Only Team Up I need is Wasp.
Come on!!!
Next one is She Hulk, no Wasp for you!
Only Team Up I need is Wasp.
Come on!!!
Fuck those Magneto models look amazing. They've really come a long way in that department. Makes me wonder if they'll ever go back and redo some of the older ones like what LoL does. They need to fix that Marvel Now Cap. That and movie Thor are probably the ugliest models in the game.
There are some really bad/low quality models in the early characters.
I hope they get updated too.
MM loot and EXP really are something else this weekend. Too bad I only found out about it today.
I leveled up like 5 levels in 5 minutes. :lol
its a week event not weekend
the bogo sale was weekend tho
The Magneto costumes look amazing. I might bite on the advanced pack. How do you guys like Mr. Fantastic and Star Lord?
Is Reed really fun to play and doesn't get boring? Not too repetitive?Reed is fucking amazing and one of my faves in the game. I'm lvling Starlord now and I'm not really digging him
Is Reed really fun to play and doesn't get boring? Not too repetitive?
Reed is super fun and one of the most unique characters to play.
I've never traded in this game, how do you trade blessings??
You can put the blessing on an artifact you don't want, (like those crappy visual only ones) and then trade that with the person. They then swap the blessings to the desired artifact at the crafter.
white Marvel Now costume maybe? I actually prefer the white one, maybe the black one is a fortune card thing
What's the latest official word on Blade? Is he confirmed for the very end of 2014??
What's the latest official word on Blade? Is he confirmed for the very end of 2014??
Next year.
He was always 2015. At best we will get x-23 this year, apart from the scheduled ones of course
I now have my Black Widow with an artifact that makes her small.
Seems so fitting. lol
on Magneto
"This model is pending licensor approval so when it's approved, I'll make the forum and such!
I can't promise we'll use that other costume though, there may be yet another you haven't seen that will be released alongside him instead of that one."
white Marvel Now costume maybe? I actually prefer the white one, maybe the black one is a fortune card thing
You can check all your $ purchases (and all promo codes lmao) here:
Just ctrl+F and type in "team-up" and you'll see if you bought any.
Thanks for this. Now I know I'm not crazy. I entered a Random Hero Box code from a giveaway in the beginning of August. I didn't log into the game until today. And it wasn't there. I thought I was going crazy. But it shows up on there.
Does anyone know how Gaz handles this? I had all the other promo code items I entered since then but not the random hero
No reason to keep artifacts that you have advanced versions of right? Midtown Madness has killed my STASH space.![]()
Aside from leveling heroes, there's no reason to keep artifacts that you have advanced versions of right? Midtown Madness has killed my STASH space.![]()
The element powers actually do good damage (about same as strafe) if you put points in them. I use wind, water and elemental blast with pretty good results. Empty the clip might do a bit better dps but I just can't stand the sound it makes with his movie costume.
And yeah the knife bugs out alot :/.
Close Quarters Combat is a bit buggy, but it's a boss destroyer. Great execute function. You can eventually get brutals for over a million. Once a boss is below 50%, I use it on cooldown. I originally disliked the melee range but have come to like the dash in and out playstyle. It might not be viable in red raids, but we'll see.
To quote Kepow from yesterday, "Don't tell anyone on GAF, but you do insane damage." Thanks, Kepow.
Also, I can't recommend elemental gun under its current form. That's far too large a tradeoff for stronger abilities you'll sacrifice. I do look forward to it being improved to provide more build diversity, but raiding with that tree is a damage loss.
To quote Kepow from yesterday, "Don't tell anyone on GAF, but you do insane damage." Thanks, Kepow.
You could actually take a few elemental skills without loosing too much dps. The only things that make my build different from the cookie cutter is no ice grenade (not a main damage skill) and no empty the clips. I'm still using knife, strafe, incendiary and orbital strike. Both Water and Wind are pretty much free damage in a rotation, and If I wanted to I could just trade elemental blast for empty the clip.
Also an elemental build currently holds the best TTK (I know these aren't the best way to show raid dps) so those builds can definelty pull some weight. That being said the elemental gun tree could use some love.
im not fussed about dps, i just dont like the skills![]()
Was actually replying to Tragics post, but yeah was a bit unclear.
im sorry![]()