That's a pretty loaded question. I don't really know what you're getting at, but I consider raids to be optional end-game content. I don't really have any interest in playing Holo-Sim or X-Def so if they released gear that was awesome in either one of those, I wouldn't care. Raids are intended for players who like to min-max and plan things out and theory-craft. It's just a different kind of experience, not a better one. Some people are more naturally drawn to that kind of gameplay, though. As for an alleged superiority complex of hardcore raiders, again: who cares? Especially people on the official're not going to get much of that on here.
The omega points was exactly the same as the bark event, except with an extra 30 for the holosim
That's exactly what Limbo was, and it was not fun.
Some of the individual things you say are technically correct, but overall I think it's an exaggeration. It sounds like you just personally want to bring your own build to a raid, but don't like single-target focused builds.
Why should an AoE/CC build be effective on a raid boss? That wouldn't make sense to me.
I don't think raid design should allow every single possible random build to be effective. There are 40 classes in the game now, can't you do single-target raid build on just a couple? And still have 30+ other classes for AoE non-raid builds.
It's also the only thing in the entire game that wastes your time if you fail. From death meaning not even restoring the boss health to wave in the holo carrying over on SQ and getting at least one defender token when you get to the not-hard wave 10 on x-def; even just playing around in MM doing nothing in particular nets you omega points, credits, some loot and eternity splinters.
A raid boss that you can't defeat gives you nothing. It's the only thing in the entire game that makes having bad team-mates an actual road block with no progress whatsoever tied to it; it's also the only thing in the game where you have to build "for it", and it's also the only content in the game that has specific gear locked behind it.
But rewards were increased in price.
Groot pieces were the best format. Still managed to get two of the Crimson Boxes, which were the most expensive things in the event - and for ~1 hour a day of play time.
Only content in this game where this happens. Only content in the game that generates drama like that. Only content in the game that roadblocks you. Only content in the game that locks gear behind it.
38 damn it kepow!
Oops... does Rouge make 39 or 40?
actually its 37 lol. Rogue 38, Nova 49, Mags, Jugg, Venom 42
this is completely random but I still dont have Emma's Cyke pet unique
I shall farm that shit all day in MM, and it will drop! it will drop damn it!
And you could have gotten 2 of the unique boxes, with an extra 100 for whatever if you hit everything every day
Did you get Emma to 60 a long time ago near launch? Or only recently?
Missing my point; You're obviously okay with the ~3 months worth of respective events before you can get your Doop Companion or Agent Coulson then?
Going by my collection rate of Omega files and Worldstones, it'll be more like 5-7 months worth of these events for me. And if that happens and I keep that ratio up, I still haven't bought anything else from the events.
Again, if you're okay with that, which you obviously are, we probably have to agree to disagree, but I think 5-7 months (or 3 optimally, if you're this "average player" that Gaz keeps going on about) for a single visual pet/team-up is asking a lot of the user base.
I hope this launches soon. It would have been so useful for this current event.
I know that feeling all too well. I have 4 characters who could use PS, but I've never gotten one. Is there any specific place to grind for them?I way prefer having to save up over months than having to get it through random drop. It took me 300+ hours to get a pym shrinking. I'd rather have a goal to save towards that I know I'll eventually reach. Or conversely I'll stop playing the game before then and then I won't care.
Also for your final statements above, they are also correct.
But tell me how is this any different than raiding in WoW or EQ? Or maybe that's where the cause of disagreement comes from in the first place.
I loved raiding in WoW / EQ. If you do not like raiding in WoW / EQ, then of course you will not like the raid design in this MMO either. That would be completely expected because it's very similar.
edit: im bored so lets see, characters that devs have confirmed to be working on / will come out in 2015
So I've looked things up, here's characters 100% confirmed for next year's Advance Pack:
Shadowcat (w/ Lockheed)
Dr. Doom
Winter Soldier
Nick Fury
Likely candidates:
Super-Skrull (who was confirmed to not be 200 ES)
If they're not gonna be 200 ES:
War Machine
And, if they're going to be out in 2015:
Iron Fist (they said he definitely will be part of either the 2015 or the 2016 pack)
And of course there's Beast who will be the 200 ES character after X-23, and Elektra after him.
I love Spider-Woman, but historically, her costumes have been shite.
The ice grenade is crucial because it debuffs stuff to take 10% extra damage. If you have someone in your party reliably applying that, okay. If not, you're definitely losing an easy damage modifier. It's also amazing in how it works with his dash resetting the cool down. At max level it provides strong damage and the excellent debuff, so I dig it as a regular part of my rotation.
I'm not sure how water or wind work out better than Empty the Clips with its 40% damage modifier to bosses. Every character has a single target boss killer that's practically a must have, and that's his. I use it in place of his basic and basically spam it nonstop when everything else is on cool down. I have no idea how anything in the elemental tree could compare.
I'd be interested to see this record TTK build you're referencing. I follow the theory crafting on him very closely, and the consensus is to only use water in the elemental tree if you lack spirit sustain, but at a large damage loss. I'd like to see what the record holder is using in terms of equipment, or see if their omega points are affecting the outcome.
Always looking for new perspectives as I better my main. Thanks in advance.
btw they are now saying October for Nova... he's never coming out is he >_>
I actually made a full list of characters confirmed for the AP2015, and those that they have been talking about for 2015:
Cryo grenade provides great utility and the damage is decent, but compared to the rest of his AoE cd powers it's the weakest one. The debuff is actually Weakness which makes enemies deal 10% less damage. Unless I've completely missed it I don't think SL has a Vulnerability debuff (enemies take 10% more damage).
Um, Starship Uplink makes all your starship powers provide Vulnerability, so basically it never drops off with Incendiary Strike / Orbital Strike / Cluster bomb.
I've always wondered - why does everyone use cryo grenade rather than gravity grenade? I've been using that a lot and it seems incredibly, incredibly useful in holo sim and X-defense when it roots everything in sight and then you burn them to the ground.
On a plus note - I just got a Tyr rune! just need a Saturn now and I'm all set for Bowazon.
Did you have any boosts or anything on at the time? I think like 90% of the time I've gotten retcon potions. The only "Epic" category thing I've managed was the vest, which is meh.
Did you have any boosts or anything on at the time? I think like 90% of the time I've gotten retcon potions. The only "Epic" category thing I've managed was the vest, which is meh.
I was hoping to get a costume from a card, I think I should keep farming Doom and Hood.
I can not download the Test Center patches. It tells me that it is unable to access metafile.I want to mess around with Rogue and new Pheonix.
I can not download the Test Center patches. It tells me that it is unable to access metafile.I want to mess around with Rogue and new Pheonix.
im sure ppl do this for every new hero but its hilarious to see how much ppl save JUST FOR ROGUE!!!
I don't know why Rogue doesn't do it for me. But everyone's excitement just has me pumped for the game in general.
Yeah, I'm not interested in the character in general, but it really seems like Gaz went fucking balls to the wall with her gameplay/design, so I'm definitely looking forwarded to giving her a shot after not playing MH at all the past week or two.