Violater said:All I can say is fuck this game.
How the fuck is my bullet going in a direction different from the cursor it makes no sense whatsoever. I could understand if the gun was recoiling and I had to compensate but they seem to just burst out the chamber in "random" directions.
/drunken meltdown
GodofWine said:Down the sights, I can hit what Im aiming at...Im sorry, what exactly do you people want?
J-Rzez said:I don't understand how they "noobified" the game if they made weapon spray patterns wilder. The weapons in this game, while not nearly as accurate as other games, was still a little forgiving at times. If they made it so you have to place your shots even better, than that's fine with me. Of course Sniper's shouldn't have to deal with a "spray" problem, it only makes sense.
patsu said:I saw a shotgun dude running into a group of Raven and owning them last night. The damage seems fine. He approached most of them from behind though.
patsu said:I saw a shotgun dude running into a group of Raven and owning them last night. The damage seems fine. He approached most of them from behind though.
GodofWine said:I still don't get the complaining from damn near 100m the AR is putting bullets within 3-4 bullets width of eachother down the iron sights, and within 1-2 feet of eachother from the hip.
Down the sights, I can hit what Im aiming at...Im sorry, what exactly do you people want?
weekend_warrior said:LMG= Light Machine Gun (Valors MK46, Svers RTK-74)
anyone? or could it be that my bluetooth headset was faulty?faridmon said:was playing this for a long time yesterday. is it normal for everyone with headset to ignore you when you are talking all the time?
the best ones were the Germans and they couldn't speak English.
faridmon said:anyone? or could it be that my bluetooth headset was faulty?
Lince said:bullets are random with or without reflex sights, there's another video showing the same randomization algorithm shooting an assault rifle down the iron sights (no reflex), I don't need no videos anyway, I tested the patch for hours myself, then I just put the game on the shelf and will never come back to it unless it's fixed, what a way of lying to your userbase, 5 months of beta/retail game and all of sudden *boom* forget about aiming! everything is random! enjoy your run and gun!
I'm not buying DLC or anything Zipper related anymore, can't trust these guys they might put a good game you like and ruin it with a silly and embarrassing "fix" any day when you're already hooked, what a fucking disgrace. Snipers, are you happy now?
Lince said:bullets are random with or without reflex sights, there's another video showing the same randomization algorithm shooting an assault rifle down the iron sights (no reflex), I don't need no videos anyway, I tested the patch for hours myself, then I just put the game on the shelf and will never come back to it unless it's fixed, what a way of lying to your userbase, 5 months of beta/retail game and all of sudden *boom* forget about aiming! everything is random! enjoy your run and gun!
I'm not buying DLC or anything Zipper related anymore, can't trust these guys they might put a good game you like and ruin it with a silly and embarrassing "fix" any day when you're already hooked, what a fucking disgrace. Snipers, are you happy now?
Lince said:in a videogame, firing a single shot while not moving and aiming down sights should always be at least 99% accurate, not a random bullet, damage and recoil values after firing the shot are a different question, case in point. Enjoy your MAG lottery, I'm just saying I prefer having fun with other games than suffer frustration from this silly patch, I still can get 60+ kills per domination match easily but I just don't feel the game anymore, I have high standards when it comes to online shooters.
weekend_warrior said:You know, I didn't understand what the bitching was about either, then I put a reflex sight on my Sver AR and the weird bullet swerving started to happen. I'll be taking that off and opting for the 4x sight again. I guess I didn't notice the difference since I haven't used a reflex sight on an AR since the game first came out.
PedroLumpy said:Doesn't it seem a little goofy to you that putting a different sight on a gun all of the sudden makes a bullet go straight?
Lince said:in a videogame, firing a single shot while not moving and aiming down sights should always be at least 99% accurate, not a random bullet, damage and recoil values after firing the shot are a different question, case in point. Enjoy your MAG lottery, I'm just saying I prefer having fun with other games than suffer frustration from this silly patch, I still can get 60+ kills per domination match easily but I just don't feel the game anymore, I have high standards when it comes to online shooters.
SolidusDave said:btw. wasn't the AR actually buffed according to the patch notes?
jorma said:idk i do about the same with the AR as i did before the patch. But i'm getting sniped a lot more often than ever before, so it seems obvious this patch helped snipers if nothing else.
For all the talk about snipers shutting down entire paths to an object, i never really experienced it in MAG before the patch.
Billen said:1. Exit Penalty - If you have played for more than 5 minutes and exit the game, no matter what method you use, you lose some XP. Yes I know this is hard and stupid if you lose you connection etc, but finalizing a game with 3 players in my squad just because it doesn't look like we are about to end the match in a landslide win makes people stop playing this game.
Billen said:2. SL/FRAGO information - Loading screens for the old guys and a new part of the tutorial for new players that show people the benefits of staying close to their Squad Leader, and how much more XP they earn by following FRAGO:s. Playing with randoms (yes, I know) that run around like fireflies on LSD makes me pissed off and will turn people over to playing BC2 instead.
Billen said:3. Squad balance: Limit the amount of snipers per squad to 1. Possibly limit the amount of LMG:s to 2. This is of course impossible to implement because it would force would be snipers/LMG gunners to running around with the lousiest assault rifle. But hey, a man can dream right? Something to think about for MAG 2.
roxya said:1: Stupid because losing connection isn't our fault, in fact it is a Zipper issue. Zipper penalising us for their own problems? Why ignore the leaving method?
2: I think we can all agree that the in-game training is sub-par. I used to get annoyed at squad leaders not setting FRAGO, so I've been leading squads myself. Guess what? Nobody even follows it when you set it! The worst case is in Domination attack. If you leave it on the burnoff tower, people at least go for it. But change it to a bunker and people not only ignore the bunker, but stop going to the tower! It's just a full platoon of headless chickens! Oh, how I love Raven.
3: Additionally, it would seem that many players -- some seemingly with experience playing the game, who believe they can do better at leading -- don't realise that I can't call in strikes while AAA is up / our mortar is down. Being asked to change FRAGO when sensor jammed is also a common request. And by request I mean people tell me I'm doing a bad job, even though I just said "I can't set FRAGO yet but please go for the far left bunker".
4: Squads might be more 'balanced', but who would want to play?
Chrange said:Yeah, that's it for me and MAG. It was fun sometimes, but not near enough to put up with the shortcomings. Hopefully they fix all that for a sequel and come up with a better solution for long range LMG sniping than randomizing all the bullet locations :lol
Billen said:1. Because people would just disconnect from the net instead etc. I believe that losing connection is a minor issue. Maybe set -XP if you exit and instead have some form of disgrace tag set to your name if you kept disconnecting would work better. Note the "believe" part.
Billen said:2. People would perhaps follow the orders more carefully if they really understood what they had to gain from doing so?
3. This is also something that information between levels/in a tutorial could help to sort out.
Billen said:4. Well, as it stands now lots off people will stop playing once other games (BC2 for example) are out since they are getting tired of the sniping/LMG game right now. Combined with the fact that the average player has no idea how the game works many good players are getting really pissed off.
jonnybryce said:Same here. Ultimately, definitely disappointing but I guess it was fun to experience such huge maps and amounts of people at war at once. It feels incomplete though, there's just not enough fun here.
krioto said:I'm not sure what all the crying is about - I hardly noticed any difference. It's just great to not be sniped by the LMG anymore. Suck it up ladies and get back in there.![]()
Kogepan said:yup, feels more realistic. Now we get people complaining about the LACK of accuracy. HAHAHAH
MrPliskin said:Then GTFO and stop talking. Christ, we get it. Stop your swan song, no one is going to miss you. Move on and stop irritating us with this shit.
BruceLeeRoy said:Man I really don't get all the complaining. Everything just feels tighter since the patch and more balanced out.
Lince said:I guess it's me, everyone else seems fine with the random algorithm, heck, maybe it's my play-style. Sorry for the thread derailments, great game anyway, I got almost 4 months of pure joy with it.
Are you getting BFBC2?Lince said:realistic or not I still believe a well aimed single-shot should be 99% accurate, but maybe I'm just being dumb asking for that fair accuracy (not asking for MW2 laser weapons, just single-shot accuracy while not moving). Re-reading my posts I look a bit silly as if someone would fix it just by reading those, I guess I just had to vent.
I'm sorry if I hurt some feelings here or made myself look like a troll, it wasn't my intention, I explained my reasoning and somehow we're not agreeing anymore, I'll just move on. Peace guys. See you around in other games/threads hope you don't hate me, sometimes the Spanish passion isn't a virtue but a defect.
BruceLeeRoy said:Man I really don't get all the complaining. Everything just feels tighter since the patch and more balanced out.
Couldn't get into thde demo either but I liked how the shooting felt in that game so I will give it a fair chance as well. I also told myself I would not be getting games day one anymore but that $20 back deal amazon is offering is too good to pass it up.commish said:BFBC2 tomorrow! I actually like Mag better, going by the demo, but I'm gonna give BC2 a fair shot.
thaOwner said:Couldn't get into thde demo either but I liked how the shooting felt in that game so I will give it a fair chance as well. I also told myself I would not be getting games day one anymore but that $20 back deal amazon is offering is too good to pass it up.
Concept17 said:Agreed. I think its more that so many people got used to easy mode that they don't want to have to actually try.
BruceLeeRoy said:I know this doesn't apply to you Lince since I have played online shooters with you before and I know this isn't your style.
BruceLeeRoy said:I know this doesn't apply to you Lince since I have played online shooters with you before and I know this isn't your style but a lot of the complaints seem to be coming from people that weren't very good at the game so they were relying heavily on a certain exploit or equipment imbalance to get their kills. I have used the LMG and Shotgun combo since day one and I absolutely murder with both of them. Post patch I still can murder with both of them I just have to use them the way they always should have been utilized.
BruceLeeRoy said:All I know is that since the patch even when we play against SVER and lose I now feel it was because they were the better team and not because we were fighting a impossible battle the whole time
PedroLumpy said:Woah hey now no, don't be throwing that around, no one has said that all of the sudden we suck now with these guns. We all still manage to kill people with the new weapons, as everyone got nerfed after all. It's just not fun anymore. There changes don't make it so you have to take controlled bursts, or stop moving, or go prone etc etc. It just makes it so that after a certain range, you cannot fight someone, no matter how carefully you shoot. That's lame, in a game with no auto aim, zomg hardcore etc etc etc. Now I may be good enough to aim for heads, but it just doesn't matter cause the bullets won't go there.