Your username does ring a bell, though. Aren't you one of the troll characters like DTL? I can't really remember, so if I'm mistaken, I apologize. If you're actually serious, then read my post on the previous page, where I explained the boring and stupid shit in OP.
Yes I'm completely serious. So where is this imaginary post you're speaking of? You mean this post?
Really, just wrong about this. I found Skypiea and FI way too long and extremely boring. Enel was such a filler character. If he wasn't, then I can't wait to see him coming back from the moon, 600 chapters from now, because, you know, Oda is so great at foreshadowing or whatever.
And when I start to talk about the annoying characters of the crew, I definitely will get killed in here. Usopp would be one of them. He was downright useless before the time skip, his story is absolute crap and he didn't really contribute to anything. "But he always fixed up the Going Marry!", so did everyone else over the story line. If he was good at it, they wouldn't need Franky (which is the only redeeming quality he has).
This post is absolutely terrible and I'll explain why in full detail. It's completely deceptive and has no real honest perception of the series. First you intro with a common sentiment everyone has: Fishman Island and Skypiea were boring. You lure people into thinking this is a legitimate opinion that has actual value by introing with this and making it clear that this is why you think One Piece is shit. Then you say...
"Enel was such a filler character."
And this is where the problems come in. This isn't about having an actual opinion here, this is stating something that is contrary to what a statement like that
should mean. For one, you have to take in consideration what "filler" actually is. "Filler" is any piece of material that purposely deviates from the main story of the series. A lot of TV shows experience this, like Buffy, Supernatural, etc. with mixed results. However in the case with anime/manga, when you have source material to take in consideration like with One Piece, you can't really factor in filler outside of the "anime filler." The difference between filler in TV shows and filler in anime is that anything that is viewed as contrary to the original source, or an expansion on it, is properly labeled as filler parts because it's not part of the original source's story.
The thing with One Piece is that you have to remember that there is usually never any linked story in between arcs outside of small threads amongst the ones in the major arcs. One Piece has a linked
backstory, a world that is actually active and moving. The storyline, however, is arc-by-arc. This is why we have movies in the series like movie 8 and movie 9 that specifically focus on a certain arc's storyline.
Because of this, there can never be any real filler, ever. The only time I can genuinely think of there being filler in the series is when Luffy went to that island with the little black dude in a treasure chest. But even then, that was part of the island-hopping Luffy is doing.
Now whether you like Enel or not is up for debate, but most people think Enel is fucking awesome so you're pretty much alone on that.
Secondly, you also say this...
"And when I start to talk about the annoying characters of the crew, I definitely will get killed in here. Usopp would be one of them. He was downright useless before the time skip, his story is absolute crap and he didn't really contribute to anything. "But he always fixed up the Going Marry!", so did everyone else over the story line."
More stuff laden with factually incorrect information and also missing the entire point of Usopp as a character.
Two points that are factually incorrect:
- Usopp was downright useless before the time skip
- Everyone else helped fix the Going Merry
Both of these are factually wrong. Usopp was useless till CP9, in which he got a character arc and became one of the most badass characters in the entire series.
The second point bothers me even more, cause I actually did watch the anime up to CP9 arc with a friend of mine recently and only twice did I ever see the crew fix the ship. There was once Luffy was hammering, but he seemed like he lost interest. And then there was another time in Skypeia where Chopper fixed the ship (I also believed he helped Usopp sometimes). Till the CP9 arc, Usopp
was the shipwright of the ship. He always was fixing it and did a decent job for not knowing how to handle a ship very well. The problem with the Going Merry wasn't because of Usopp's patches, it's because it wasn't build by an awesome shipwright like Franky.
Usopp is arguably the best character in One Piece, but apparently since he's all "Looney Tunes" that makes him annoying and bad to some.
So no, I do not see a post where you "explained the boring and stupid shit in OP"