Do you guys keep all your costume core? I have been getting one every 20-30 minutes and I will run out of space. Any use for them?
You can use them when your crafter is level 10 and it requires a hefty credits investment (200k+). I'm keeping most, but getting rid of the lame ones, like the ones that give +23 physical defense or something like that.
Stats are OK depending on the character, but I suspect I'll apply the ones that give special item find first.
Any idea if wearing a +7% "Special Item Find" mask is really going to help my chances of finding anything good?
Anyone wanna do Purple challenge 1 in a little bit?
Any idea if wearing a +7% "Special Item Find" mask is really going to help my chances of finding anything good?
Any idea if wearing a +7% "Special Item Find" mask is really going to help my chances of finding anything good?
I'm really having fun doing Limbo now that I'm leveled up for it. XP and the fights are just nuts sometimes.
What level should you be for Limbo anyway? I have it unlocked but haven't bothered yet (levelled other characters instead, Jean to 22 and Wolv to 20)
So I guess Brevik was interviewed on a live stream earlier today and said the hero/costume drop rate will be increased. So that's good news, since I'm around hour 50 with 0 drops so far.
Captain America is functionally invincible as a result of Quick Block at rank 10 and above, in case this hasn't been mentioned. I ran through the first set of green terminals at level 27; didn't matter if enemy tags were green, amber, or red.
Captain America is functionally invincible as a result of Quick Block at rank 10 and above, in case this hasn't been mentioned. I ran through the first set of green terminals at level 27; didn't matter if enemy tags were green, amber, or red.
It feels like an exploit, but it's also one of his essential skills. I didn't play him this deeply in beta; I can't comprehend how this was permitted. Perhaps the mechanics of the skill are too compromised to fix quickly.
It's not really feasible to play Cap without it, and the benefit of dailies to crafting is too valuable to put him aside just yet. I'll just continue to level Jean while waiting for this to unfold.
Yeah, this has received a bunch of attention on the official forums. Everyone expects a pretty quick nerf.
The problem is all the defense based stats are broken. Colossus for instance gets crapped on even stacking defense and with his armor and natural mitigation. That makes no sense. Only Captain America can stand head to head with a boss. There's a reason the first level 60 was reached using him. He is literally invincible if you spam Quick Block.
I hit level 21 as Rocket Raccoon and decided to finally try taking on good olePiece of cake! those turrets may not do much damage but man, their agro is crazy I just throw down my gun turret, then run off and throw out my Time Dilator, and shoot shoot shoot. When one breaks, throw out another one. Flawless victory! I expected to die, but nope, twas quite a good fight actually.Pyro and Magneto
Is dodge broken too? I've tried dodge tanking bosses as Spider-Man using my ultimate skill "Amazing Smash" (gives a 30sec +100% dodge chance buff) and I still get pummeled.
Anyone wanna do the Madripoor group challenge?
how many ppl do we need for this??
32 -> 36 by just mindless Limbo farming. Pretty awesome, but I'd hate to think that that's it. Also, Rhino is still broken.
And how do you get the Bovine Recipe?
The best part of the interview I think is him saying they're definitely going to be adding the equivalent of nightmare and hell modes in the game.
The best part of the interview I think is him saying they're definitely going to be adding the equivalent of nightmare and hell modes in the game.
Awesome. They better do this fast before they lose too many players though.The best part of the interview I think is him saying they're definitely going to be adding the equivalent of nightmare and hell modes in the game.
Awesome. They better do this fast before they lose too many players though.
First where is this interview??? was it at e3???
second, limbo is awesome. anyone who says this game is boring just play limbo, you can do that thing for hours everyday.
Third, my crafter is at level 8 and his gear tab looks like this does this change after a certain level or this pretty much it for the rest of my crafter experience???
Apologies to all the guys I was grouping with. Marvel.exe stopped working as I was bodysliding out of the Madripoor group challenge. I've been trying to log back in but it keeps crashing after the splash screens.
Web 'Em All > Lady Deathstrike haha
First where is this interview??? was it at e3???
second, limbo is awesome. anyone who says this game is boring just play limbo, you can do that thing for hours everyday.
Third, my crafter is at level 8 and his gear tab looks like this does this change after a certain level or this pretty much it for the rest of my crafter experience???
You'll be able to put cores in costumes at 10. That's the next big thing. Though it does cost 200k just to add a core. Not sure if/when there is an upgrade for post lvl 36 rares to become epics.
is there ever an option to upgrade greens to blues?
That should be the reason for all of the player characters as well
Level 52 spidey and friends farming the cow level.
Oh god I love it. The reasoning for a cow level is thatthey're Skrulls
Awesome. They better do this fast before they lose too many players though.
Finally my first special drop
So cute :3