Violater said:Me and you Lince we will show them, we will show them all.
I will follow and rez you if get incapacitated.
Violater said:Me and you Lince we will show them, we will show them all.
Violater said:Me and you Lince we will show them, we will show them all.
uraldix said:I will follow and rez you if get incapacitated.
Tryckser said:It really ruins the game when 20 Ravens immediately leave when we attack SVER
BruceLeeRoy said:I completely realize its a pussy move and it does make me feel bad each time. But its either that or I give up the game all-together. Between the absolute ridiculous shit that is SVER being able to shoot and disarm bombs on their gate through the wall and the death trap that is the layout of all their bases I just can't stand it. Over the weekend I played that map 18 times cause I was sick and we never won once. It is still bewildering to me that Zipper didn't catch this shit.
Lince said::lol
como diría Violater, "tu madre es una puta"
GodofWine Im assuming that each PMC has its advantage...but I can't figure out Ravens...which is what I am...I mean, my weapons are weak? right?
Does armor penetration mean something to me as a Raven, like do I have more than others? Do my 'gadgets' work better (we are "high tech", we should have an exclusive toy or two, no?)? Or do I just look like the man in a black unitard?
GodofWine Im assuming that each PMC has its advantage...but I can't figure out Ravens...which is what I am...I mean, my weapons are weak? right?
Does armor penetration mean something to me as a Raven, like do I have more than others? Do my 'gadgets' work better (we are "high tech", we should have an exclusive toy or two, no?)? Or do I just look like the man in a black unitard?
I've seen it happen with Valor players. I've been on both sides seeing someone doing it. Hell, just yesterday a teammate (Valor) kept defusing a gate and killing SVER players on the other side by running into the wall and shooting blindly.BruceLeeRoy said:I completely realize its a pussy move and it does make me feel bad each time. But its either that or I give up the game all-together. Between the absolute ridiculous shit that is SVER being able to shoot and disarm bombs on their gate through the wall and the death trap that is the layout of all their bases I just can't stand it. Over the weekend I played that map 18 times cause I was sick and we never won once. It is still bewildering to me that Zipper didn't catch this shit.
TheFallen said:I've seen it happen with Valor players. I've been on both sides seeing someone doing it. Hell, just yesterday a teammate (Valor) kept defusing a gate and killing SVER players on the other side by running into the wall and shooting blindly.
But one exploit should not lead you to abandon every single match against SVER. Not that many people know about it.
What is ruining the game for me (and many others) is the way people are coping with shit like this. The way you are. Flat out leaving matches. How do you think the other players feel? It is a pussy move and you should feel bad. Fuck, don't even play the game if that's what you're going to do. Ruining it for everyone else. Anyone who exploits or leaves games should just quit. Both groups of people are killing the MAG community.
surefire1982 said:FYI:
Patch Details:
MAG Patch v1.02
Available February 17, 2010 | 40MB (TPPS), 55MB (DLS)
* Fixed issue where water-submerged players could not be resuscitated.
* Restricted Medic icon for downed players will only show up to those with the Resuscitation Support Skill Equipped.
* Incapacitated player icons are now hidden from teammates who cant resuscitate them.
* Added distance indicator for incapacitated teammates (meters).
* Added distance display for Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank Mines for both teammates and enemies equipped with the Explosives Detector.
* Localization changes for language in the Armory screen.
* Fixed XP requirements for Level 36 (moved from 23,686 to 21,999) and Level 37 (moved from 23,803 to 23,083).
* Statistical changes to support eventual integration into website.
* Improved server performance to reduce instances of lag in population-heavy games.
* Groups cannot enter match if one of its members is banned from the game.
* Regional server hosting IDs adjusted in North American locations.
Apparently, the patch after 1.02 will be big...
Lince said::lol
yes please, my K/D took a sharp nosedive ever since I joined Valor (from 2.30 to 2.02, I understand starting as a level 1 veteran without your gear and stuff is hard but still... easy mode no more)
Lince said:como diría Violater, "tu madre es una puta"
uraldix said:That's not very nice! Some of us have wives that know Spanish.
Fixed XP requirements for Level 36 (moved from 23,686 to 21,999) and Level 37 (moved from 23,803 to 23,083)
surefire1982 said:FYI:
Patch Details:
MAG Patch v1.02
Available February 17, 2010 | 40MB (TPPS), 55MB (DLS)
* Restricted Medic icon for downed players will only show up to those with the Resuscitation Support Skill Equipped.
* Incapacitated player icons are now hidden from teammates who cant resuscitate them.
* Added distance indicator for incapacitated teammates (meters).
* Statistical changes to support eventual integration into website.
* Improved server performance to reduce instances of lag in population-heavy games.
Prayers answered.surefire1982 said:* Fixed XP requirements for Level 36 (moved from 23,686 to 21,999) and Level 37 (moved from 23,803 to 23,083).
TheFallen said:I've seen it happen with Valor players. I've been on both sides seeing someone doing it. Hell, just yesterday a teammate (Valor) kept defusing a gate and killing SVER players on the other side by running into the wall and shooting blindly.
But one exploit should not lead you to abandon every single match against SVER. Not that many people know about it.
What is ruining the game for me (and many others) is the way people are coping with shit like this. The way you are. Flat out leaving matches. How do you think the other players feel? It is a pussy move and you should feel bad. Fuck, don't even play the game if that's what you're going to do. Ruining it for everyone else. Anyone who exploits or leaves games should just quit. Both groups of people are killing the MAG community.
BruceLeeRoy said:I would also like to point out that since the last beta up till this point in the game I have never not once won a match against SVER in Domination when were attacking. Not once. If that isn't absolutely shitty game design then I don't know what is.
BruceLeeRoy said:I can agree to a point but the only match I quit out of is SVER Domination when were attacking. Its such a shitty unbalanced nightmare of a map that I can't take it. Look man I hate to tell you this but the fact that people are quitting that often and frequent shows how messed up that map is. I will put up with a lot of shit but until that map gets a serious overhaul count me out.
I would also like to point out that since the last beta up till this point in the game I have never not once won a match against SVER in Domination when were attacking. Not once. If that isn't absolutely shitty game design then I don't know what is.
Yea, I understand the map has some balance issues. I can completely agree with you on that end of it. I just wish people weren't outright quitting matches before they start. With half the platoons gone in a Domination match, I'm just wasting my time. Should I quit too? It's just going to keep getting worse for the community. But the thing is, the map is beatable. I've only been in Valor for like a week now, and I've seen us defeat SVER on that map at least a dozen times since then. It's not luck that gets the win either. It has a lot to do with the players. There was a match the other day Valor defending vs. SVER - Violator, Lince, myself, and several others were watching in disbelief as half of the Valor players decided they were better off sniping from the spawn behind walls or idling instead of defending the pumps.BruceLeeRoy said:I can agree to a point but the only match I quit out of is SVER Domination when were attacking. Its such a shitty unbalanced nightmare of a map that I can't take it. Look man I hate to tell you this but the fact that people are quitting that often and frequent shows how messed up that map is. I will put up with a lot of shit but until that map gets a serious overhaul count me out.
I would also like to point out that since the last beta up till this point in the game I have never not once won a match against SVER in Domination when were attacking. Not once. If that isn't absolutely shitty game design then I don't know what is.
Lince said:sometimes annoying with the usual team killing from time to time (some redneck stabbing me in the back twice).
TheFallen said:Yea, I understand the map has some balance issues. I can completely agree with you on that end of it. I just wish people weren't outright quitting matches before they start. With half the platoons gone in a Domination match, I'm just wasting my time. Should I quit too? It's just going to keep getting worse for the community. But the thing is, the map is beatable. I've only been in Valor for like a week now, and I've seen us defeat SVER on that map at least a dozen times since then. It's not luck that gets the win either. It has a lot to do with the players. There was a match the other day Valor defending vs. SVER - Violator, Lince, myself, and several others were watching in disbelief as half of the Valor players decided they were better off sniping from the spawn behind walls or idling instead of defending the pumps.
Das-J said:So that was you huh? RavenGAF and I we're pretty frustrated with that one...
I even made it to the top of C with 2 mins left in hopes that we'd secure A+B before time ran out. Though I managed to kill 6 of your compatriots up there I was eventually rushed and overwhelmed as time ran out. Bastards! :lol
Very nice, it can be really annoying starting off in the direction of a downed player only to realize they're nowhere near you.surefire1982 said:* Added distance indicator for incapacitated teammates (meters).
ibu said:Is it just me or has this game turned into whiner central?
Everytime I am online, someone bitches the either the whole game or at the end of the game, they never attempt to communicate as a team.
Its really annoying and destroying the fun factor this game had.
Aaaah well I am level 44 now... 16 more to go then off to Valor... I guess.
BruceLeeRoy said:Yes you should absolutely quit. Either spend 30 min of your life in the shittiest way imaginable or keep quitting until Zipper wakes the fuck up. Its that simple
uraldix said:My 30 minutes of hell is due in large part to the fact that everyone quits. Don't sign up for Dom if you aren't planning on playing.
BruceLeeRoy said:I play absolutely every Dom match I get thrown into even the majority of the ones where I have to attack SVER but if I see guys start leaving I am out.
PedroLumpy said:The quitting thing may be annoying, but you can't tell someone what they have to play. If they don't like a map, so be it. It's their game, their time, their choice.
uraldix said:True but that doesn't mean I have to sit back and say nothing about it either. If they are worried about getting their skirts bloodied, they should stick to playing with Barbies![]()
BruceLeeRoy said:I love how all the guys that try and make the claim that the game is completely fine with no balance issues are never on Raven.(JR I am looking at you)
J-Rzez said:Unfortunately, with any online game, the vast majority of balancing will be directly related to player skill pool. Where ever the majority of the better players are will create an imbalance.
bardia said:is the 2nd LMG for Valor better than the one you start off with? I was tempted to unlock it but reluctant to spend the points until I heard some opinions from people that have used it.
polyh3dron said:Damn, no RavenGAF tonight? I was the only one online.
BruceLeeRoy said:I wait with great relish for the majority of SVER gaf to go Raven when they "prestige" or whatever its called.
Lince said:haha amazing last domination game on SVER map, we decided to start the "sweeping technique" from the far left bunker and oh boy, 3 SVER quads were there trying to stop us... the reason? no one was trying to take the other bunkers because EVERYONE LEFT, it was only our GAF squad and a bunch of randoms, of course we brilliantly destroyed every bunker and the AA, but the pump stations were filled with too many enemies for us to capture any of them, if Zipper are not gonna fix this "quitters" bullshit I'm stopping playing this otherwise awesome game. FUCK YOU QUITTERS, MAN UP ALREADY.
edit: just ban them a couple of hours from playing any Domination game if they manually selected "exit the game", not a server d/c or PSN error, ok? thx.
BruceLeeRoy said:I love how all the guys that try and make the claim that the game is completely fine with no balance issues are never on Raven.(JR I am looking at you)