BruceLeeRoy said:
I have tried to walk away from this game 3 times but I always come back to it.
Zipper really have created something unique when it all comes together its one of the best online fps games ever. I can't imagine with the knowledge they got from making MAG what their next non-socom game will be like.
Yeah, it's really a good game ,the only problem for me at least it's playing the same maps over and over again.
A problem that i've not experimented with Warhawk at all, so i think something is missing in the Zipper's game.
Maybe it's the whole perk system that i do not like.
To me instead of adding variety, the perks, are doing the exact opposite.
You can't be responsive to the situations in the battleground(u have to respwan to choose another weapon set), so the great part of the players choose a sort of compromise to play.
Compromise that's very similar for each faction.
This kills the variety to me.
I, btw, can understand the Zipper's policy in this game, the whole game it's tought for a strong squad interaction, for a real cooperation between the players and they have translated this in the game pretty well.
Now in the end the problem with the game are the players themselves, there is too little cooperation, too little comunication, too little support.
Some of this " player's too littles" are Sony faults, the no-standar mic, other of Zipper's, the bare-bone tutorial and a not-good-enough UI, for a game of this scope.
Bottom line.
A game of this scope and philosophy it's not supported and played as it should be in this time frame.
What we have it's an enjoyable experience that lacks in some parts due to its very limits.
Wow a lot of text, sorry for my english
