I think im going to leave it at 37/38...I dont have the willpower to level Punisher from 30 to 60 after im done with Cable
Punisher is my least favorite character in the game by far
I think Hawkeye, Punisher, Black Widow and Cable were my least favourites. Only ones that have felt like a real grind on the way to 60 for me.
haha bro, you're the exact opposite of Tragi, he loves those characters in-game
im guessing wasp and havok are gonna be the 2 secret next year heroes considering those are mentioned in post.
also people are speculating that nova isnt coming october instead itll be x-23 and thats why the early bird thing is ending so fast.
this would be the perfect month to release them both just because they have been worked on for so long.
So, when I'm not doing LQs and SQs, I've been going back through to get story mode rewards. It's so quick now that waypoints are account bound. Big thanks to Rhaknar again for this post about it.
err thats terribly outdated with the new waypont system. For example, in chapter 8, you only need to do Mandarin now for the spirit reward, nothing else. its much faster... I should rewrite that with the new waypoints
having several accounts is not against the rules. its free so they dont care. and yes please do a new updated version of where the story rewards are.
having several accounts is not against the rules. its free so they dont care. and yes please do a new updated version of where the story rewards are.
Oh man, I still watch Pryde at least once a year. It's so funny to show to friends who've never seen it.Spaceballs was one of the proudest entries in my childhood VHS collection, behind Pryde of the X-men (never-picked-up pilot from X-men cartoon in animation style of the arcade game). Does that answer your question?
haha bro, you're the exact opposite of Tragi, he loves those characters in-game
I'm sure there's plenty of love for all the characters, but those four didn't suit my play-style and I found them slow and uninteresting. Hawkeye I played on launch, a few months later, and then more recently after he'd had the review to finally go to 60, but I never liked him.
I'm a big fan of Punisher in comics, but I had very little interest in Marvel Heroes. Not sure what else they can really do with him to be honest either.
I'm a big fan of Punisher in comics, but I had very little interest in Marvel Heroes. Not sure what else they can really do with him to be honest either.
I'm a big fan of Punisher in comics, but I had very little interest in Marvel Heroes. Not sure what else they can really do with him to be honest either.
The Punisher Van and some kind of armory system like they've been talking about could be just what he needs to get spiced up.
I had no idea those could drop outside of the boss battle.
So, I found this today while playing XD
I had no idea those could drop outside of the boss battle.
I also got a Sif drop that same XD.
im guessing wasp and havok are gonna be the 2 secret next year heroes considering those are mentioned in post.
also people are speculating that nova isnt coming october instead itll be x-23 and thats why the early bird thing is ending so fast.
this would be the perfect month to release them both just because they have been worked on for so long.
So, I found this today while playing XD
I had no idea those could drop outside of the boss battle.
I also got a Sif drop that same XD.
popular theory in the official forums some time ago was that x-23 would release in october, because X=10, so 10-23 or 10/23, and the 23rd of october IS a usual patch day (a thursday)
its not the most far fetched theory ive ever heard to be fair
Was it this guy?
(You might not get the reference)
Saw a tip in LFG about the midtown shared quest rescue civilians requirement. I don't know if it's better than just doing it normally, but I tried it out myself and it worked about 50% of the time.
That specific requirement, for some reason, actually can be completed in the Queens Prologue area. The highest success rate seems to be the left side of the map. You can farm the muggers there, and hope for the best.
Finally bought the Advance Pack! I know I always say that you get alot of bang for your buck with these packs but those prices still stings no matter the value. Just hoping I will have the time and will to get good use out of it in the coming year.
You guys better not give up on this game, I need you to feed my addiction!
Haha I bought the Pack myself so I'll definitely be playing next year.
But like with all MMOs for me, I do not play them for years straight nonstop. I usually play MMOs in about 6 month increments, then take a few months off, then come back.
BTW -- how come I haven't seen you on Mordor?! I was playing last night and looking for you azn bro!
Ah smart! I will probably do something similar to keep it feeling fresh and fun. There's bound to be some gaming draughts anyways and thats's where MH comes in!
I was probably sleeping D:. Installing it right now! Prepare to get your butt kicked by whatever orc that slays me 20 times >.
Is Mordor out on Steam/PC? I haven't been following it at all, and don't have a new console.
Is Mordor out on Steam/PC? I haven't been following it at all, and don't have a new console.
It's out.
I watched a stream of it for a bit. It looks so much like Assassin's Creed + Batman + Dishonored, 3 games that I don't care much about, but the other side with the battlefield politics, double agent dealings, and power struggle interest me very much (I was hoping it was some kind of rpg). I saw this game presented at EGX (eurogamer expo) and they made it sound so good. Then the impressions started coming in, confirming the EGX presentation talk. I'm keeping my eye on this because I want to like it. Something until Dragon Age is out.
I LOVED Assassin's Creed 2 and the different Batman games. I might give it a shot.
Do it! It's fricking awsome!
I predict my 560ti will melt. I'm due for an upgrade soon, but I suppose I'll be able to play on medium settings.
If you buy a new 970 it'll be a huge upgrade without changing anything else in your system.
However they're basically sold out everywhere right now
Yeah, everything else in my system is good, and my power supply can easily handle the 970. What does it run? $300ish?
Doomsaw just posted about multi-spec. After the second spec, which you get for free, you can buy up to three more. Will no doubt cost Gs but it'll be account-wide at least.
why would you need so many, the talent trees in this arent THAT varied