starting it for the first time. Don't be a hero, you won't miss anything by playing on a lower difficulty lol
From Burke's car delivery associate, its the second car starting from the top.
Burke delivery. I believe it needs to be unlocked through a certain story mission
They went completely overboard with the wiretapping (Ubisoft towers) in this game. One per district would have been enough.
Don't even bother with wiretapping. One of the associates has a perk that allows you to see all the enemies in the X-ray vision mode and on the minimap without actually having spotted them. I forget who it was though. UNLESS you're going for all the collectibles, in which case, uh, good luck with that.
Uh, you know there areright? Go do it again.three endings
It was nice to finally have the ending of Mafia II explained when you finish Vito's side missions.
Why do I have to go and meet Donovan everytime? One of the first things he gives me is a radio, for fucks sake.
I wish Donovan would just randomly radio in every once in a while for some banter or something, that guy is a legend.
It was nice to finally have the ending of Mafia II explained when you finish Vito's side missions.
The underboss mechanic doesn't makes no logical sense. Cassandra is already in charge of both rackets in the district so I just give the district to her at the next sit down.
Then Vito turns on me even though I gave him control of the district at the last sit down. How the fuck is this supposed to work?
Awwwww, well that kinda sucks for you though. That's the one that doesn't let you go back and see the others. Do you have a cloud save?
The first one, when he mentions the councilman killed a friend of his
You collect them for the articles!The collectibles have no value but I'm really enjoying the Playboy magazines. Don't judge me! I am but a simple man
There are some great interviews scanned in as well such as with Stanley Kubrick, I never realised Playboy did such extensive interviews
There really needs to be more types of missions besides go here and kill this guy. There was so much potential for this setting and location. The music and loading screens take the cake so far.
I love how brutal the game can be when you shoot someone right in the kisser. The facial animations are 'amazing' as well when you do this.
Wonder why the blood which shoots out from their heads fades like mist rather than spatter the ground around/behind them. That's a lot of blood which just disappears.
Those are the most redundant spoiler tags ever.
Thanks for ruining it. You should have tagged from "when" onwards.
Wonder why the blood which shoots out from their heads fades like mist rather than spatter the ground around/behind them. That's a lot of blood which just disappears.
So is anyone of you using the playstation gold wireless headset for this game. And if so, what preset are you using?
Wonder why the blood which shoots out from their heads fades like mist rather than spatter the ground around/behind them. That's a lot of blood which just disappears.
The collectibles have no value but I'm really enjoying the Playboy magazines. Don't judge me! I am but a simple man
There are some great interviews scanned in as well such as with Stanley Kubrick, I never realised Playboy did such extensive interviews
Question: Where do I get those cars from the pre-order DLC that came with the game? I have the weapons, not the cars.
They should show up in the car delivery have to get to a certain point in the game before that service becomes available to you though. You select it from the radial menu like you do for the weapon truck and then choose the car you want delivered. The Berkeley Stallion is freaking awesome
I'm gonna play the hell out of the racing when they patch it in. The driving in this game is funner than all the other games of its like by miles.