Release Date and Platforms:
iOS/Android Tablets: June 25 (No online play on Android)
PSN: (NA) June 25, (EUR) June 26, (Japan/Asia) June 27th
PC/Steam: June 26
XBLA: June 26
Price: $10
What's this all about?
It is the annual digital version of the venerable collectible card game Magic: The Gathering! You can choose one of 10 prebuilt decks to battle it out online or off. As you win duels you’ll unlock more cards to customize each deck to your liking. It also has a bunch of Magic board state puzzles, which are by far the best part. If you’re a Magic veteran this can be a wonderful cheap way to get some games in on the go. If you used to play this will bring back some great memories (and possibly cause a relapse, like 2012 did for me). And if you’re a newcomer this is probably the single best way to learn the rules and get acquainted with a truly fantastic game.

Sealed Play!
The big new feature this year is the sealed deck more where you get 6 boosters to build a 40 card deck entirely from scratch (including manually adding lands). You can win two more boosters through a quick campaign and then take your deck online to battle others. There is an unfortunate/shitty/gross caveat to all this. You start with slots for two sealed pools and once you use those slots you are stuck with those pools forever. The only way to get more slots (and therefore more rolls at the awesome deck lottery) is through microtransactions. Here's a community put together list of cards currently known to be in the pool: http://www.community.wizards.com/go...7/DotP_2014_Sealed_cardpool_discussion_thread

Promo Cards!
As in past years your purchase of the game will get you a code that can be used to get a promo physical card at your local card store, while supplies last (which isn’t very long, usually). The promos are platform specific: Steam/iPad/Android - Scavenging Ooze, PSN - Ogre Battledriver, Xbox - Bonescythe Sliver.
Here are the ten decks that come with the base game. We can safely expect approximately ten more to be released over time as DLC. Includes my extremely quick reaction to reading each list and exactly zero experience actually playing them. You can click each deck's name to see the full decklist + unlocks.
Avacyn’s Glory

White deck containing quite a few angels and humans, many of the which are taken from the Innistrad block. It looks like you could pretty easily edit this into either a White Weenie deck taking advantage of all the human synergies for a lot of aggressive starts or try and play for the long game hoping win with impressive angels like Baneslayer Angel and Avacyn herself.
Masks of the Dimir

Blue and Black deck featuring lots of Dimir cards from the two Ravnica blocks. Contains a lot of discard spells, evasive creatures and tempo effects. Not really sure the best way to build this deck after looking at the unlocks, but maybe this can be the time to finally get value from cards with Cipher.
Chant of Mul Daya

Do you like big creatures? This Green deck is where you want to go. Contains lots of ramp effects that top out into such impressive creatures as Primeval Titan, Pelakka Wurm, and several of the lesser Eldrazi(!). Looks like a big choice to make in building this deck is whether to focus on almost exclusively colorless creatures at the top end or to go with big green stuff.
Enter the Dracomancer

A Jund (Black/Red/Green) deck that looks to clog up the ground with some small frys while using Dragonspeaker Shaman to rush out one or more members of an impressive suite of large dragons, many of which can then use the Devour ability to eat up those small fries to be even more powerful. This one will definitely get better with unlocks where it gains access to some great removal spells like Maelstrom Pulse.
Sliver Hive

Slivers are back in this Naya (White/Red/Green) deck. All the Slivers here are from new breed of slivers that, somewhat controversially, only buff their allies and look like Predator. But that doesn’t mean you still can’t have a great time putting together the ultimate hive of ally buffing insect thingies. And if all else fails you can just Armageddon!

In a shocking plot twist Chandra is angry and wants to burn things. You can help by playing this Red deck full of burn spells and recurring phoenixes. You can either go for the long game win with finishers like Hostility and Inferno Titan or you can slam down a Sulfuric Vortex or two and put them on a short fuse.
Guardians of Light

Aura deck! Aura deck! Through down some little white guys and make them way bigger with auras like Spirit Mantle and Daybreak Coronet. Includes lots of creatures and effects that somewhat defray the inherent card advantage risks of auras as well. Also has a mild life gain theme if that is your jam. At least it doesn’t have anything hexproof this year.
Hunter’s Strength

Spiders and Beasts and Trample, oh my! This is more of a middle of the road green deck where it actually has some action besides ramping early on. It still can play impressive creatures like Craterhoof Behemoth and Regal Force, but you’re probably more likely to win off some smaller guys pumped with Rancors or a timely casting of Overrun.
Mind Maze

Did you play Duels 2012? Remember the Illusion deck? It's back! Your fragile illusions will suddenly become very well protected when a Lord of the Unreal hits the field. Also contains a good number of counterspells to keep your early team fighting. Tip: You probably don't want to play that Omniscience.

Ahh Zombies! Here is the black deck for all your flavorful recurring from the grave fun. Be aggressive with Gravecrawler after Gravecrawler and Geralf’s Messenger or just wait till your opponent dies to the relentless Endless Ranks of the Dead. Similar to a lot of the other decks this probably has a beat down variation with all the cheap zombies and a more controlling variation with Mutilate and Grave Titan.
Other Resources!
Magic: The GAFering |OT2| - Our little Off-Topic Community home for discussing all aspects of the card game and just what precise thing is killing Magic this week.
The Official Wizard's DOTP Forum - Find decklists, complaints and bug reports all brought to you in a glorious 10 posts per page!