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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The problem is the simple rules don’t actually work.
They do, the problem is people make their own or say they don’t work 🤣

thats why Wuhan lockdown is the best , everything is closed so you can’t go anywhere , anyway . Virus is eradicated, economy restarts ..

To bad we are past this in the West 🤡 multiple semi lockdowns it is for us , hitting the economy hard multiple times .
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Lil’ Gobbie


COVID-19 has provided insight into how rapid lifestyle changes can be brought about by governments … The lockdown period in many countries may be long enough to establish new, lasting routines if supported by longer term measures. In planning the recovery from COVID-19, governments have an opportunity to catalyse low-carbon lifestyle changes by disrupting entrenched practices.”

Straight from the UN.

COVID is real. The globalist are just using it as an excuse to screw everyone else.

As long as the lockdown period is long enough globalist elites can force their plans on the rest of us.

Plain language right there. Lockdowns are not driven by science but as a means to achieve a global agenda.

Joe T.

I wonder if those field hospitals are really planned to be used for something else and having the army "deliver the vaccine" around the country is a sneaky way of positioning the military everywhere.

Nah, they're completely unnecessary in practical terms but quite effective as psychological tools. Anyone remember the social media posts about tanks being rolled out to various cities/countries earlier in the year (one example from Toronto fact checked)? Went looking to see if they were still up on Twitter since those accounts tend to get suspended and that garbage is still happening (couple of examples here and here).


Video: #19 Dr. Jocelyn Downey - Vaccines, COVID and Christian responses (12/13/20)

Is the vaccine the mark of the beast? Does it change your DNA? Is it owned by Bill Gates to track and trace the world? These questions and more serious ones answered by an actual doctor of molecular biology with a career in immunology, working at the following institutions: Imperial College London, Cambridge University, The National Institute for Medical Research and The Scripps Research Institute.



Go check out USA death rates.

You can also change the link and put in another country. It worked when I did Canada.


Gold Member
Even days later I still cannot make heads or tails of Andrew Cuomo's latest indoor dining ban in NYC. It just makes no sense. I don't even see articles online defending it. It has no justification in the data or the science or anything. The cost of the indoor dining ban is going to exceed any benefit by a factor of 10,000, and in fact may cause more infections as people are not allowed to go to places that have few spread and will instead go to places with massive spread.

Whatever his motivations were, it had nothing to do with stopping infections. But stepping back from whether or not it makes sense, would anyone have said, on January 1, 2020, that the governor has the unilateral, total, and absolute authority to close all restaurants any time he wants? This is insanity. The fact that indoor dining had few cases shows that people who chose to go, did it prudently, and in fact, from my observation, not many people did. I only ate indoors once or twice the past few months. But why does the governor have such total power over our lives? This is not freedom in any sense of the word. No king or emperor ever had or exercised this sort of power.
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Go back to Jan 1 2020 and anything that is happening now people would call Nazi and disgusting.

All it took was a bunch of old people dying and then attributing it to this China virus to get half the world to lay down and enjoy getting shit on.

COVID is a real virus, it sucks if you get it and die in pain. There are lots of other real virus's out there too. Be smart about it and don't ruin the entire world to push through some sort of Tyranical climate change globalist reset.

Look at this shit with Ontario:

The approach of counting non-COVID deaths as COVID deaths is being done in the name of “inclusion.”

According to Miller, “COVID-19 cases marked as fatal are included in the public health reporting databases whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death. This is an inclusive approach to reporting on COVID-19 related deaths to ensure that all deaths linked to the disease are captured.”

regarless if covid was a contributing factor to the death, its marked as a COVID death. So if you have 1 of the 800 symptoms of COVID or get a 35-40CT PCR thats picking up dead fragments of the virus and you died it was COVID that killed you not cancer, kidney failure, or that bus that hit you.

How can we take anything seriously when health professionals are literally saying we are making up the numbers to be "inclusive". God forbid we know how deadly this virus really is and be able to make our own decisions, we need the government to scare the shit out of us by linking every single death they possibly can to COVID.

Joe T.


read the comments to see people cheering this on.

What disappoints me about these videos, and there are a lot of them out there, is how next to no one ever steps in to help out. I'd try to get others in the vicinity to join me in approaching them and deescalating the situation. Security guards and cops act this way because they feel they have total impunity, but that can change rather quickly if you've got the numbers on your side. Imagine the shitstorm that would arise if they shot someone over a mask.

Edit: spelling
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Put in Sweden and your jaw will drop.

Sweden - Historical Death Rate Data
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

So there death rate actually decreased.


Here in Korea, finally experiencing our first quasi-lockdown. My gym is shut from today and restaurants/bars close at 9pm.

We had a good run with almost 0 daily cases per day throughout the summer but now sharply shot up to ~1000 cases a day nationwide.

And the government decided to delay ordering the vaccine on the basis of them having the situation under control until recently.


Smallpox was eradicated through vaccines. But this was in a time before the internet, now this would be impossible to do.

“Smallpox isn’t real. It’s just been made up by the government to control us.”

”No one’s actually dying from small pox. They all had other things wrong with them.”

”The amount of people dying is no different from normal. I have this chart I found on Twitter that proves it.”

”The vaccine has serious side effects. Why would I take it, when small pox is nowhere near as bad as we’re being told it is.”

”The lord will protect me from small pox. I don’t need to worry.”


Neo Member

In the 2nd video at 4:41,
Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health,
admits they have no idea if the vaccine will prevent people from acquiring or transmitting the virus.

And he noted that while it’s clear the vaccine provides people with strong protection from a symptomatic Covid-19 infection, scientists still need a few more months to learn whether a vaccinated individual could still spread the infection to others without knowing they have it.

That’s why Collins said masks will still need to be an essential part of American life for many more months.

“Masks are still going to be part of our life, we need to recognize that and not step away or drop our guard,” he said.

The only thing they can claim is that it's basically only effective at preventing some of the worst symptoms. Of course NBC conveniently edited the top video and buried the most important information towards the bottom of the article.


Pfizer’s Phase 3 trials found its vaccine to be 95 percent effective when given in two doses, three weeks apart. It also found that only one shot provides about 50 percent immunity from Covid-19, so the FDA says two shots are necessary.

Also, 1 shot is only 50%. Requires 2, 3 weeks apart for it to be 95% effective.
Also, 50% of healthcare workers are either refusing the 1st round or never want to take it.
Also, Trump just announced the WH Administration will NOT be taking the first round. And he of course doesn't need it....

Which means there is 0 reason to push this on people who don't want it since they have no freaking idea it does anything to stop the spread of the virus, but we do have plenty of information the vaccine was rushed, it's using new untested methods in its creation, and there are already reported serious side effects.
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How was it rushed ? It's been almost a year since the mRNA was developed.

The fastest previous vaccine for mumps was developed in 4 years in the 1960's by one scientist. Fifty years of technology and the resources of the whole world can cut that by 25%.


Unconfirmed Member
How was it rushed ? It's been almost a year since the mRNA was developed.

The fastest previous vaccine for mumps was developed in 4 years in the 1960's by one scientist. Fifty years of technology and the resources of the whole world can cut that by 25%.

First up, it's cutting by 75%, not 25%. Second - there are two components to the time it takes to get a new medical product to market. The first is the R&D to make the damn thing work. I can certainly believe that we can speed that up, throwing people and computing power at it, absolutely. The second component however is safety-checking. Making sure that it has no adverse reactions in the short term is doable in a year, you have to test a lot of people but it can be done. Medium and long term testing however, not so much. To me, it's the second component that makes this unsafe. The safety testing has been significantly cut.
You're right, it's a 75% reduction.

But the FDA was clear in its authorization that the benefits outweigh the risks. If you wait a year you will know more. Wait 20 years and you will know even more.
Waiting has a price that is obviously too high.


Gold Member
Smallpox was eradicated through vaccines. But this was in a time before the internet, now this would be impossible to do.

I think comparing smallpox to COVID, or even implying some sort of equivalence, is offensive, quite frankly. Smallpox killed untold numbers of children and adults, maimed many more for life, and wreaked havoc on society for thousands of years.
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Unconfirmed Member
You're right, it's a 75% reduction.

But the FDA was clear in its authorization that the benefits outweigh the risks. If you wait a year you will know more. Wait 20 years and you will know even more.
Waiting has a price that is obviously too high.

And that's where you think things through carefully. The cost of waiting actually isn't the virus, it's government response to it destroying the economy, but we'll leave that to one side for a moment. Assuming we're going to push through with this thing, then you need to balance life-years lost with and without. So, if you were to vaccinate the over-70s for instance, well the long-term effects aren't so big an issue as there isn't quite such a long term for most of them. We don't need to be too concerned with effects on fertility or long term damage to organs because the former isn't going to happen and the latter likely won't have time to become an issue.

That, if it works, takes us already to a place where the death rate drops dramatically and we can open the economy more or less. From here the next step is to look at other vulnerable groups - the obese and people with serious health conditions. The former should frankly be pushed to lose that weight rather than getting a vaccine - the health benefits are bigger. The latter, each case needs to be dealt with case-by-case by a patient in co-ordination with their medical team.

The rest of us - personally I won't be rushing to take it. I'd rather let others be the guinea-pigs for it.


This is yet another issue the US Supreme Court needs to rule on. Once a vaccine is available for those worried about the virus it is unconstitutional to force others to take it, or to restrict their freedom and prevent them to be part of normal society.
1905, Jacobson vs. Massachsetts. That is what is always pointed to to justify vaccine mandates. However notice that this guy did not get thrown out of society (e.g. like kids kicked out of school for not being up to date in modern times). He just had to pay a fine. He was not held down and forcibly vaccinated, and he was not excluded from society.

On one hand I would like to see this one revisited. And on another hand I think the decision gets misapplied when used as precedent for mandates.
And unlike COVID, the Polio Vaccine actually went through testing and people should trust that the modern vaccine is less severe than the disease.
Nevertheless, there is still a nonzero chance of things like a seizure, severe allergic reaction, or guillian barre. The risk is not zero.
I think comparing smallpox to COVID, or even implying some sort of equivalence, is offensive, quite frankly. Smallpox killed untold numbers of children and adults, maimed many more for life, and wreaked havoc on society for thousands of years.

Is it also offensive if I asked if they died of smallpox or with smallpox ?


Unconfirmed Member
Here in Korea, finally experiencing our first quasi-lockdown. My gym is shut from today and restaurants/bars close at 9pm.

We had a good run with almost 0 daily cases per day throughout the summer but now sharply shot up to ~1000 cases a day nationwide.

And the government decided to delay ordering the vaccine on the basis of them having the situation under control until recently.
K-Pop Korea or can't keep the lights on Korea?


Gold Member
Is it also offensive if I asked if they died of smallpox or with smallpox ?

So you are comparing a baby or a 10 year old who gets smallpox and dies, to an 80 year old with hypertension, diabetes, COPD, and Alzheimer's who gets COVID then dies?

Smallpox killed one third of people who got it, and it had a death rate of like, 50% for babies. Comparing it to COVID is just total horse shit.
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Oh joy - looks like it's time for Mutant Coronavirus.

Who knows how many other exciting varieties are lurking out there now.

He said there was "nothing to suggest" it caused worse disease or that vaccines would no longer work.

The virus is going to mutate. That can actually be a good thing because its possible it can become even less deadly.


Scientist want to know why pussy recover from COVID 19 faster

Hopefully it's something simple, since cats have had alot of interaction with different strains of other Coronaviruses. Cats can get infected with feline coronavirus (FCoV). It’s actually extremely common. It’s highly contagious – 80–90% of multicat households are infected. It affects the gut. So they might have evolved something that helps with blocking it, and this might translate to something usable on the Covid-19 strain. FCoV does not affect humans however.

More evidence of why cats are the best. :p


Gold Member
Has anyone ever explained the people in China dropping dead on the street versus that literally never happening in any Western country despite uncontrolled spread?


Has anyone ever explained the people in China dropping dead on the street versus that literally never happening in any Western country despite uncontrolled spread?

China has 1.4 billion people and cameras everywhere so they just collect out of context footage of people dropping dead of heart attacks/aneurysms/other shit and passed it off as virus related to accelerate the global panic.


Has anyone ever explained the people in China dropping dead on the street versus that literally never happening in any Western country despite uncontrolled spread?

It was bullshit.

There were a few other videos from Iran and south american countries of people dropping on the street. It was all just BS crap.

I remember another latin poor country where they said there were bodies on the street and shit even some videos. That lasted for like a week.

Go back earlier in this thread and I am willing to bet 90% of what we saw was all BS either from China or anti-China trolls.

Heck I don't even know if those welding people in their homes videos were true or not.

The whole thing is just a giant misinformation campaign from both sides. I don't doubt some of the fuck china news like Epoch times and NTD were more than happy to play up China's actions to get them bad press. Just like China was also more than happy to lie about the virus at the beggining. FFS China was probably playing both sides to stoke panic/fear internationally, but keep calm domestically and with big business.


Gold Member
Despite me being full on flubro and highly skeptical of the great reset and tyrant governors, I am still optimistic that things are going to turn around. We have 72k doses of the vaccine in NYC today, 170k statewide, give them to front line workers and old people, fat people next, let's get this shit going.

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