I vote for anything but Valor.
Rahxephon91 said:If everyone is going to Raven. I guess I'd be up for starting over on Raven's side.
Rahxephon91 said:I'm only about level 26 in Valor. Does the trophy unlock anything or is it just a regular old trophy. It its the latter, I'm not that concerned.
Violater said:I'll be on tonight after work around 6:EST
Violater said:Good that's at least 3, we need 2 more in case we have to vote kick a useless squad leader :lol
Lince said:guys, guys... it's Raven, definitely Raven. I'm pretty confident we don't have many active players on Valor and those playing for SVER sure they want in for a real challenge don't you? Click suggested going back to SVER though, the easy-mode bastardmaybe we can convince him and J-Rzez if we all go Raven.
Lince said:regular trophy (gold), but if you decide to go Veteran after getting the trophy there's a small XP bonus for every match you play (10%). It's up to you, don't do anything stupid until we reach a consensus here though. We know the GAF ways, 250 people show up initially and then we end up like 4-5 guys playing the actual game :lol
Can't speak for the ARs, but SMG is vastly improved, accurate pretty much to sniping range. Haven't noticed any problems hitting targets on the move either. It took me a long time to get the 1000 SMG kills pre-patch, but I've had 250+ with it in the last 2 days.Click said:I still have to test out the assault rifles and SMGs. Wonder if you can still strafe with them...
KZObsessed said:I'll try and play this weekend. Got to level 60 with SVER and Valor, I want to do the same with Raven.
Lince said:nice, I'm level 54 with Raven, just 6 more to complete the tour of duty with every PMC. The most fun was with you guys at SVER (full squads of 8 players), then with you, Violater, Click and a couple more playing for Valor... and now just Rick & Violater in Raven![]()
come on guys, Raven GAF assemble tonight!
I'd like to play with you guys, but I really don't want to go back to Lvl 1 today.Violater said:Put your headset on the charger, I will be home in about an hour![]()
TelemachusD said:I'd like to play with you guys, but I really don't want to go back to Lvl 1 today.
Click said:Not sure if anyone's noticed, but when you move around / strafe with the LMGs now (again, especially in close range), you fire "blanks." You're shooting but it seems like no bullets are coming out and hitting your target, no matter how good your aim is. Basically, Zipper made LMGs stationary guns, the way they were meant to be. But instead of adding recoil, they made LMGs shoot blanks.
Violater said:Put your headset on the charger, I will be home in about an hour![]()
Lince said:I knew something was weird but I blamed Japanese / American servers, now I have to try this, fricking Zipper... and yes SMGs own left and right now, specially SVER, gotta try the P90 myself.
TelemachusD said:Can't speak for the ARs, but SMG is vastly improved, accurate pretty much to sniping range. Haven't noticed any problems hitting targets on the move either. It took me a long time to get the 1000 SMG kills pre-patch, but I've had 250+ with it in the last 2 days.
TelemachusD said:I'll see if Prez wants to switch tonight, but it seems some people (Click and J-Rzez) are still wanting to go back to SVER. If I could get confirmation that everybody is happy going to Raven I'd be a bit more likely to change.
Lince said:now that the numbers are so low I believe our international Raven squad of Spanish passion, British arrogance and American monster trucks can make a difference in at least some games.
Violater said:57-8 :lol strafing run heaven
The road block went down and we proceeded to take down all the mortars. Valor fell like a house of cards.
weekend_warrior said:All in all this patch is just like the last ones. Pretty much worthless.
Lince said:exactly, they shouldn't have messed with the weapons in the first place, we had a long beta for that, it was a mistake to listen to the casual gamers that play for a couple of weeks and then leave never looking back. The sad part is once 1.03 was released not only casual gamers left after two weeks... a pretty naive mistake by Zipper, they should always stick to their vision, basically letting a forum (be it GAF or the PSN forums) patch your game is just childish.
Before, defenders would get very spread out and two or three guys could sneak in and hold the letter until backup arrived; SVER can lose on that map really quickly now if they still play this way. If you're defending it properly (most of the squad at or very close to the objective), it becomes much harder. I think C has definitely become easier to attack though.Click said:...they actually made SVER Sabo. harder to attack for some stupid reason
Click said:However, I did enjoy the time before all the nerfs started happening. Even though the LMGs were extremely overpowered, at least skill mattered more back then. Oh well, at least Zipper fixed the random bullet spread with this patch... at least it seems like they did.
TelemachusD said:Before, defenders would get very spread out and two or three guys could sneak in and hold the letter until backup arrived; SVER can lose on that map really quickly now if they still play this way. If you're defending it properly (most of the squad at or very close to the objective), it becomes much harder. I think C has definitely become easier to attack though.
Lince said:that shows how insecure they are about gaming design, I mean changing the shooting mechanics (for the worse) that early in the game's life and then backpedaling after some weeks? that's just the recipe of failure, changing your game back and forth instead of letting your user base learn and adapt to it... that's the problem here, the only thing the game needed as Click says was better ARs (with extended mags and lower CC cost) to counter LMG users, I was using an AR + silencer as much as the LMG before 1.03, after that patch was released it's just silly to equip anything but LMGs.
Click said:It's just sad that MAG could have been a great, classic shooter, adding more and more players every month. But because of the terrible nerfs, weapon / map imbalances, lack of DLC, lack of in-depth tutorial, and many other reasons, MAG's population has been on a steady decline since their amazing launch. I just hope Zipper can do enough with DLC and patches, to bring back some of the 700,000+ players that have already purchased the game.
Lince said:so for the 3 guys that still read this thread...
Lince said:- lack of explanation of how certain passive abilities and electronics devices work and interact with each other... 3 months after the game was released no one knows if the improved stealth ability counters the motion sensors or if the sensor jammers counter enemy UAVs, not to mention different combination of this equipment, not a word from Zipper about this, I wonder if most of them are just placebo.
Lince said:- random bullet patch, I don't want to comment again on this amateurish move, but pretty much 40% of the user base hated it and the sudden change had such a terrible negative impact, they're trying to backpedal a bit but the harm is already done. Basically you don't get hundred of thousands of players hooked on a certain shooting mechanics and radically change it overnight to protect unskilled snipers. Things don't work that way.
Lince said:- LAG, LAG and more LAG, playing from 14:00 to 23:59 GMT always got me in the European UK server, not anymore, just incredibly annoying lag-fests where I'm at a huge ping disadvantage. I wonder if they have the balls to admit the European server has been shut down for a while now, selling the game at full price in Europe is such a bitch move, and they're doing it with a straight face.
weekend_warrior said:I agree with everything said except the lag part. I live in America so that's probably more of a European issue.
Lince said:- incentives for Veterans? 10%XP? really? can't you try harder? have a look at the skill tree and see if maybe veterans can rearrange or customize it, come with new ideas to make going vet something interesting and not a depressing level 1 start, specially if you switch over to a different PMC.
Lince said:I really loved this game during the betas and the first 3 weeks after launch, I was expecting it to get even better, maybe the PS3 flagship shooter with a PSN release and a lot of stuff going on with the Shadow War (they completely forgot about the Shadow War concept, why? never developed, never changed, never looked or hinted at). Let's face it, the Zipper team in charge of this one had some good ideas with MAG but they have proven themselves unable of delivering, simple as that. Shame, this could have sold quite a bit more in the right hands.
andycapps said:I'm thinking about playing some tonight. Anyone in Raven GAF going to be on?
weekend_warrior said:I'm certainly not trading in my copy of MAG though. I'll still play it from time to time during the summer. Maybe they'll release that awesome new patch that fixes all the problems and adds DLC, it'll probably be called Socom 4 though.
Anton668 said:speaking of...... hey Click, how are your Rangers doing in the playoffs?![]()
I'm pretty sure me and Prez have more time played in MAG than anyone else here (300+ hrs each). I'm willing to switch, but are you guys actually going to stick with it? Also there's a few active people in SVER who need to get to 60 (icechai, worldrevolution, thebishop), I'd hate to ditch those guys.Click said:Yeah, I wish the launch crew was here, still posting and playing.
Even though we argued a good amount, it was fun discussing the game and share experiences with more fans of MAG.
J-Rzez, Cagen, and a bunch of other people need to log on more (or at all) to MAG and also this thread. Telemachus and Prez needs to switch over to Raven again, because it was great having them in our squad everyday.
Click said:Just wondering Lince, do you get bad lag even in Sabotage games? Part of the reason why I like Sabotage so much is because it's the least laggy game mode.
TelemachusD said:I'm pretty sure me and Prez have more time played in MAG than anyone else here (300+ hrs each). I'm willing to switch, but are you guys actually going to stick with it?
Mark April 29 on your calendars now, because its the day youre going to see our next 100% Free MAG DLC add-on! Known as the Fast Attack Gear Pack, our latest downloadable extra will likely cause marksmen to swoon.
Why? Two big reasons First, were adding three brand new Special Edition Sniper Rifles (Ravens HM 90 SE, SVERs SASR M, and Valors MK 14 Mod 1 EBR) that include a number of performance adjustments and visual variations to our already-popular long-range weapons. Second, you can expect to get your hands on a collection of new armor types! All three factions can now choose to equip Improved Light Armor in their loadouts for the bargain price of just 400 in-game credits.
Oh, and did we mention that the Fast Attack Gear Pack is free? Yes, we did, but were saying it again anyway. Look for it to appear in the PlayStation Store the afternoon of April 29, alongside all other scheduled PSN updates.