Not trying to attack you or anything, but why do people like this?
Sometimes I feel like people that want to play lame just get a kick out of annoying others.
I'm legit asking, before people load the shotguns.
I played a pure rushdown guy in UMVC3. Iron Fist. No answer to zoning no airdashes no double jump no armor. Nothing. Guy got ate up by zoners. That was my choice to make. I could've just swapped teams but I'm blindly loyal to that guy in comics so it was what it was.
Zoning is fair. Thats being said from a guy who had to hold that shit constantly in matches. Its not being done to annoy so much as its a legit strategy. If someone is jumping in you run right? So what else can you do? Well if you have someone with beams you can put down a laser under them and cover the entire horizontal portion of the screen and punish their landing. Once they are far away you can then figure out other stuff. Dormammu actually has projectiles that bounce you up so he can combo. He's not good with people right in his grill so you play at either a mid screen to full screen distance with him, fish for a stray hit as they try to jump past all the obstructions he puts on the screen and then you convert THAT into a combo.
Zoners are different. If they go for combos some dont have long ones or high damage. They rely on the fact that they are expected to makeup for that damage in slowly death by papercutting folks with projectiles that force enemies to thread the needle constantly.
Plus playing against zoners make you a MUCH better player. You learn how to move, when not to move, how to not just rush in whole hog and how to bait stuff better. If you can't get past a tool you eventually learn a new tactic and thats how you break bad habits.
Zoning is fair. Even if the matchups are not, its fair and if you land in a situation that puts you full screen vs zoning its time to figure out a puzzle about how they move and how you can move to get past those tools. If you lose it wasn't cheap or unfair. It just means you still have more to study. Sometimes its simply dont get into that situation...tag out or never allow yourself willingly to get that far from those particular opponents. Its is what it is. Non zoners have good stuff too. This is just how you make it so all types of players have things they can feel good hitting.