Aoi > Everyone else. Even if she is passive to a fault.
Edit OP top 10 talk: Does anyone even discuss TWGOK anymore? Seems to have died down considerably.
Hur hur hur.
And to think yesterday someone was questioning whether TWGOK talk was prevelant in this thread.
Hur hur hur.
Sure, now that can be said...
I started and I think it's nice stuff. Very unique storytelling style.BTW, should I read molester man?
You're so excitedly superficial.Keima likes Yokkyun for the writing which I have not been privy to. Even he admits that the art is terrible, which it is.
Whoever the writing chick is was by far the worst. So boring I stopped reading. Not really the only reason, I fell behind mostly, but I equate it to her.
Now that I think about it, how come you never started until now? You loved Masturbation Master.Molester Man
I love it already.
Now that I think about it, how come you never started until now? You loved Masturbation Master.
Sure but you can definitely feel the artist's touch in both of them (it feels like more than just a touch even). It's the kind of thing you expect when the same artist adapts two different stuff from a written format.Because the guy's not writing it, right?
The guy definitely has a knack for this type of stories. He can hold his own pretty well, even if he has to write the story himself (Koganeiro).Sure but you can definitely feel the artist's touch in both of them (it feels like more than just a touch even). It's the kind of thing you expect when the same artist adapts two different stuff from a written format.
She's awesome.edit edit: oh and the girl with the freckles
What does "OTL" mean?
Look at it as an image and not a word.
goodbye world
I've had a good life
An advertising flyer has revealed that a brand-new Future Diary Redial (Mirai Nikki Redial) manga volume will arrive in Japan late next July, and the volume will bundle a new original anime DVD. Original manga creator Sakae Esuno created the plot for this new project, and Katsuhiko Takayama, the head scriptwriter for the Future Diary anime series, wrote the original scenario. The bundle will include the new manga story, a collection of designs for the anime, the new anime which will run about 25 minutes long, and a tall case to hold everything with an exclusive jacket illustration.
I guess that's why they cut the hammer at the end of the anime. Hopefully it'll retcon the trainwreck end into an even bigger one!So I gues there's a new volume of Mirai Nikki coming. Hammertime Reboot???
lolForget Kansai
Loli boobs is RIGHT THERE
Oops meant to insert *gone*. You'll have to forgive me. It took me a long time to read Molester Man 14 since I couldn't finish it in one sitting. 4 AM reading ;_;.?
the grammar is sorta weird there isn't it?
Haqua is the best TWGOK waifu. Everyone else can fight for second place~
Haqua is the best TWGOK waifu. Everyone else can fight for second place~
Ashita Dorobou: 12
Oh jesus. So much tsundere. SO MUCH TSUNDERE
i cant
Ashita Dorobou: 26
Man, is everything in this comic tsundere?
Sorry. Gotta vote a no on that.
Mangag F or noting.