Lagspike_exe said:Should be MAG-focused this time...
Das-J said:Is anyone going to be playing tonight on Raven GAF?
A lot of people just switched to SVER. We had a group of 7 going tonight.Which is the most active GAF faction? I'll get to the point I can Veteran out and join that one.
Anton668 said:So how many active gaffers do we have now in sver?
are there any stragglers yet to join, aside from me?
lsslave said:I'm still rockin' Raven and I got my headset today (and my new PS3)
If anyone wants to play just add SinXCerity to PSN and lemme know when you can play (I want to party and Raven GAF is a desolate zone of no one logging on
:lol Jamaican/Belizeandazed808 said:There's still a few of us Euros slugging through Raven, myself, Bignose and FFO manage to squad up once in a while (+ Violater, our angry Jamaican(?) brother of course).
I'm happy to add you ls but during the week we're usually done by 2am GMT so not sure whether that's a bit early for you?
dazed808 said:There's still a few of us Euros slugging through Raven, myself, Bignose and FFO manage to squad up once in a while (+ Violater, our angry Jamaican(?) brother of course).
I'm happy to add you ls but during the week we're usually done by 2am GMT so not sure whether that's a bit early for you?
Kak.efes said:So how long will it take to get from level 27 to 60 on Valor? Would anyone advise deleting my profile, and starting over on Sver? Other than statistics, what do you lose? I really regret switching in the first place.
Anton668 said:well it all depends, if your the type to get 1000+ points per game, it wont take to long. Now if you get 100 points a game..... it may be awhile.
if you care about trophies, stick with it. If not, theres no real reason to suffer through it.
now that I think of it, if you want to suffer through, i'm on Valor right now as well. if you want, send me a friend invite( Anton_Lavaire ) and i'll get you into the clan im on now. seems to be a good group and its made being on valor tolerable.
Kowak said:Valor are just retards, We parked our APC right outside their gates and this guy in their APC kept driving pass it without trying to destroy it. Our APC was there for 15 minutes allowing us to instantly respawn, and they will wonder why they lost with 3 seconds to go at domination.
Anton668 said:And Click, I knew sooner or later I'd run into you guys.
gunther said:ok, just changed to SVER, need invitation. my psn is guntherbchile.
edit: by the way, attacking your ex-faction is kind of awesome.
TelemachusD said:We actually lost defending SVER domination twice in a row last night. It was pretty ugly both times too.
tonkatsu_ramen said:I must admit I've been spoiled by the double xp weekend. Once the double xp was over and I found myself getting mediocre amounts of xp I stopped playing. I'll start playing it again once they do another double xp weekend.
Anton668 said:ok, ffs, i'm about tired of the console glitching that has been present since the last update. seems like every other game anymore has somebody glitched into a console. mind you this is on sabo. doesnt matter valor, sver, or raven, they all have it and it sucks!
I thought they were working on this shit. if anything, its gotten worse.
fuck! sometimes I really hate this fucking game!
This just happened to me defending on Sabo against SVER. I was defending A and the B location just kept going back and forth from charges planted to charges defused over and over again for 10 minutes.Click said:I've been in about 3 Sabo. games where this has happened already.
In a Raven Sabo. defend game, my squad had 4 clanmates that somehow knew the opposing Raven glitcher (by name) and abused this glitch by planting at C over and over, while the glitcher kept on defusing. I tried stopping it by throwing gas grenades around the console but it didn't work this time for some reason. So I teamkilled the guy on my team who was whoring out the plants. He got really pissed when I did that and told my squad to vote me out.
B on SVER is the only place I've seen this happen, and only twice there.GitarooMan said:This just happened to me defending on Sabo against SVER. I was defending A and the B location just kept going back and forth from charges planted to charges defused over and over again for 10 minutes.
zpr_DunhamSmash said:We have a solution to this that we'll be implementing in a future patch. Not the next one, but maybe one or two after.
GitarooMan said:This just happened to me defending on Sabo against SVER. I was defending A and the B location just kept going back and forth from charges planted to charges defused over and over again for 10 minutes.
Click said:Zipper is finally going to do something about teamkillers when planting / disarming at objectives:
2-3 patches later. *sigh*
Anton668 said:the good news is the believe they know what is causing the geometry (console) glitch.
the bad news is who knows how long till they patch it.
Lagspike_exe said:Means that we'll get it in like 10th patch since launch. :lol
This I don't understand at all, now it's almost too late as the community is shrinking. Are we ever going to get new maps? It's sort of unbelievable.Click said:The bad news is Zipper always has terrible post-launch support. They take forever to fix glitches, exploits, and lag... if they fix it at all. And as we are seeing now, they have no clue how to balance maps and weapons. Real, substantial DLC is also non-existent.
Anerythristic said:I fired it up last night after around probably a 2 month break. I had fun, but still going in with a fresh attitude the game is chock full of glaring balance issues. New maps are a must.
I had no probem finding a game is was actually around a 1000 players for each faction while not alot it is fine for Sabo, which is my favorite game type.
Kowak said:I love this game so much, getting back into was a great idea. Although, now that I am moving to Korea I dont know how often I will get to play it and at a time when Gaffers are online. Its been fun. Plus if I do boot it up over there might be Valor to see what its like to be a hick.
Yeah, there are some bugs, but the game came out in January, not a year ago.Aselith said:I just got the game from Gamefly a few days ago and I've been enjoying it. It's good times so far however this is the most horrible bug ridden retail release I've ever played on a console. Really, really bad and this is probably a year out from release? Wow.
This one is easily fixable. Hit Start and then Circle and you should be able to select loadout/spawn location.Menus get "stuck": Can't select spawn or loadout options sometimes at the beginning of a match or on a respawn and sometimes can. This happens all the goddamn time. Other times, it won't let me select anything on the screen before the match that has your squad breakdown on the left and the loadout options on the right side.
Both of these have happened to me literally once in 375 hr. of playing. They aren't very common.I parachuted into a level and my controls were FUCKED. It would go backward if I pushed forward and if I pushed backward it would do a drunk walk off to the front right or left side. It was literally like my character downed an entire bottle of Jack as he was parachuting in.
Someone revived me and it didn't actual revive me but I also couldn't respawn or access the menu. I had to quit out from the XMB and start the game up again. This is probably the worst bug I encountered.
There are more you didn't mention: being unable to switch away from grenades, getting revived/exiting an APC inside geometry, etc., but nearly all of my matches are just fine.I'm sure there are other one off bugs I'm forgetting.
I can't believe Sony let a game be released in this state especially one of their premier titles. This is some amateur hour bullshit and I can't even imagine the state the game was in for people at release.
Click said:BTW, Valor is retarded.
Most of them don't know how to play any mode other than Sabotage.
And most of the time, you'll end up on a bad Sabo. team.
The roles mean nothing. They just show you and others what you have the most skill points in. You can spec sniper and run around with the LMG just fine.Aselith said:Could someone please explain roles to me? Is your role determined by what you put points in and any skill can effect you? Or is is that the role you have determines what skills you can use? In other words, I am a Rapid Assualt...will I only gain benefit from Rapid Assault skills or can I benefit from anything?
So like a Damage Bonus which is a Direct Action skill....will that still work with my role?
TelemachusD said:The roles mean nothing. They just show you and others what you have the most skill points in. You can spec sniper and run around with the LMG just fine.