ZZMitch said:Going out tomorrow to throw 120$ down on this game.. (game and headset)... but it will be worth it!
Are there any high res shots of the final build up anywhere?
Go Valor!![]()
Lagspike_exe said:Errrr, you're gonna pay $60 for a headset?
There's nothing emo about oppression. We fight for our freedom, you purchase yours.panda21 said:.
:lol nice
ZZMitch said:Going out tomorrow to throw 120$ down on this game.. (game and headset)... but it will be worth it!
Are there any high res shots of the final build up anywhere?
Go Valor!![]()
McBacon said:This is the best game ever. The Terms and Conditions window is so beautifully rendered, the blank character management screen is mysterious and foreboding and the lack of any gameplay eschews typical video game conventions with a bravery only Zipper could pull off.
why would they send out review copies when the servers are dead
McBacon said:why would they send out review copies when the servers are dead
Boogat said:The only positive thing from that is that they are waiting to actually review the game. So you gotta give them credit for that. They realize what they saw at the review event is NOT enough to base an actual review off of (unlike the other places releasing reviews today).
No, we're not all SVER. It's 50/50 between Raven and SVER.FFObsessed said:We're all going SVER atually, join us.
McBacon said:This is the best game ever. The Terms and Conditions window is so beautifully rendered, the blank character management screen is mysterious and foreboding and the lack of any gameplay eschews typical video game conventions with a bravery only Zipper could pull off.
why would they send out review copies when the servers are dead
Inanna said:No, we're not all SVER. It's 50/50 between Raven and SVER.
And we all know Raven are the coolest.![]()
I don't blame people for making this mistake though. SVER does a lot of talking about how good they could be while Raven just shows how good they are.Inanna said:No, we're not all SVER. It's 50/50 between Raven and SVER.
And we all know Raven are the coolest.![]()
Pretty much. That's me in the back there.Kowak said:
NullPointer said:Pretty much. That's me in the back there.
January 26 is just one day away with MAG arriving on store shelves worldwide tomorrow and throughout the week. Before you delve into your first official match between Raven, S.V.E.R., and Valor, though, we wanted to make sure that you knew two things:
* What the differences between the Beta 5.0 and the final version are
* How we implemented your feedback from the beta to affect the retail game on day one
First, lets talk about the differences between the final game and the beta you tried out a few weeks ago the most obvious of which is the mode and map count. Whereas before, the Beta version of MAG only offered six maps and two modes, the retail version has a full five modes with 15 maps to play. The final game also includes a handy offline training mode, unique armors, new cinematics, art galleries, trophies, and the always-popular Veteran Mode that lets you start all over again with a permanent XP bonus and the ability to switch your faction after hitting the level cap. Of course, graphical and audio improvements are in there too.
But our out of the box distinctions arent all there is to talk about. Weve also addressed a number of topics that were brought to our attention when you were testing MAG earlier this month, and will deliver them to you the moment you boot MAG up with a small in-game patch (roughly 60-80 MB depending on your region).
Among these upgrades is the oft-asked-for ability to knife an enemy while youre reloading your weapon in addition to a pretty significant framerate increase during player-heavy games and noticeable differences in the effectiveness of every weapon and piece of armor. Moreover, weve gone back and added all-new light settings for every environment and increased the amount of time you can sprint before getting tired.
For a full catalog of additions, fixes and tweaks, check out our complete list of patch notes on the MAG blog.
· Made significant increase in framerate during player-heavy games.
Kowak said:looks like the sprint increase was done for those who had problems with the respawning.
Training and Suppression (team dm).panda21 said:wait so what are you supposed to play before sabotage to get to level 2 in the first place? the training?
ZZMitch said:Going out tomorrow to throw 120$ down on this game.. (game and headset)... but it will be worth it!
Vennt said:I'm so pumped for this, the Beta won me over so much my ass hurt.
From the sitting down on the floor, no seriously, what did you think I meant
Oh, and the ass-pounding that was Raven Domination defense, man, talk about fighting a losing battle!
Vennt said:I'm so pumped for this, the Beta won me over so much my ass hurt.
From the sitting down on the floor, no seriously, what did you think I meant
Oh, and the ass-pounding that was Raven Domination defense, man, talk about fighting a losing battle!
Violater said:Damn beaten
stupid 500's
MAG Patch v1.01
The latest patch notes can always be found on the official MAG Blog.
darkwing said:
Wes said:Respawn on tanker > fall down hole on left/right> jump down another level > attempt to make it 5 feet but get slapped by cluster bombs > repeat.
Good times.
No.J-Rzez said:Is there an install on the retail version? Sorry if I missed it.
Worse is that it was written by PLAY Magazine's Games Editor. So can't imagine their review will be any better.J-Rzez said:That game's now review is trash. "We didn't know what to do, Zipper failed to tell us", that's what you get for reviewing the beta and not the retail with training mission in there. Not to mention the game just about holds your hand to tell you visually and audio-queue wise what to do, plus you have your leaders, it actually does more than CoD, BF, and BC. When your site is so bad you're not on Metacritic even, you know that it's a joke. The typo's in there were incredible, reading like a forum blathering instead of a review.
J-Rzez said:As always, Zipper is full of win. I wonder how it's going to look/sound like now with the retail game. Also, curious about the framerate. It never once crippled the game, but smoother is better.
One thing disappoints though, and that's the knifing while reloading. That's lame, you should be penalized for reloading, adding the risk/reward. Doesn't make much sense either. You should lose a full mag of ammo if you do it, dropping it to grab the knife.
That game's now review is trash. "We didn't know what to do, Zipper failed to tell us", that's what you get for reviewing the beta and not the retail with training mission in there. Not to mention the game just about holds your hand to tell you visually and audio-queue wise what to do, plus you have your leaders, it actually does more than CoD, BF, and BC. When your site is so bad you're not on Metacritic even, you know that it's a joke. The typo's in there were incredible, reading like a forum blathering instead of a review.
Is there an install on the retail version? Sorry if I missed it.
elohel said:I'm asuming it's a no buuuut will mag be a pen launch or is it purchase on disc only?
Vennt said::lol - So true
5 feet?
That was considered heroic wasn't it?
Vennt said:I'm so pumped for this, the Beta won me over so much my ass hurt.
From the sitting down on the floor, no seriously, what did you think I meant
Oh, and the ass-pounding that was Raven Domination defense, man, talk about fighting a losing battle!
BruceLeeRoy said:Vennt? Are you a new Mod I have never seen you before. In any case nice to meet you bro. You better be going Raven.
Wes said:For shame! You don't watch any F1 or Wolves victories do you Bruce? (there's a joke about the second thing here I can make but frankly I like posting here).
Kowak said:today i got an email i never though i would see [email protected]-thank you for registring. my wolves mate is getting tickets to the palace replay.i am an arsenal fan