Madman said:Anti-Valor propaganda. No surprise, considering how much ass Valor has been kicking. Seems like people finally understand how to beat Sver at Sabotage.
Either people developed common sense, or, many SVER switched to Valor.
Madman said:Anti-Valor propaganda. No surprise, considering how much ass Valor has been kicking. Seems like people finally understand how to beat Sver at Sabotage.
J-Rzez said:Either people developed common sense, or, many SVER switched to Valor.
Not a problem, we enjoyed playing with you. Should be even better when a few more of the SVER guys come over.worldrevolution said:Valor's much different with the SVER guys over here..finally fieldin full groups. Great to have you guys on this side.
TelemachusD said:It was really fun destroying SVER on sabotage last night. Valor's sabo map is also more interesting to defend than SVER's. It'll take a while to get used to, but I enjoy seeing some of the maps from the other side. It's too bad domination was unbearably laggy.
sk3tch said:The AK-103 (top S.V.E.R. Assault Rifle) + reload + fore grip + reflex sight + improved stability + steady aim + suppressor just OWNS! Goodnight all.
I said Sabotage. We lost attacking SVER on Domination, but only tried it a few times last night, because it was "I'm shooting a guy in the face when suddenly he warps 20 ft. across a street" laggy. It was slideshow laggy. It was game-ruining laaaaaaagggggggyyyyy.J-Rzez said:Nonsense! I call shenanigans on destroying SVER on Domination. Their map is unbeatablez!
TheFallen said:Not a problem, we enjoyed playing with you. Should be even better when a few more of the SVER guys come over.
Invite sent!commish said:Just did veteran from sver to raven - can i get a raven gaf invite? PSN is tigerheli. Thanks!
Violater said:Clearly you have never played with us.
Sensor jammer has got us behind enemy lines so many times and made a muck of the enemies works. Not even firing a single bullet sometimes.
Bunkers fall AAA goes down SVER rains down chaos.
SO far I have played with Valor and they don't have a clue
J-rzez. Cagen, Click, FF, where the hell are you, I am jonesing for a reunion.
Lince and I cannot do it alone.
andycapps said:I was talking about him having light armor and the motion sensor and the jammer.. Was just saying he should unequip one of those so he can have a repair kit or med kit and let someone else in the squad equip the one that he took out. Of course sensor jammers are useful behind enemy lines.
Jerrek said:Just picked the game up, after playing the BFBC2 beta and demo religiously lately I am in for some relearning - so far I suck!
I know I should go back through the pages of the thread to look for advice, but could someone give me a quick run down of the tiered upgrades?
I want to get the silencer for the assault rifle but it is on tier 4 or 5, do I need to get upgrades in 1 2 and 3 before I can even get access to the silencer?
Pretty interesting game so far!
TelemachusD said:I said Sabotage.
CronosBlade said:Yes, nothing like logging on and seeing a bunch of people missing from SVER GAF. Lots of luck to you guys, I doubt I'll be following (up to 22 now tho). I don't have enough time to play sadly.
Prez, Johnny and I were together last night tho, and I don't recall losing a single match. Dear lord, does Raven not understand how to go on the offensive? Between APC suicide runs and more than 50% of a squad sniping from the same hill, I had to come up with ways to make my exp points since defending was becoming boring![]()
JesseZao said:I played a few games last night, finding out it may not be a game for me. I feel like I'd need to
spend a lot of time playing it to get enjoyment out of it and the basic gameplay isn't more fun
than BC or MW.Maybe I'll give it a shot later on when all of the holiday delayed games have been played.Possibly due to the fact that I am used to/prefer the xbox controller for shooters.
If they have switched, they need to do more. Wins against Sver are still overly difficult and are often more luck then anything.J-Rzez said:Either people developed common sense, or, many SVER switched to Valor.
Lince said:Violater hating the game now :lol
Violater said:I thought taking down the bunkers was impossible, yet we do it.
Then for some reason the squad looses its mind and runs off to do their own thing.
FFObsessed said:I am now Valor! MAN LOVE YES!
Please tell me there's an upgrade that gives me some fucking sleeves?![]()
FFObsessed said:I am now Valor! MAN LOVE YES!
Please tell me there's an upgrade that gives me some fucking sleeves?![]()
Vennt said:No, but I think you get a Tier 3 Banjo in the Close Quarters tree to go with your sleeveless tops.![]()
dazed808 said:There's an option to equip a brown leather jacket. Unfortunately you die instantly from embarrassment.
Pimpbaa said:I just got this game, I don't get the complaints about the graphics in reviews. Sure other similar games might have better texturing but at least the graphics ain't cutting my eyes up with jaggies (IQ in this game is superb).
jonnybryce said:Really? MAG is impressive, fun, and awesome but it's one of the ugliest games I've seen this generation. It's closing in on hideous.
Its not that bad...jonnybryce said:Really? MAG is impressive, fun, and awesome but it's one of the ugliest games I've seen this generation. It's closing in on hideous.
TelemachusD said:Even without all the lag, it doesn't help they're all disarming doors from the inside, forcing you to go in easily flanked side and rear entrances. Valor can apparently do the same on some of their doors. Hopefully it gets patched out soon because it's an unfair and frustrating bug. (And I felt the same way about it when I was on SVER.
FFObsessed said:The Valor randoms I've played with so far are so retarded. First Sabotage I got knifed by teammates 3 times...
Domination people are repairing the Bunkers at the end of the game instead of the AAA. Most weren't defending at all.
Acquisition everyone was just all over the place, they didn't once go to the FRAGO.
Level 45 Squad Leaders that don't know you need to take the bunkers first.
Fucking rednecks.
commish said:I agree 100%. I know on some maps, SVER does have an advantage, but god, the teamwork and gameplay IQ on sver is so far above valor, I don't know what could be done to even the playing field. Maybe give everyone on valor a tank that can fly and drop nukes.