This hero BOGO sale is not good for me, haha. Bought 2 heroes (Star Lord and Storm) and got Silver Surfer and Loki as bonus.
Now I want to buy even more heroes :/
those rock!
now buy a ton of costumes dragonboi!!
This hero BOGO sale is not good for me, haha. Bought 2 heroes (Star Lord and Storm) and got Silver Surfer and Loki as bonus.
Now I want to buy even more heroes :/
hero bogo stinks
i bought thing and got thing
hero bogo stinks
i bought thing and got thing
sweet haul!!!
hero bogo stinks
i bought thing and got thing
those rock!
now buy a ton of costumes dragonboi!!
Shouldn't I go and buy some more heroes?
And which costumes do you suggest?
How many heroes do you have now?
Had a bit of luck yesterday with the Costume BOGO (though not really the BOGO boxes themselves), bought Winter Soldier Cap and DD Noir got SQ holiday suit and Cap America Marvel now. Then decided to put Default DD/Cap and Marvel Now Cap in the blender and it gave me Enhanced Thing Fear Itself.
Ooo... Looks great with black, but I'm worried how it'll look with all her white costumes.
6 heroes, but got almost enough splinters for a random box.
i never asked for this
They're finally doing what everybody has been requesting (to make the costumes actually visible on Jean's Phoenix and Emma's diamond forms), and now you're saying you're still not happy because Emma likes to wear white and diamond also happens to be white?
C'mon dude.
He didn't say he wasn't happy, he said he was worried about how it might look.
And I don't know about everybody wanting this change. I actually prefer Jean and Emma's costumes to not show through while in their other forms, but whatever because I don't even own Jean yet and I'm never in Diamond form as Emma.
I'm so hooked on this game, it's like the only game I really care about right now. I'm even thinking about how it will run if I upgrade my PC to i7 ####K and maybe ditch gtx760 and get something better. I will brute force this game to run well with no pauses and other issues found in Midtown. Watching DegenTP stream this game and how smooth it looks for him makes me drool
The majority of the community, then.
And being worried doesn't indicate being satisfied with the change. It means quite the opposite, no?
He's likely also streaming at 30 fps so no idea how frequently he is below 60 but above 30. Just because it looks smooth doesn't mean it is.
Edit. I maintain 30fps in midtown with a 4.5 year old 5870. Mouse still feels like crap.
I also put 0 value in some saying it's "fine" for them. FPS measurements or nothin'. Too many people don't even notice performance shit.
I'll try locking my fps to 30. Usually outside of Midtown it's random from from 40's to 100's. And yeah, that mouse feels so floaty. It's a shame that it sounds like it's nothing they can do anything about.
Well then it's certainly a good deal to perhaps get another 450g hero. I did the same when I started playing, got all the 450g heroes when there was a BOGO and got quite a few good heroes in return. Which heroes do you own now?
1367 splinters and 2175g... I'm so ready for Nova+Richard costume
Do new heroes get added to the random hero box immediately? I have enough for Rogue , but also for a couple random boxes and I thought I'd save them and try my luck before I drop 600 splinters on her.
Also are they still live tuning, or does my luck just vary wildly in Midtown Madness. I seem to go from getting a lot of uniques, and then having a lull where I get none for ages...
Meanwhile, the last 5 cards in a row... retcon potions. Bleh.
Do new heroes get added to the random hero box immediately? I have enough for Rogue , but also for a couple random boxes and I thought I'd save them and try my luck before I drop 600 splinters on her.
Also are they still live tuning, or does my luck just vary wildly in Midtown Madness. I seem to go from getting a lot of uniques, and then having a lull where I get none for ages...
Meanwhile, the last 5 cards in a row... retcon potions. Bleh.
Do new heroes get added to the random hero box immediately? I have enough for Rogue , but also for a couple random boxes and I thought I'd save them and try my luck before I drop 600 splinters on her.
Also are they still live tuning, or does my luck just vary wildly in Midtown Madness. I seem to go from getting a lot of uniques, and then having a lull where I get none for ages...
Meanwhile, the last 5 cards in a row... retcon potions. Bleh.
Speaking of Starlord, just realized that the elemental ammo spells are basically 1 point wonders, since all putting more points in them does is increase the dmg of them as spells, which is hardly the point, it doesnt affect the ammo part on the elemental gun spells
the problem is, the UI isnt made for a system where you ideally want to be switching between all 4 since using the other bars is super awkward (its fine for auras or stances which stay on or you just need to use once in awhile)
I have all ammo loading on the second bar and use the ini action bar edit.
Do perfectly well using an all elemental gun and every element.
I pretty much do:
Water ammo (aoe freeze and good dmg), charged blast (puts aoe slow on frozen group) then dump barrage (does 40% increased damage to slowed targets). Then switch to air (bounces and does a lot per hit on load) then dump ammo with whatever elemental ability will do the most damage (air charge shot is great damage if lined up well). Load Earth, Load Fire (only 1 point in these, don't use any of the ammo, just load for the initial burst). Load water, repeat from start.
I don't know if this is a build anyone else uses, but I wanted to use every single element in some capacity and still be viable, and it absolutely is.
Edit: Have load water and load air maxed. Pretty sure all elemental gun builds max at least one or two ammo load spells.
Speaking of Starlord, just realized that the elemental ammo spells are basically 1 point wonders, since all putting more points in them does is increase the dmg of them as spells, which is hardly the point, it doesnt affect the ammo part on the elemental gun spells
the problem is, the UI isnt made for a system where you ideally want to be switching between all 4 since using the other bars is super awkward (its fine for auras or stances which stay on or you just need to use once in awhile)
Dr. Strange really requires 2 hot-bars to be efficient with his incantations, buffs, and etc.
It's very easy. This guide will explain how to use two hot-bars by toggling a second hot-bar with the Alt key.
For example: I use the keybinds Left Click, Q, W, E, R, F, G, and Right Click. Normally, if I wanted to use more than one hot-bar, I would have to switch to another hot-bar and then back to my main hot-bar.
With this method, I will be able to hold Alt and press Left Click, Q, W, E, R, F, G, and Right Click to activate the abilities on a second hot-bar. When I release Alt, my active hot-bar will automatically return to the main hot-bar that I originally had activated. Neat?
How do?
1) Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to the hard drive where you've installed Windows.
2) Find the folder called Users (Also called Documents and Settings in older versions of Windows.)
3) Open the Users folder and find the folder with your Username on it.
4) Open the folder with your Username on it and find the My Documents folder.
5) Open the My Documents folder and find the My Games folder.
6) Open the My Games folder and find the Marvel Heroes Game folder.
7) Open the Marvel Heroes Game folder and find the MarvelGame folder.
8) Open the MarvelGame folder and find Config folder.
9) Open the Config folder and find the file MarvelInputUserSettings.ini
10) Right click the file MarvelInputUserSettings.ini then hover over the option for Open With
11) Click on the Open With option for WordPad (If that option does not appear, choose the option for Choose Default Program... and then choose WordPad.)
12) In WordPad, scroll all of the way to the bottom of the text that appears.
13) Copy the following two lines of text and paste them in to the empty area at the bottom of the page:
-Bindings=(Name="LeftAlt",Command="SetCurrentAvatarAbilitySet 1 | OnRelease SetCurrentAvatarAbilitySet 0")
.Bindings=(Name="LeftAlt",Command="SetCurrentAvatarAbilitySet 1 | OnRelease SetCurrentAvatarAbilitySet 0")
You must place both of these lines of text on a separate empty line at the bottom of the MarvelInputUserSettings.ini
14) Save your changes to the MarvelInputUserSettings.ini file.
15) Close WordPad
16) Launch Marvel Heroes and test it out. If you've done it right, when you hold Alt, you should see your hot-bar change to hot-bar 2 and when you release alt, you should see it change back to hot-bar 1.
That is all how do. Enjoy.
I know we asked about a weekend raid, my time has been kind of shot this week so haven't been able to muster anything up. That and with midtown being as awesome as it has been, I don't think there would of been much interest in doing raids anyway while the loot is so good elsewhere.
I'll likely be on later tonight (8pm EST) for something, but again, figure most people will want to MM it up anyway.
Said F it and bought 3 more Heroes. Bought Taskmaster, Black Widow and Daredevil and got as bonus Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (yay!).
I think I will keep the last 850 G for another sale or something, although I am really tempted to buy another hero, haha.
Wow thats a crazy good BOGO haul, Congrats!
Yeah, thanks. And for my random box I gor Emma Frost, so all in all some nice heroes
. But for now I want to bring my Hawkeye to level 60 and then start a new character.
Spider Man si fun to play?
im not going to mess with .ini or whatever for 1 or 2 characters, one of which Im not really into much. Ill wait until they decide to change the UI
im lazy lol
They're finally doing what everybody has been requesting (to make the costumes actually visible on Jean's Phoenix and Emma's diamond forms), and now you're saying you're still not happy because Emma likes to wear white and diamond also happens to be white?
C'mon dude.
sweet haul!!!
how big of a time investment is the raid? i'm kind of interested in trying it out in the next week or two.
I'm so hooked on this game, it's like the only game I really care about right now. I'm even thinking about how it will run if I upgrade my PC to i7 ####K and maybe ditch gtx760 and get something better. I will brute force this game to run well with no pauses and other issues found in Midtown. Watching DegenTP stream this game and how smooth it looks for him makes me drool (though he lowered things all the way down on the graphics slider and further edited settings down for this Midtown event)
I also put 0 value in some saying it's "fine" for them. FPS measurements or nothin'. Too many people don't even notice performance shit.
realistically about 1.5 hours (if Tragicomedy is in the raid, then 3 hours)
For those of you who have pick up grouped the green raid, how exactly did it go? Did you just use the terminal and wait till it got started or is there a channel or something?
Am perplexed by who takes charge in a pick up group without a raid leader...