That will make Kepow happy.
its funny because its true
That will make Kepow happy.
We got any MH experts awake? I need some info on some stuff and I would rather get the info here than the official forums >_>
I'm looking into starting to get legendaries for at least my favorite heroes, I already got some, mostly all wrong but what are you gonna do. I'm not interested in mid maxing, but I would like to know some good ones for these heroes.
So, off the top of my head, I have a Excalibur on Nightcrawler (I'm sure the crit one is better, oh well), the pet one on Colossus because I played him mostly with pets, at least pre-team ups. So I want to unbound that one and give it to Rocket, so I'll need one for Colossus. I have the stupid +1 to a bunch of stats on Ms. Marvel because I played her hybrid, shorty choice in hindsight but I'm not that fussed, I'm especially not fussed enough to waste another 300marks on her. I bought the crit one for Reed for obvious reasons, I have the mental dmg one on Emma also. I think that's all I have, the rest are all the xp/sif one from that event a few months ago, those don't Ben count.
So, let's see, assuming Nightcrawler, Emma, MsMarvel, Reed and Rocket are sorted, what would be some good ones for:
Hulk (my Hulk is very tanky mind you)
Luke Cage (non summon strangely for me)
Maybe Jean, maybe Rogue, but it's probably too soon for those. I can buy 5 at the moment so let's stick with these for now
First, do you know you can trade any Legendary you own for 300 odin marks? The only thing you "lose" is the amount of ranks you leveled in it, but at least you get all your marks back.
Iron Man -- everyone gets Mkraan
Luke Cage -- I use Axe, but I believe Excalibur might be slightly better
SS -- I use Cosmic Control Rod, but I don't think that's ideal for raiding. I like CCR for soloing though
My game glitched out and won't let me pick up the 3 Odin Marks dropped from the event's daily box.
It dropped there and I can't pick it up. D:
I'm certain that I was already at 353, but I don't have any way to prove it.Do you know exactly how many odin marks you had before opening the gift box? Sometimes I see omega globes or other items that spawn after doing things and they can't be picked up. It seem like a glitch that don't remove the graphic after you auto pick up the item. Health, Spirit, Spirit/health (purple), Odin, Omega, experience globes fall into that category. They all seem able to glitch like that.
Can someone take over the raid organizing duty for a bit? This week gonna be busy, I think.
I'm certain that I was already at 353, but I don't have any way to prove it.
At least the 10 OM drop I just used worked right.
So, let's see, assuming Nightcrawler, Emma, MsMarvel, Reed and Rocket are sorted, what would be some good ones for:
Hulk (my Hulk is very tanky mind you)
Luke Cage (non summon strangely for me)
Maybe Jean, maybe Rogue, but it's probably too soon for those. I can buy 5 at the moment so let's stick with these for now
I'm certain that I was already at 353, but I don't have any way to prove it.
At least the 10 OM drop I just used worked right.
First, do you know you can trade any Legendary you own for 300 odin marks? The only thing you "lose" is the amount of ranks you leveled in it, but at least you get all your marks back.
Iron Man -- everyone gets Mkraan
Luke Cage -- I use Axe, but I believe Excalibur might be slightly better
SS -- I use Cosmic Control Rod, but I don't think that's ideal for raiding. I like CCR for soloing though
Colossus - Excalibur
Hulk - Excalibur
Surfer - Cosmic Control Rod
Ironman - Power Cosmic/M'Kraan
Spider-man - Excalibur for melee builds, Gungnir for hybrid/ranged, I use Axe of Ares cause fuck it.
Luke Cage - Excalibur
If you're pet-based, Neptune obviously. M'Kraan crystal can be subbed in for basically anyone for a nice mix of offensive/defense stats/spirit management. Gungnir can be subbed in for most anything as a purely offensive tool, but generally loses to Excalibur/Cosmic Control Rod/Warlock's eye except on hybrids. Power Cosmic looks to be best for anyone with hybrid damage but has a prohibitive cost.
Axe of Ares is largely an inferior Excalibur unless you're (obviously) not melee like Punisher. Axe also works for hybrid melee/ranged like Spiderman/Captain/Deadpool, but most hybrids still have way more melee damage focus than ranged.
Casket and Norn Stones are horrible. Shield of Perseus is great for defensive builds which unfortunately suck in this game so meh.
Golden Bow can be good provided the ranged hero you're using doesn't have much/any natural attack-speed in their kit/uniques. I can't think of one like that though.
Ultimate Nullifier is best for Wolverine when Ulti'ing and PvP'ers and that's it.
Actually, turning a legendary back into 300 marks cost a retcon device.
Unbinding it resets the level and costs almost nothing, 10k credits I think.
Dat info overload. I guess I should get rid of the stones on Ms.Marvel and get her a proper one. She, like my Spider-Man, has a fucked up hybrid build where I'm mostly in melee range using...ranged spells, if that makes sense >_>
Does anyone have any excess of the following artifacts, they are my go-to on most heroes and I'm dry :/
Advanced Super Soldier Serum
Advanced Starstone Tooth
Advanced Kung Fu
Advanced Cyttorak
Dat info overload. I guess I should get rid of the stones on Ms.Marvel and get her a proper one. She, like my Spider-Man, has a fucked up hybrid build where I'm mostly in melee range using...ranged spells, if that makes sense >_>
Does anyone have any excess of the following artifacts, they are my go-to on most heroes and I'm dry :/
Advanced Super Soldier Serum
Advanced Starstone Tooth
Advanced Kung Fu
Advanced Cyttorak
OK, I am a bit confused. I have been maining Star-Lord at 60 and gearing him up using an outlaw/commander build.
According to many builds online they say I should be using apoc armor instead of his unique for that slot and I don't understand why. I just got an apoc armor drop and it doesn't seem like an improvement? Maybe I don't understand how the stats work on it? Here are the two items in comparison. Which should I use for my build?
Message me ingame.
Apoc armor has higher health.
They both have +1 all skills.
You rolled low on % to avoid attacks, but they both max at 4%.
Apoc armor has better -spirit reduction (factor in +energy)
+1 Energy = 160 damage rating, so you're looking at ~500ish energy damage rating, your slot 2 has none.
Durability is a crappy stat. Health regen is ~59 health twice a second or just over 1/4 as strong as a 400 life on hit core (assuming constant hitting). Not exactly setting the world on fire.
I have no idea what skills Starlord focuses on but I'm guessing (at best) the two listed are considered "layers" and not main-DPS skills. Layers you never really focus on boosting as their DPS (usually) accounts for less than 50% of your "main-DPS" skill. +Damage rating effects everything, including your main DPS skill which is why it's preferred for slot 2 where you can't get +skills on cosmic gear anyway (only "Grant X skill" is found on slot 2).
Test center is up.
Feeling very whelmed by reviewed Jean on first pass.
Under-whelmed? Or over-whelmed?
Just whelmed.Under-whelmed? Or over-whelmed?
Yes and I don't know.She hulk is on the TC? So she's coming with rogue this Friday?
Yes and I don't know.
Cap's passive grants 2% block chance.
Colossus's toggle turns the osmium skin on/off visually. *bows
Yes, bows all around. Confirmed, she gets claws out passively with Wolverine's power on bar. Pretty sure not blue from Kurt; it's just blink strike.Rogue turns metal? If so bow indeed
Does she get claws from wolverine or turn blue from Kurt?
Yes, bows all around. Confirmed, she gets claws out passively with Wolverine's power on bar. Pretty sure not blue from Kurt; it's just blink strike.
I like Dempsey Roll on her; it fits.
Apoc armor has higher health.
They both have +1 all skills.
You rolled low on % to avoid attacks, but they both max at 4%.
Apoc armor has better -spirit reduction (factor in +energy)
+1 Energy = 160 damage rating, so you're looking at ~500ish energy damage rating, your slot 2 has none.
Durability is a crappy stat. Health regen is ~59 health twice a second or just over 1/4 as strong as a 400 life on hit core (assuming constant hitting). Not exactly setting the world on fire.
I have no idea what skills Starlord focuses on but I'm guessing (at best) the two listed are considered "layers" and not main-DPS skills. Layers you never really focus on boosting as their DPS (usually) accounts for less than 50% of your "main-DPS" skill. +Damage rating effects everything, including your main DPS skill which is why it's preferred for slot 2 where you can't get +skills on cosmic gear anyway (only "Grant X skill" is found on slot 2).
Thank you for taking the time to write that up for me. I had figured that the +2 energy was where I was going to see my big gains as it would effect all of my skills. Thanks!
No blue fur from Kurt? Pre order canceled!
Got a telepath Emma to level 40 and I...don't really like her? Maybe I'm missing something though so I'll check out some videos of how other people play telepath Emma but she doesn't feel exciting at all. That or just leave her at 50.
I liked Spider-Man the best (because I like melee), but Storm is beastly once you get to 40s. Don't have Star-Lord.On another note. Gonna bring Hawkeye to 60 today (probably) and don't know who to play then. I narrowed my choice to Loki, Spider Man, Storm and Star-Lord. So who do you suggest me to try next?
So my files were broken or whatever and I had to repair it.
Now I have to download 6gb.
My life.
Ok I found out that I was an idiot for gifting uniques to the vendor for XP >.<. Had sooooo much uniques, bah.
On another note. Gonna bring Hawkeye to 60 today (probably) and don't know who to play then. I narrowed my choice to Loki, Spider Man, Storm and Star-Lord. So who do you suggest me to try next?