So the pro's have figured out my secret deck tech
Heart of Kiran
GreenBelt Rampager
Basically what i noticed is that if you can get down a turn 2 or 3 heart/Greenbelt the saheeli players have a hard time dealing with it, They are running a ton of Harnessed lightnings, and Radiant flames, and both of those cards deal with neither green belt or Heart of Kiran.
Was the deck I've been playing the last few days, and even though the mana is jank as fuck, and the white probably doesn't need to be there, I felt that i wanted counterspells in blue. and greenbelt, Heart of Kiran, backed by counterspells/negate mana and pressure was affecting alot of the jeskai decks.
I got told the deck was bad last night (which it is, I would love to push it to 3 colors, and the Displacer seems a little out of place) but i was following the right track.
Greenbelt Rampagers, Heart of Kiran, and Energy makers
I had been testing it for awhile, and it beat most jank brews, and was something like 4 - 2 against Saheeli/Jeskai and BG decks. Though i was thinking a 3rd fumigate over the 3rd Release the Gremlins was probably better.
Edit: These decks could all be proven wrong, and Combo still takes the protouranyway (Gearhulks can just overpower you sometimes, especially when they draw them), but I think being aggro is the way to beat it.