GR's synergy is becoming the 4% Mental crit, so we'll be getting it this month
haha nice. actually I hope they change his synergy immediately before his review, to make the people who didn't play him suffer
GR's synergy is becoming the 4% Mental crit, so we'll be getting it this month
"I'm gonna eat yo' braaiiiiins, Spider-Maaaan!" Yeah, no.
That's just Mac Gargan Venom. Brock Venom (whom we are going to get) is not like that, and neither is Agent Venom (who'll be a unique character).
The only way we'll get that is if we have Gargan Venom show up as Enhanced.
I always thought that doll was Eddie Brock. In fact, I'm 90% sure it is. I'll have to dig through some of my old long boxes downstairs, but I'm fairly certain that Venom was always that annoying/trollish.
I always thought that doll was Eddie Brock. In fact, I'm 90% sure it is. I'll have to dig through some of my old long boxes downstairs, but I'm fairly certain that Venom was always that annoying/trollish.
Gargan didn't become Venom until the 2000's, it's Brock. Eddie's characterization has been all over the map.
I figure they'll go the Lethal Protector route (which I hated). Instead of brains he'll be screaming about the innocents.
I want to say Lethal Protector has been name-dropped by the devs when talking about Venom's justification for being playable, so it sounds like it.
I just want 90's cartoon delusion trucker Eddie.
The best thing ever done with Eddie Brock as a character
This gif will never not make me smile like an idiot.
Richard Nova with yellow beams
aparently Havok is the next team up...I dont know if that means after Wasp, or the actual next and he is being stealth released this month with Nova and Wasp would be next month with juggernaut
seriously considering buying a second 970...fuck >_<
for someone that 90% of the time only plays Marvel (although that of course, will change eventually, im sure the burn will return soon enough) that seems like a huge waste, but at the same time, since im getting the new rig, i kinda feel like going all out. Stupid brain, stop teasing me, leave me alone!
lol that's unnecessary for now, 970 will be plenty unless you want 4k rez
you can always get another 970 anytime later
The last day of the Omega event is just awesome. Got Emma from level 1 to level 37 in 2 hours.
And I can't wait for the MM event. I do hope that uniques will be dropping much more than they are now. Need some level 60 gear for Star-Lord.
Hah I forgot this gaffer's name. Cool guy.
Everyone who's done the full 100 a day will be able to get him on day 5 of the next event. I wonder if they will pull a new carrot out at that time or leave it be for, much, smaller grinds towards the boxes and whatnot.Omega event is on for an eighth consecutive day. I appreciate the XP and all, but I want to stop playing. That Coulson hook though.
Omega is my favorite event for leveling and not being rushed to play none stop in order to maximize rewards. I'm gonna pop some pots tonight, finish 60ing my Daredevil and then use the remaining time to power level Hawkeye,so I can minimize my time spent using such a boring character >_>.
I hope the drops are nice for MM week. If so, it's a good follow up to Omega. Level up super fast one week, gear your new 60s out the next.
Everyone who's done the full 100 a day will be able to get him on day 5 of the next event. I wonder if they will pull a new carrot out at that time or leave it be for, much, smaller grinds towards the boxes and whatnot.
Next time will be the first time we can actually buy him.they didnt this time, why would they next time? this wasnt the first omega event
Ryolnir confirmed they are making an updated Juggernaut model and that they're just using his old boss model in order to play test him before the new model is finished.
I'mma send you my login details Rhak, that way you can get the feeling of leveling up again without having to prestige =D
Im never prestiging, I dont understand why anyone would. the whole point of leveling the characters is so I can play whoever I want at 60 at any time, why would I ever reset it
the only reason I would do it would be for the pet, and even then I would sooner just buy one with Gs
Some people just like seeing bars fill up.
Im never prestiging, I dont understand why anyone would.