Has Capcom confirmed that there will be L1s and L3s or would everything cost one bar?
I hope there's still L3s and everything
Captain Marvel
Captain America
Captain Commando
Captain ???
Who else does Capcom have to even this out
Yes to this!I really, really hope the X armor special changes depending of the costume, that way we can get Fourth Armor, Gaea Armor, Falcon Armor.
Also i demand a Ultimate Armor Nova Strike Level 3 Super.
Together we stand. I don't care how much negativity and bad press comes the games way, if Jin is there it's preorder and stand in line outside of Best Buy midnight release time.
Would love a trailer with him against Iron Fist in a glowing hand contest
Prior to the whole roster getting leaked a couple of months before release, the only real leaks were when Marvel accidentally uploaded press materials of Thor and Amaterasu a day before their intended reveals and when Capcom accidentally uploaded an office photo without realizing that a still of Haggar's victory pose was in the background.Am I remember incorrectly, or was that also because they were leaking characters faster than a sinking canoe?
Captain Ruby Heart
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.So when are we getting this guy?
Would love a trailer with him against Iron Fist in a glowing hand contest
Something I find pretty nuts: unless the rumored Smash Bros Switch version turns out to be some dinky straight port, we could have a Smash and Marvel hype cycle going on at the same time, holy shit.
Captain Ruby Heart
I can't wait.MVC:I got confirmed and big if Smash for Switch got confirmed next month, then we are going to riding on two biggest hype train at once. SmashGAF vs. MarvalGAF. :x
Too much hype lol2017 might be going to be one of most exciting ride for me in term of fighting games. There is a rumor that we might get Smash for Nintendo Switch, and we might get brand new contents there as well, and it also rumored to be released in 2017 as well. Same for MVC4 and it's release date as well. Two of my favorite franchises are getting brand new games in 2017, along with Street Fighter getting new characters for Season 2.
MVC:I got confirmed and big if Smash for Switch got confirmed next month, then we are going to riding on two biggest hype train at once. SmashGAF vs. MarvalGAF. :x
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Get out you filth person.Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
I knowI honestly don't like Iron Fist that much myself but I could see them keeping him around, especially because, you know.
I know
Maybe he'll be bottom tier again at least.
Just realized they shuffled the Infinity Gem colors again.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
They're likely going with the MCU colors for the Infinity Stones. The Time Stone is green (as it was in Doctor Strange) & the Power Stone is purple (as it was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1).Just realized they shuffled the Infinity Gem colors again.
I hope the match the excellent soundtrack quality of MVC3. It was EXCELLENT.
I talked about this in the UMVC3 thread earlier, but one obscure feature in UMVC3 that goes unnoticed that I've always appreciated is the option to switch between character specific themes or general stage BGMs.
If you switch the BGM option to Dynamic, every stage gets their own specific music track, kinda like in MVC2. For example, this plays on the Daily Bugle no matter who you fight against.
I talked about this in the UMVC3 thread earlier, but one obscure feature in UMVC3 that goes unnoticed that I've always appreciated is the option to switch between character specific themes or general stage BGMs.
If you switch the BGM option to Dynamic, every stage gets their own specific music track, kinda like in MVC2. For example, this plays on the Daily Bugle no matter who you fight against.
They're likely going with the MCU colors for the Infinity Stones. The Time Stone is green (as it was in Doctor Strange) & the Power Stone is purple (as it was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1).
Fun Fact: The Power Stone was supposed to be red in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, but it was changed when Thor: The Dark World ultimately made the Reality Stone's color red.[/QUOTE]
People acting like they wouldn't play X-Men VS Groening
Game looks even better than yesterday. We ain't seen shit yet, especially with only 2 grooves shown thus far, and just now confirming there's normal-cancelling airdashes. We have a long way to go. Also, [I]the game only got announced yesterday.[/I]
Also in case people were wondering the best MvC song is Ruby Heart's Airship Stage. MvC2 music isn't normally as hot to me as the rest of the series's, but that song is audio 100 emoji.
Can we leave Iron Fist out? He seemed like such a filler addition.
Tag combos with Fist is fucking great IMO.
Okay it's really starting to sink in how we are once again in for months of character speculation and reveals.
It's good to be back, guys
thats the first thing I thought of, but if your point character gets killed, and you are left with Iron Fist against a zoner like Morrigan, you are going to have a bad time without assists or tag ins. I doubt they give him an air dash, but maybe there is some way to explain it lore wise? He would be really good with an air dash and recapture combos.
Looks like they are going with the MCU colors of choice.
They're likely going with the MCU colors for the Infinity Stones. The Time Stone is green (as it was in Doctor Strange) & the Power Stone is purple (as it was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1).
Fun Fact: The Power Stone was supposed to be red in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, but it was changed when Thor: The Dark World ultimately made the Reality Stone's color red.
Shang-Chi beat his ass until he figured out how to do it
Yes please... Ball buster Super would probably bee to M rated for Marvel but would be funny...So when are we getting this guy?
Would love a trailer with him against Iron Fist in a glowing hand contest
Well, that solves that mystery.
Anyone want to speculate on what the other gems do?
Space = teleportation or limited intangibility/invincibility
Mind = HC gauge refill
Soul = life drain or projectile absorb
Reality = scramble opponent's controls
In order to win a gem from the opponent, a player must hit him/her with special move or a super move in succession.
Gives the character increased attack strength. Special users are Spider-Man (creates a mirror image of himself on the opposite side of the opponent), Captain America (creates multiple hits from his special moves that were later turned into Hyper Combos in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter), Wolverine (creates blurred shadow images that resembles his Berserker Charge to follow him and multiply his hits), and Psylocke (creates a clone similar to Ninjutsu back in X-Men: Childern of the Atom in front and behind her. The duplicates can deal damage but are invulnerable).
Speeds up the character's movements. Special users are Hulk (allows him to hit twice on his strongest attacks) and Shuma-Gorath (normal attacks turn opponents into stone).
Gives the character increased defense. Special users are Juggernaut (makes him immune to all attacks, similar to how he was in X-Men: Children of the Atom) and Magneto (gives him his magnetic shield, making him immune to all attacks, again similar to his boss version's move in X-Men: Children of the Atom). But this gem depletes fast on special users when your opponent attacks the special defense.
Causes elemental attacks such as fireballs(light punch to shoot high and light kick to shoot low), icicles (medium punch to rain down from the upper level of body and medium kick to rise up from the ground), lightning balls(heavy punch to shoot 4 shots in 4 directions and heavy kick to shoot 3 shots with homing capabilities) and even a Halloween pumpkin (Start button to throw in a concave arch) (can hit 3 times to stun opponent) to accompany the character's regular attacks. Special user is Blackheart (turns invisible, in addition to the gem's normal effects).
Causes the character to regenerate health. Special user is Iron Man (adds extra electric damage to his normal attacks that can drain the energy from the super attack gauge).
Causes the character to regenerate their super attack gauge.
Yes please... Ball buster Super would probably bee to M rated for Marvel but would be funny...
We should start by looking at what they did in MSH, its going to be something similar probably
Let's hope zoning and keep away is still possible