andycapps said:Assault rifles in general are a waste of time, IMO. Light machine guns and SMG's seem to be where it's at in this game. I'm personally just focusing on LMG's and maxing out the first one. Doesn't seem like the amount of credits needed to use the higher level ones is worth it.
sk3tch said:I second this. I'm in S.V.E.R. and use the LMG + reload + reflex sight + foregrip + improved stability (my latest acquisition)'s pretty awesome. I thought the LMG was great before the upgraded to improved stability...but now it is insane.
When I started the retail game I accidentally went down the assault rifle tree a bit...and the guns lacked punch...even the upgraded one.
Is the general consensus that the medium machine gun (S.V.E.R.: PSK MG) is not worth the 5 points? Should I just stick with the LMG?
Lince said:well I'm doing fine with a second-tier AR + silencer, of course I got more kills with the LMG but this setup lets me play stealthy all the way, it's all a matter of preference.
Lince said:well I'm doing fine with a second-tier AR + silencer, of course I got more kills with the LMG but this setup lets me play stealthy all the way, it's all a matter of preference.
Lince said:well I'm doing fine with a second-tier AR + silencer, of course I got more kills with the LMG but this setup lets me play stealthy all the way, it's all a matter of preference.
surefire1982 said:I agree with this as well...i'm running the R-553 (tier 3 AR) + silencer, red dot sight and foregrip, and I've found that I prefer not appearing on the radar after taking someone down, and being able to sneak away.
sk3tch said:Oooh...that sounds lovely. Once I hit level 40 (37 now) I will respec to that and switch it up from my maxed out LMG kit. Silent kills plus 4x scope...sweeet. I'm primarily a support guy, the stealth will be much appreciated.
IPoopStandingUp said:So...I noticed a shift in the play-style of the PMCs that I believe can be attributed to faction migration.
While playing SVER I've noticed that the games are getting harder, the opposing teams are rushing as opposed to just sniping and knifing. On the flip-side, I've noticed a bunch of non-gaf SVER players only using their knife...and sniping when on the attacking side. It feels like a bad Twilight Zone episode.
Hahaha, well I can't argue with that!BattleMonkey said:Knifing rules
surefire1982 said:Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't hit anything with the 4x scope and the sway...i found I did much better with the red dot sight...(it's likely just me, since this is my 2nd non PC FPS, and i'm still getting used to the controller vs KB/M)
sk3tch said:I second this. I'm in S.V.E.R. and use the LMG + reload + reflex sight + foregrip + improved stability (my latest acquisition)'s pretty awesome. I thought the LMG was great before the upgraded to improved stability...but now it is insane.
When I started the retail game I accidentally went down the assault rifle tree a bit...and the guns lacked punch...even the upgraded one.
Is the general consensus that the medium machine gun (S.V.E.R.: PSK MG) is not worth the 5 points? Should I just stick with the LMG?
Violater said:Stick with the LMG, invest the rest of your points in athleticism or electronic gear, med/repair kit goes without saying.
sk3tch said:Is the general consensus that the medium machine gun (S.V.E.R.: PSK MG) is not worth the 5 points? Should I just stick with the LMG?
sk3tch said:Yeah I'm maxed in medic class and athleticism. Just looking to spice things up a bit with the guns. I love the LMG but I've been using it forever.
PedroLumpy said:I would say no. I love the PSK, the starting LMG feels like you're throwing rocks at them in comparison. The PSK does way more damage. And in this game, since there is no auto aim, it really helps. Shooting at a guy running perpendicular to you can be a hassle because you keep having to reset your aim on him as he's running along. PSK puts them down so quickly that people moving out of your crosshairs isn't really an issue.
Nightz said:So I called in sick yesterday and played this game pretty much the whole day. Went from level 21 to 31 and probably would have played more if Chuck wasn't on last night. Now I'm sitting here at work wishing I called in again. :lol
Nightz said:So I called in sick yesterday and played this game pretty much the whole day. Went from level 21 to 31 and probably would have played more if Chuck wasn't on last night. Now I'm sitting here at work wishing I called in again. :lol
sk3tch said:Hm...I don't see a red-dot site in the S.V.E.R. assault skill tree?
Stop trying to get me in trouble! =P Besides, I was really sick yesterday.Lonestar said:What's your bosses phone number??? :lol
sk3tch said:Yeah I'm maxed in medic class and athleticism. Just looking to spice things up a bit with the guns. I love the LMG but I've been using it forever.
surefire1982 said:My bad...i keep calling it red dot sight, but it's reflex sight.
jorma said:Also note that when medic class is maxed, you can spec out of resuscitation, since you only need improved resuscitation - sort of blew my mind when someone told me this. But i suppose that most people already know this.
jorma said:Also note that when medic class is maxed, you can spec out of resuscitation, since you only need improved resuscitation - sort of blew my mind when someone told me this. But i suppose that most people already know this.
surefire1982 said:Question for those that have the pre-ordrer armor..i've seen them on ebay for as low as $ it worth it?
surefire1982 said:Question for those that have the pre-ordrer armor..i've seen them on ebay for as low as $ it worth it?
surefire1982 said:Question for those that have the pre-ordrer armor..i've seen them on ebay for as low as $ it worth it?
Lagspike_exe said:It costs 200 less than the heavy armor and it has the same stats.
Pkm said:Im gonna make a new PSN account, gonna roll Raven since it seems like a majority of GAF'ers are part of Raven.
Currently I do have a lvl 57 SVER soldier if anyone want to shoot me a friend request, same name PKM.
After I roll a Raven soldier who should I contact?
My hours are bit wonky tho..M-F 1am-5/6am, but normal on weekends.
I do have a few friends on SVER I know in RL that I tend to play with, we have a little clan and hook-up on every PS3 game. So if anyone needs a PS3/MAG SVER buddy with about 4-6 guys to play with let me know. Were all pretty adult (28-30ish) and we are real life friends so there can be some inside shit talking, all in all tho we work as team and you dont have to worry about squeaky voices or racial/sexist talk.
Lagspike_exe said:It costs 200 less than the heavy armor and it has the same stats.
Happened to me several times that I have 200 left on nothing to spend, or needed additional 200 for heavy armor. So, if the same is happening to you and you want to max-out your build, go for it.
Yea, it's true, but it's definitely a bug they'll fix soon.surefire1982 said:Ok, i'm not sure if this is true, but I've read on the MAG forums that this is a for buying it off ebay, i'll take weekend_warrior's advice and just save my money![]()
weekend_warrior said:Mind blown. You just saved me 2 points.
What is the consensus on Valors Assault Riffles? I'm respcing out of the LMG class, since like a lot of people here it almost the only gun I've used all game. Seems like the SFCR-LW is the better gun for a silenced ninja class?
PuMa said:I've been using the battle rifle for a while now (highest tier AR). I love it with the suppressor attachment. With only 25 bullets in each magazine, you have to be accurate though. I also use the 4x scope.
ibu said:OK SVER peeps, we are going to be all on go from 9:45 GMT (London)
So thats a 1hr 25minutes from now.
I shall be sending out invites as soon as I get back online at that time.
Lets get a good showing, if you have plans cancel them, a date, cancel it.
A girlfriend, get her to make the refreshments.
This is not just a war... this is family!
Over and out!
:lol Awesome...ibu said:lets get a good showing, if you have plans cancel them, a date, cancel it.
A girlfriend, get her to make the refreshments.
This is not just a war... this is family!
Over and out!
Mesijs said:But guys... is it actually true that in the end, the light machine gun in the last tier of the Raven tree is significantly worse than the lmg before it...? Kind of baffled by it...
IPoopStandingUp said:So...I noticed a shift in the play-style of the PMCs that I believe can be attributed to faction migration.
While playing SVER I've noticed that the games are getting harder, the opposing teams are rushing as opposed to just sniping and knifing. On the flip-side, I've noticed a bunch of non-gaf SVER players only using their knife...and sniping when on the attacking side. It feels like a bad Twilight Zone episode.
Mesijs said:But guys... is it actually true that in the end, the light machine gun in the last tier of the Raven tree is significantly worse than the lmg before it...? Kind of baffled by it...