So I am enjoying my time with the game so far, but I feel like I'm not understanding something about when you are taking over a racket and needing to do 'damage' to bring out the boss.
I inevitably hit the damage threshold to bring out the boss after just a couple of objectives. Being a semi-completionist - I keep going through the other optional objectives. However, I'm wondering if this is actually doing anything additional for me?
Is there _any_ benefit to continuing to complete the objectives for damage _after_ you have done enough damage to lure out the boss?
Not unless you can get some money from the other objectives or you want to make sure the lieutenants are taken out and can't backup their racket boss.
Perfect. That's what I suspected, but didn't want to miss out on something - or be limiting my overall 'earn' once I had taken over the racket by not disrupting other areas.
Seems like the best course of action is to take out the lieutenants, and one of the larger money operations - then just move on. Some of the objectives are really repetitive, which is what finally got me to ask. On the other hand though, does seem like this will make the story move along quicker. I've put in several hours, but only now working with Burke because I've been focusing on completing every optional objective.
Thanks for confirming!
At theThis game seems... shitty. Everything just feels kind of sloppy and janky. My boat pancakes on a bunch of invisible walls, for example. The atmosphere, story, and such seem great, but I'm not sure how much game I can tolerate to get to it.boat chase following the reserve heist now
No problem. You can also help your earn by going after the informants and sparing them. They add money once you take over the racket.
You basically haven't even started the game yet at that point. Once you get through that and the world opens up, you'll find it to be one of the better controlling open world games. That being said, the latest PS4 patch has me convinced they either slowed the camera around Lincoln, or just made him feel heavier. It's not making feel as perfect as it was before.
Glad the patch addressed the crazy sky and crashing, my 2 biggest issues. Much more stable and consistent experience now.
Just finished it. After a while, probably several hours, I got into the rhythm of the missions, got my sick hot rod and a shotgun, and just played for little bursts at a time.
My enjoyment increased sevenfold. Not giving its flaws a free pass by any means, but damn this games story, writing, voice acting and characters are incredible.
And holy shit that credits scene. I'm now looking forward to the dlc and a sequel, which I was not expecting.
It was definitely early impressions. That said, even after finishing the first three parts of the city, they haven't changed too much. Everything still has a b-studio feel to it. In particular, the vehicles are absolutely loathsome to drive. It reminds me of GTA4 where anytime you had a driving mission or saw an objective far away, you let out a groan. I tried to hit a witness after stealing a car and the car took damage and the witness just slid along in front of it, completely unharmed. Woof.
It looks extremely crisp with the latest update.Any Pro impressions? How does it look and run?
How's the game running on PS4? I picked it up on launch day but decided to wait until a few patches were released to start playing. Would you guys and gals say it's safe to go?
I think the performance was fine on console at launch? The most significant technical complaints were on PC, most of the other complaints (repetitive design, poor AI, etc) weren't problems that will be fixed with patches. What made you stop playing on PS4 to wait for patches?
So uh... about the new clothes, I just tried one and thought it was a good excuse to do the side missions, and here's what happened :
The game showed the new clothes during the cutscenes. That would be normal for any open world game, but I thought Mafia 3 cutscenes were in-engine but pre-rendered ? Even the Digital Foundry told it. Did they change that with the new ps4 patch ?
Some of the cutscenes in the game are pre-rendered, other, smaller scenes for sidequests and the like use the regular in-game model and overall look less impressive. The latter would show your customized clothing.
Did you switch the driving mode to simulation? It's way better.
Finished the game last night.
End Game Spoilers Question:
How will they inject the season pass content into the story line if you've already beaten the game and chose to Leave Town or Rule Alone? I know you can continue to play after finishing the game, but it really won't make sense from a plot standpoint if you didn't choose to Rule Together.
The game as a whole was a bit monotonous after a while, but I enjoyed it for what it was. The soundtrack was top notch, driving was superb, and shooting was fantastic. The story really made this game and made up for the rest of its short comings.
So uh... about the new clothes, I just tried one and thought it was a good excuse to do the side missions, and here's what happened :
The game showed the new clothes during the cutscenes. That would be normal for any open world game, but I thought Mafia 3 cutscenes were in-engine but pre-rendered ? Even the Digital Foundry told it. Did they change that with the new ps4 patch ?
They could work around that by making ita flashback. Technically the entire game is a flashback, so the basic premise is already there.
You're going to do the same thing over and over again till the end, for every district. The only solution is playing little by little and try different approaches.
How many districts are there? I just took the first one, so I assume I'm pretty far off..
The combat feels so good in this. I justso I guess I have long ways to go. I just follow the objectives and actually have no idea what all this district and racket stuff means. Will it be important sometime? Because I feel it has zero effect on my playthrough so far.freed Vito
Do I have to wiretap in order to beat the game?
It seems like a tedious way of making you explore the map
Am I missing out on much if I skip it?
I don't care for collectibles in game, but if you told me just to do enough to make the game easier, I'd be willing to do it
Mafia 3 has PS4 Pro support right ?
Is the patch out and what does it do ?