[ http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23624148&postcount=6877 ].patsu said:Where is TTP's recommended settings for Move ?
jayb said:I'm thinking about buy MAG and Move together. Can I play MAG using Move, while reclined? Or does it require that you sit more upright?
<--- lazy gamer
weekend_warrior said:Shotguns are not fucking OP'ed. Jesus Christ. They have an effective range from 0-20 feet. And over that it's worthless. What is so unrealistic about this? If I don't have an advantage using the shotgun within 20 feet versus a machine gun then what reason do I have to use it? I'm so sick of games that have 200 different guns, and 1 shotgun, and it's a nerfed shotgun. Until I'm getting killed by shotgun 50% of the time then it's obviously not OPed.
Click said:Let me guess, you're a shotgun user...
The one and only time I used a shotgun exclusively today, I easily got my shotgun ribbon (25 or more kills with it). Even a n00b shotty user like me was able to fuck up so many people with this OP'd weapon. I was able to ONE SHOT someone from OVER 30 METERS (not feet) away. I was able to take off a significant chunk of someone's health from even further away. You may not think this weapon is OP'd, but tons of other players that have been playing MAG hundreds of hours would disagree with you. Just because YOU haven't been killed by the shotty 50% of the time yet, doesn't mean it's not OP'd.
BattleMonkey said:And how do you magically determine over 30 meters in a video game? The weapons do not have range finders on them.
Click said:My PS3 got completely hard-locked while playing MAG 4 times today and 1 time last night.
Lagspike_exe said:All right, I'll give 2 days of advantage to anyone that wants to do a relaunch thread (J-Rzez gets priority and extra time if needed). A rather large number of people aren't familiar with 2.0 features and improvements, so I think a reboot thread would get at least a few more people to join our community when they actually find out that the game is vastly better now then in January during the launch.
In other news, Zipline podcast episode 22 is live:
bunbun777 said:So I had just vetted to Raven and was lvl 15 when I booted up the 2.0.
I have no balance- cannot unlock foregrip, sight, med kit- lame should have at least 1k imo.
Also, game locked in dom with 5 mins left- oh mag =p
acevans2 said:Err... the answer to this is going to make me feel dumb, but how do you change sensitivity for Move controls? I saw members listing what they were using, but it won't let me select the sensitivity options in the menu when I'm using Move.
TTP said:I'm currently going with
Player rotation - 80
Player pitch - 80
Gesture Sensitivity - 65
Scope Sensitivity - 70
Normal play bounding box - Pitch 30 / Turning 0 / Pointer Sensitivity 40
Fixed Iron Sights - OFF
Iron sights bounding box - Pitch 40 / Turning 10 / Pointer Sensitivity 50
Lince said:ok I just realized this post is way off topic, well whatever, take care everyone, specially you Rick, FFO and all the GAFe veterans <3![]()
Wow, 25 kills?! I bet you've never could have done that with an assault rifle, huh?Click said:The one and only time I used a shotgun exclusively today, I easily got my shotgun ribbon (25 or more kills with it). Even a n00b shotty user like me was able to fuck up so many people with this OP'd weapon.
And he probably had like 2 health left.I was able to ONE SHOT someone from OVER 30 METERS (not feet) away.
Yeah, sure... did you ask him after the match? "Hey remember that time I hit you with my shotgun from over 30 meters away" "Yeah I remember that, you took off a significant chunk of my health!"I was able to take off a significant chunk of someone's health from even further away.
Yeah tons of bitchers.You may not think this weapon is OP'd, but tons of other players that have been playing MAG hundreds of hours would disagree with you. Just because YOU haven't been killed by the shotty 50% of the time yet, doesn't mean it's not OP'd.
weekend_warrior said:Wow, 25 kills?! I bet you've never could have done that with an assault rifle, huh?
weekend_warrior said:And he probably had like 2 health left.
weekend_warrior said:Yeah, sure... did you ask him after the match? "Hey remember that time I hit you with my shotgun from over 30 meters away" "Yeah I remember that, you took off a significant chunk of my health!"
weekend_warrior said:Yeah tons of bitchers.
weekend_warrior said:Seriously man, you must be a AR/ SMG user because those are the only 2 weapons you don't bitch about.
J-Rzez said:Click is right about the shotgun. And it's not every shotgun. It's specifically the Raven and Valor shotguns.
Mr.Green said:So I bought the game... Looking forward to try it... IF IT FINISHES INSTALLING ITSELF THIS YEAR FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
It's been like half an hour now, and downloading the stuff wasn't the longest part. It's installing data apparently. What the fuck is it doing that takes so long?
God this is irritating. I don't have that much free time to play and I have the feeling that as soon as the damn thing is ready to play, my wife, her sister and their mother are gonna get back damnit.
weekend_warrior said:Oh. My. GOD. You can't be serious. You can't possibly be serious. You and Click are fucking jokes. It's no wonder you play on Sver- ie, easy mode. You do nothing but bitch about how unfair Ravens maps and how bad Svers guns are. You're completely delirious to the other side of the coin. Why don't you join Valor and see how "fair" it is that enemy APCs can roll through our fronts lines without even taking any roadblocks down. Or how fun it is trying to defend a bunker that's out in middle of nowhere. Nah, Zipper shouldn't worry about that. Zipper should just nerf all the weapons except Svers. And nerf Ravens maps while beefing up Svers. Because God forbid if J-Rzez and Click ever lose a match, clearly somethings not balanced.
Go make a sandwich? 20 minutes is still unacceptable, by the way.Click said:Took my original, launch 60 GB PS3 about 20 minutes to install. Not sure why it's taking so long for you. Just leave your PS3 on while you go do something else. Not that big of a deal....
Man said:MAG Move controls are Fiiine.
They just need to patch in the ability to remap buttons.
I want ironsight on L2!
weekend_warrior said:Oh. My. GOD. You can't be serious. You can't possibly be serious. You and Click are fucking jokes. It's no wonder you play on Sver- ie, easy mode. You do nothing but bitch about how unfair Ravens maps and how bad Svers guns are. You're completely delirious to the other side of the coin. Why don't you join Valor and see how "fair" it is that enemy APCs can roll through our fronts lines without even taking any roadblocks down. Or how fun it is trying to defend a bunker that's out in middle of nowhere. Nah, Zipper shouldn't worry about that. Zipper should just nerf all the weapons except Svers. And nerf Ravens maps while beefing up Svers. Because God forbid if J-Rzez and Click ever lose a match, clearly somethings not balanced.
Man said:They just need to patch in the ability to remap buttons.
I want ironsight on L2!
TTP said:Still tweaking my setting but I'm getting close to G point. I'm ending matches at 2nd or 3rd place in my squad now.
Mr.Green said:Would you mind reposting them if you made any changes? Actually I'm torn between putting them extra sensible and rest my wrist on my knee or putting them to Natural or something and aim at the screen like a light gun. It should be very immersive and fun but it would probably get tiresome real quick.
distrbnce said:Some guy mentioned before (I guess in the Move OT) that Move was Green while playing MAG.
Well I guess he was in Valor 'cause mine's Blue.neat way to represent
JardeL said:Thanks for ruining the MAG, Zipper.
I think there were like 127 shotgun n00bs and a sniper guy in the last domination game I played vs. SVER. :lol
J-Rzez said:Click is right about the shotgun. And it's not every shotgun. It's specifically the Raven and Valor shotguns. There's a problem when people are in the towers "sniping" people with them from 25+ yards away. Especially considering they shoot what looks like based on spread 00 buckshot. Problem is it shots in a cluster that "usually" hasn't spread that much at said range, and when aimed at the head, you have better odds of a headshot considering there's multiple pellets in that area.
J-Rzez said:Also, Click is correct about people bitching that they're getting killed a lot. They can't run like morons swiping away with the knife, they can't bunnyhop neither. Sniping has become somewhat more effective, finally, though you still get shafted on points in many situations. This was a GREAT patch, and really balanced out the game a bit. Sure, there's some gray areas like Raven and Valors Shotguns and SMGs being OP, but that's something I'm sure they can address.
JardeL said:Thanks for ruining the MAG, Zipper.
I think there were like 127 shotgun n00bs and a sniper guy in the last domination game I played vs. SVER. :lol
Click said:I don't think MAG is ruined with 2.0. Sure, a lot of the players who used to rely on knifing, bunnyhopping, and strafing are going to protest and curse the game because they die much more often now, but IMO, patch 2.0 makes MAG much better overall. Zipper just needs to release a patch sooner rather than later, nerfing the shotguns and LMGs again. They went overboard last time and nerfed every weapon category. Hopefully they learned their lesson this time and do a better job nerfing. I don't want the shotties, LMGs, and sniper rifles to become worthless but they definitely need to be toned down... a lot.
BTW, the hard-freezes seem to be a lot more frequent in Domination mode. Other modes also lock up your PS3 but not nearly as often as Dom.
Kogepan said:No, its definitely ruined. Look at the number of people quitting halfway through a round of domination. THere usually only about 4 people left after Raven gets raped in about 12 minutes of a typical domination match now.
As its just absolutely ridiculous to be shooting someone at range with a battle rifle, and then be headshotted by a freaking shotgun.
Zipper have absolutely no idea, and they are just change stuff to change stuff at this point. Its seriously not worth the money even at a 'greatest hits' price.
Click said:Honestly, SVER's shotgun is also OP'd. They all are. However, Raven's Boudini 12 gauge fires faster than the other 2 faction's shotties. With Close Quarters Refire Rate 3 (maxed out refire rate for shotguns, handguns, and SMGs), the Boudini is almost like a friggin' auto-shotgun that has good range. F/P90 is still my favorite OP'd gun though. It was OP'd before the patch and it's even more OP'd after 2.0. I love using it but hate when I get killed by it.
They can still bunnyhop but jumping was slightly changed a bit. Like I've said, everyone gets killed much easier and faster now so bunnyhopping and strafing doesn't work as well as it used to. Drop-shotting / dolphin-diving seems to be the only thing that works but even then, if your opponent is good at aiming, you're still going to die.
:lol wth?Click said:I don't think MAG is ruined with 2.0. Sure, a lot of the players who used to rely on knifing, bunnyhopping, and strafing are going to protest and curse the game because they die much more often now,
JardeL said::lol wth?
I was trying to enter the objective room but whenever I did, I saw that 3-4 guys with shotguns were standing at the corners and shooting at us. And they succeeded at killing us %90 of the time. If you think this is better, then good luck with it. It's ruined for me.
flipswitch said:Just downloaded and to the latest patch.I'm sorry if this has been mentioned, you have to re-speck everything and buy all your weapons again?