Sorc3r3r said:
I've to begin to fight a battle for a better UI in select mode, frago mode or target mode or tacticla map or whatever u want to call it.
What do you mean? Not sure what you're talking about here...
Sorc3r3r said:
First, the voice chat is good but there are loads of people non english-speaking or simply ashamed to speak in a not-so-good english.
Second, u are NOT forced to play as squad or platoon leader, or OIC, even better u can be kicked out if u are not good or leave ur role when u want.
How is it the game's fault people can't / don't want to speak English? MAG is an international online game. Not everybody will be speaking English. It sucks when non English-speaking players blabber about something in their language, but that's what the Block and Kick functions are for.
You are sometimes 'forced' to be a leader at the start of games, but you have the choice to give up your leadership position in-game. So technically, you aren't forced to be a leader. Not sure why you're complaining about this.
People get kicked for multiple reasons. If you're in the same squad with a clan, they may want to make room for members that are getting on or might get on. They might not want you to take up a spot and lose the game for them if you're a shitty player (not saying you are). That's just how certain clans and elitists are. That's how I am. If a player isn't helping the team out and are going 2-19, feeding the other team kills, I'm gonna put a vote on them. It's nothing personal, I just want to win.
Sorc3r3r said:
With this 2 points up i think that the tactical UI is waaay simple i dare to say almost useless.
The complaints you made above has nothing to do with the CNI screen (I'm guessing you meant the CNI) or "tactical UI" as you call it. I don't understand how you can say the CNI is too simple or "almost useless." The CNI screen is awesome if you know how to use it properly. If anything, people say the CNI is too complicated, not too simple... although I'd say it's nearly perfect.
The only thing that bothers me is the fact that you still can't FRAGO something, then immediately FRAGO another objective or use a leadership ability. You have to back out of the CNI, wait 3-5 seconds, then do what you want to do. It's extremely frustrating and should have been fixed a long time ago. Oh, and it'd be nice if the CNI screen had a color indicator of where your platoon started off. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing, especially in Domination, when you leave your quadrant and have to find where your platoon is.
If you're talking about the D-pad's "tactical UI," you're right, most people don't even use it because the CNI is so much better and more precise. Only certain OICs use it if they don't want to mess around with the CNI screen.
The crappiest and most useless feature of the UI are the "call for backup," "I need a medic," "I need ammo" feature. It's pointless and nobody uses it. When you need a medic and actually need to use this feature (laying on the ground bleeding out), you can't even call it in. What's the point of having your in-game character say he needs ammo? There is no resupply class in MAG, unlike BF:BC2, so this is useless too. Zipper should have made this feature much better, but as of now, it's just taking up precious space on the Dual Shock. It needs a complete overhaul or just ditch the feature all together and replace it with something that's actually useful.
Sorc3r3r said:
Why as platoon leader i cannot dictate with the TM(tactical map) the bunkers i want to be destroyed first?
The bunkers aren't even numberd so if i've to say what i want with the chat, hoping that the people will understand, i've to begin to say the far left one and the close right relative to the bridge on the right side of the big ship to the south-west(hyperbole

) , the 3/4 of the people will ignore it, "verba volant scripta manent".
As squad leader i can put ONE arrow in the TM or select a target, cool, but what if i want to split my squad in 2 o 3 groups? Give the SL more freedom.
I agree that the platoon leader should be allowed to do more about the flow of combat.
I've been asking Zipper to give PLs the ability to set the default FRAGO for the entire platoon, while the squad leaders set the secondary FRAGOs.
The bunkers don't have to be numbered. With a good squad leader that's constantly FRAGO'ing objectives, you don't even have to say anything in squad chat, unless you've been jammed. It just sucks that most SLs are incompetent, lazy, and/or don't understand what objectives are the most important to attack or defend. Most SLs I see (even in good clans) do not know how to do their job correctly. They usually either don't FRAGO anything or just leave the FRAGO set at 1 objective the entire game.
Generally, it's not wise to split your squad up into too many groups. It's an advanced strategy that only good players / clans should use and only in certain circumstances. The SL has tons of "freedom." It's called voice chat. If you want to split people up, tell them to do it and specify which members you want to attack / defend which objective. What you're asking is way too difficult for Zipper to implement and would be too confusing for 90% of the players / SLs out there to even use.
Oh, here's a little secret... gamers don't usually listen to other gamers' commands, especially randoms. There are times when people do listen to the SL / PL / OIC and when that happens and your team is successful as a result, it feels awesome to be the one to lead them to victory. But most of the time, blue dots won't give two shit what they're told to do... if they even understand what you're saying. That's why MAG should be played with clans. Because your clanmates are more likely to follow your instructions and requests than random blue dots.
Sorc3r3r said:
It's the same thing from a defensive point of view, too few options; if i want 2 guys to defend the position on the AA i've to say it with the chat, no one cares.
For the people looking for exp, give some exp just for going and staying there if the SL feel it's a priority to defend that target.
Umm... people do get extra XP for killing, reviving, healing, defusing, and plating around FRAGO areas. Not sure what you're talking about again...
Sorc3r3r said:
With a game of such magnitudine, to have so few and simple options, tactically, is a shame.
Give leaders deepness,alternatives, tools.
Give troops exp, medals and ribbons.
Last thing, why there isn't a exp bonus for victories?
Again, I'm not sure what you're complaining about. I get tons of XP, medals, and ribbons ALL THE TIME. And you do get a bonus when you win games. Zipper should give another bonus to teams that steamroll their way to victory though.
I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but you should play more and be more perceptive about things before you complain about what you think is wrong with MAG. You only have 56 leadership points and have only been squad leader 4 times, 0 times as PL or OIC. That's not nearly enough experience to complain about the leadership system, the CNI, or "tactical UI."
If you are able to, vet. over to SVER someday and if we have room, I'll invite you to our group so we can show you how MAG is really supposed to be played. Maybe then you'll realize that this game is very "deep" and that your complaints are mostly invalid.