Yo you should add me for some Shadows of Mordor Vengeance fun!
My steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Phol/ (feel free to add me even if you aren't KePoW!)
Hey azn bro! I'm in bed right now about to sleep, so add me instead. Steam id kepow
Add me too I'm Kepow on Steam and in game.
I'm not winding myself up at all.
The bottom one is alright but like SG and Carol, I still like the default better (until they give me zebra print.)
Look, I actually don't have an account in game I've never even played it.
I just like to post in this thread about X-23 and Squirrel Girl.
Watching Rushlock's marvel heroes stream on twitch. "Gazillion has not ruled out a console port. That is totally in the hands of Sony and Microsoft."
I bought the advance pack. Too many characters I wanted for me to not do so.
At this point, pretty much all of Marvel's A-listers will be playable by 2016 huh?
So Squirrel Girl and X-23 should totally be in a comic together, yeah?
I'd read the shit out of a Laura-Doreen buddy cop road trip book.
new rig ordered. now we wait![]()
new rig ordered. now we wait![]()
Will still chug on Midtown. Dat elite optimization!
Put me in the category of previously having said I would not buy the advanced pack, but picked it up anyway. Which is a colossal waste of money considering I'll only play 1/3 of the characters in the pack, but I'm always happy supporting Gaz.
what GPU??
Indignate is kepow alt account? What kind of twisted reality we live in.
it wont chug since I cant use ultra textures ha!
i5 4690k, 16gb ddr3, 250gb ssd and 2tb hdd for the rest
I'll play when Iron Fist is in. Any news on that?
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Actually, much bigger.
Quick question about that: was it said on Twitch by some Gazillion representative or by the streamer?
what's "Schwartz" ... is that penis??
They really should show more classic films in school.
Remember, guys: Kepow doesn't watch movies. Like, at all. If you ever want to put one over on him, quote a movie.
In all seriousness, this is actually very close to true. I told people if they put one of those Nielsen tracking boxes on my home TV, it would literally be 99%:
ESPN / ESPN2 / ESPNEWS / NFL Network / or any live sports game
I have no interest in watching anything else on TV, and I don't go to theaters.
Each accepted member is granted one, and only one, username. If you are caught using multiple usernames, you will be subject to immediate and permanent banning of all accounts involved
pretty sure having alt accounts is against the tos
pretty sure having alt accounts is against the tos
Why? Movies are life. Cant imagine not watching at least one a week.
Spaceballs was one of the proudest entries in my childhood VHS collection, behind Pryde of the X-men (never-picked-up pilot from X-men cartoon in animation style of the arcade game). Does that answer your question?haha what the heck... jeez that movie looks old as dirt!
how old u all?!
Movies these days are quite bland. Usually popular too safe stuff, not often thought provoking. They have too many toys to throw in your face (CG, 3d, action explosives, etc.).
Movies these days are quite bland. Usually popular too safe stuff, not often thought provoking. They have too many toys to throw in your face (CG, 3d, action explosives, etc.).
hmmm... no new event this week possibly?
"Happy Monday and welcome to a new work week.
I have status updates for about 20 different things (Psylocke, Ghost Rider, Cyclops, Nova, Juggernaut, Surfer, Sue Storm, Emma, Wasp, Havok, Industry City, Red Raids, Zoo, Multi-Spec, Achievements, Danger Room, PVP and more) - I'm be working on these over the next 48 hours and make a nice comprehensive post for you).
We have a couple of days of downtime at the office as we move into a new space (very nice new building), so this week's patch will be fairly small, but the next couple of weeks has a ton of stuff coming.
See you soon."
edit: or not, aparently the best event (at least to gear up) is next, yay
"David Brevik said on his stream on Friday it was going to be Midtown Madness again, and the next week would be A.R.M.O.R. drives."
hmm need to push to finish Cable and then do Punisher up to 60 so I have everyone ready to gear up during MM, which should use the new chest tech that the odin event used (not sure how I feel about that, MM had crazy amount of drops, the odin chests...not so much. but hopefully these MM chests are better)
pretty sure having alt accounts is against the tos
From seeing TV commercials, I know what you're talking about. There's too much CG and "non-real" stuff going on in movies now it seems.
For example, I guess Transformers is one of the most popular movie franchises now that everyone loves, but it just looks not much of substance in the commercials
How are people building Silver Surfer? It seems like he got nerfed and everybody complained and now I don't know what to do.
Same exact build as before. It's just that instead of being literally the #1 or #2 best character in the entire game, he's middle-upper tier now.
I still play him a lot and he's really good, just not OP.
Exactly. Surfer is still doing great. The only difference is you can't play him while completely brain dead and holding down one button.