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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Joe T.

Has anyone ever explained the people in China dropping dead on the street versus that literally never happening in any Western country despite uncontrolled spread?

Even Snopes dismissed them as "unproven." There was one in NYC that was quickly debunked by Politico.

On the topic of fact checking, AFP has a very long list of pandemic "myths" - most of them videos and photos taken completely out of context and repurposed to create fear/anxiety - many of them which were posted in this thread in the early days. I think it's worth the time for everyone to skim through it because the sheer number of them was surprising even to me.

The amount of BS the general public bought into this year is unbelievable, it created these nearly indestructible bubbles people have put up around them which are now shielding them from the truth, the irrefutable facts.

Joe T.

Look an actual young person who died of COVID, that is, of the COVID hoax

This is the kind of story that gets my blood boiling. People need to understand this virus has been drastically overblown, it is nowhere near as dangerous or even as contagious as we were led to believe. That's just the plain truth that has been exposed by the data/evidence over the year, anecdotes don't work to dispel that. More proof:

Yet the asymptomatic lie persists and continues feeding absurd measures like masks, distancing and lockdowns.


This is the kind of story that gets my blood boiling. People need to understand this virus has been drastically overblown, it is nowhere near as dangerous or even as contagious as we were led to believe. That's just the plain truth that has been exposed by the data/evidence over the year, anecdotes don't work to dispel that. More proof:

Yet the asymptomatic lie persists and continues feeding absurd measures like masks, distancing and lockdowns.

.7% chance though. We can't risk it, think of GRANDMA.

Anyways the god man himself Dr. F said it

Probably should archive that one before Big Tech nazi's get to it and fact check it.

But that was the before times when we didn't know anything about respiratory viruses.



Stay home and infect everyone in your household!

Don't go to a gym or store with >1% chance of transmission. Think of that 80 year old COPD patient who is benching 5 plates you don't want to infect them.



Stay home and infect everyone in your household!

Don't go to a gym or store with >1% chance of transmission. Think of that 80 year old COPD patient who is benching 5 plates you don't want to infect them.

See when I see stuff like this I flip from thinking that there is a possibility that this has morphed into some global conspiracy (even though I don't believe it started as one) to thinking that the people who we have elected are just dumb fucks who are arrogant narcissists who think they have to do something to show they are in control and are afraid to back down from the dumb decisions they've made because it would be a blow to their ego.


Gold Member
When I see that table, and it is what I referenced earlier in the thread, it tells me that more, not less, stuff should be open. People should be in bars and restaurants with 3 or 4 friends, a more controlled environment, not hosting 10 people for a house party. Cuomo even said that closing shit just drives people to spend more time in their house with more people, and then followed that up by... closing more shit. It's just bizarre.

But what I find interesting, and it is something nobody is talking about because the media can only discuss this in a schoolmarm finger wagging way, is why people listened to them in April but not in December. They say "COVID fatigue" which I guess is true to some extent but I also think it's a combination of the constant nagging, the incessant fear mongering not matching reality (after all, 98%+ of people who get sick recover fine), and a loss of legitimacy after they dropped everything to support left wing looting.



Lol, based on three people. Not fearmongering at all. Super scary and scientific graphic showing a big COVID monster, with the "low sperm count" image alongside, which also visually provides crucial scientific information and is no way intended to fearmonger. Surprised they left off a scary frowny face on the COVID particle.

Meanwhile fertility concerns with regard to the vaccine are being swept under the rug. (Getting "fact checked" and "debunked" as "no evidence"... of course there's no evidence, because you didn't fucking study this shit for long enough; a few months ain't gonna cut it..)
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Airbus Jr

Lol, based on three people. Not fearmongering at all. Super scary and scientific graphic showing a big COVID monster, with the "low sperm count" image alongside, which also visually provides crucial scientific information and is no way intended to fearmonger. Surprised they left off a scary frowny face on the COVID particle.

Meanwhile fertility concerns with regard to the vaccine are being swept under the rug. (Getting "fact checked" and "debunked" as "no evidence"... of course there's no evidence, because you didn't fucking study this shit for long enough; a few months ain't gonna cut it..)

Its funny everytime theres people posting news or information about covid 19 the first thing you do always accused them with fearmongering


Dafuq is wrong with you..your paranoia is just sickening...

Not everyone here share the same idea with your conspiracy nutjob...

If youre here just to dissmiss everyone sharing data or news regarding covid just because youre too scared to accept reality then just stay the feck out of this thread and stay in your basement wearing your tinfoil hat
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Its funny everytime theres people posting news or information about covid 19 the first thing you do always accused them with fearmongering


Dafuq is wrong with you..your paranoia is just sickening...

Not everyone here share the same idea with your conspiracy nutjob...
You're the one that's afraid of infertility based on a sample size of three people, but I'M the one who is paranoid. And you're gonna tell me the imagery used accompanying the post is not intended to invoke emotional reaction. I accuse people of fearmongering often, becuase people are often fearmongering. This is not difficult.

Airbus Jr

You're the one that's afraid of infertility based on a sample size of three people, but I'M the one who is paranoid. And you're gonna tell me the imagery used accompanying the post is not intended to invoke emotional reaction. I accuse people of fearmongering often, becuase people are often fearmongering. This is not difficult.

Thats not how it is...

Youre the one who got scared by the information i mentioned above....

I didnt try to scare anyone...

Im just merely sharing information i got from Medscape....

Youre the one jumping the gun and acussing fearmongering everywhere...because your paranoia is driving you insane...
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UV light kills Corona

"We discovered that it is quite simple to kill the coronavirus using LED bulbs that radiate ultraviolet light," she explained. "We killed the viruses using cheaper and more readily available LED bulbs, which consume little energy and do not contain mercury like regular bulbs. Our research has commercial and societal implications, given the possibility of using such LED bulbs in all areas of our lives, safely and quickly."

The researchers tested the optimal wavelength for killing the coronavirus and found that a length of 285 nanometers (nm) was almost as efficient in disinfecting the virus as a wavelength of 265 nm, requiring less than half a minute to destroy more than 99.9% of the coronaviruses. This result is significant because the cost of 285 nm LED bulbs is much lower than that of 265 nm bulbs, and the former are also more readily available.

but hold your horses

It is important to note that it is very dangerous to try to use this method to disinfect surfaces inside homes. To be fully effective, a system must be designed so that a person is not directly exposed to the light.
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Thats not how it is...

Youre the one who got scared by the information i mentioned above....

I didnt try to scare anyone...

Im just merely sharing information i got from Medscape....

Youre the one jumping the gun and acussing fearmongering everywhere...because your paranoia is driving you insane...
Most fearmongers will claim they're "merely sharing information". We see it everywhere in the media. Again, your claim that *I* am the one who is "scared" is absurd since it's you fearing for your fertility based on what seemingly happened to three people who died with COVID. *I* am paranoid when it's everyone else who is running around fearing for their lives over a virus that ranges from nothing to a moderate cold for 99% of the population. Sure Jan. If I didn't know better, I would think you were engaging in gaslighting.

Airbus Jr

Most fearmongers will claim they're "merely sharing information". We see it everywhere in the media. Again, your claim that *I* am the one who is "scared" is absurd since it's you fearing for your fertility based on what seemingly happened to three people who died with COVID. *I* am paranoid when it's everyone else who is running around fearing for their lives over a virus that ranges from nothing to a moderate cold for 99% of the population. Sure Jan. If I didn't know better, I would think you were engaging in gaslighting.

So just because it only affect 3 people so far that gives you the right to dismiss report by Medscape?

So just because the number is still low that we should shut up and not talk about it?

Are you not seeing the logical falacies youre doing here?

Look youre problem here is not with me but with Medscape or whoever..doctors..scientist reporting that news on that page...if you want to acusses someone from fearmongering then ask those people not me...feckin hell !!!!
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Gold Member
People who are at high risk from rona should take the vaccine, period. Everyone else, let’s see. As everyone keeps saying, it’s not going to be until April at the earliest that non high risk people will be able to get it, at which point hospitalizations and deaths should be close to zero (if the data on effectiveness is real), we can figure out a path forward from there.

the issue is on a societal level hundreds of millions of people in the US are scared out of their minds of this illness and see the vaccine as the only path forward. Fine, so give them the fucking vaccine. They’re probably fat too, so, again - they should get the vaccine. This hysteria is totally irrational, insane, and out of control, but you’re not going to get people to change their mind by just pointing out and discussing data. When you have people on twitter who have gone crazy, and are begging for the restaurant industry to be destroyed, you’re not going to get them to stop thinking that by pointing out the 99.95% recovery rate for themselves. They need to take the vaccine.
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Joe T.

Don’t care if this is true or not ... won’t take it until all the anti lock downers have beta tested it for me 🤣 they are the ones that want to go back to normal as fast as possible! I salute you !

People can go back to normal right now if they want and save lives rather than endangering them by doing it, but they're more interested in playing out a role the fictional narrative writers have given to them: soldier doing their part against an invisible enemy. It's a worldwide LARP festival and they feel too important to snap themselves out of it, maybe even too embarrassed to admit they got fooled for this long.

Again, it's not unlike the reaction many had to the Mueller report/testimony - instead of admitting they were wrong for 2+ years and so many of their trusted sources had played them they just kept rolling with the silly narratives ("obstruction of justice" -> phone call impeachment). They didn't want to believe the intelligence agencies and all their trusted news sources could lie to them like that, just like no one wants to believe doctors, public health experts and vaccine makers would deceive them about a virus. Except they have.

The 30-35+ Ct value PCR tests, without any error-checking/confirmation component to the process, have been extremely deceptive and the primary tool used to scare people into believing masks, social distancing, lock downs and vaccines were necessary. It's been a massive scam and it won't be long before that truth will make it to the mainstream... which explains the rush to get poorly tested vaccines out the door.

The rush to be first has undermined trust in the news, the same is happening to the scientific and medical community with this vaccination campaign. The vaccines are extremely effective from a financial and psychological perspective, but the scientific process has not run its course to ensure these vaccines are safe or effective enough to be distributed to billions.

Those PCR tests (and a lot of bad/paid actors) unfortunately succeeded in deceiving the world for almost a year now so it will be extremely satisfying to watch some of the people that legitimized them get pinned to the wall for it in 2021, starting with "Germany's Fauci":



Joe T.


Common sense trumps the ridiculous lengths the world has gone to in order to enforce those "public safety" measures which have a lot more to do with destroying the fabric of our lives than protecting our health - they're counterproductive.

Asymptomatic - in other words, healthy - people are not fueling this pandemic just as they weren't fueling prior pandemics. I see a bar and street with healthy people enjoying a night out which does far more to improve public health than isolation. There's no reason to view that as disrespect for health care workers, the opposite can just as easily be true.


Gold Member
A study looked at a ton of cases, and it turns out that people with symptoms infect other people in their house at a rate of about ~18%, and without symptoms at 0.7%.

This is really interesting and blows a hole in all of the nonsense we are doing, because the whole thing was premised on this idea that people without symptoms are just as infectious as those who are. But being asymptomatic you are just not nearly as infectious. There's just no point to wearing masks or shutting down everything, just tell people who are not feeling well to stay home.

Also pair this up with the fact that the vast majority of cases are happening in the home and it tells me that people are doing a lot of social gathering in places where Andrew Cuomo can't see. These policies are totally ineffective but they keep doubling down.

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Whats crazy about that is you have less than 1 in 5 chance of catching the virus from someone you live with. This is a person/persons you have intimate contact with, share probably all kinds of dishes, towels, etc... and you may even be banging them, or at the very least in very close contact with them.

You would think with how this thing was sold that everyone is an invisible bio weapon ready to infect 100s of people that the attack rate in closed confined homes would be like 50% or 80%. less than 20% is pretty low odds of getting the virus from a sick person if you ask me. If you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting it from people you spend intimate time with, then whats the attack rate if you are in a mall or restaurant or gym?

I don't know with seeing these numbers its not adding up. 1 in 5 chance at home and 75% of spread occurs in homes. It really doesn't feel like this virus is infecting thousands of people who are out and about doing regular business.

How many people were at the WH event for ACB? I remember we got a couple of infections, which everyone recovered from. SO what like 10-20 people out of 200 people? 100 people at the ACB event? That would probably be a pretty good case study to see how many were infected and how many died.


Unconfirmed Member
Please. You don’t give a shit about healthcare workers. And neither does anyone else. Otherwise we would’ve done something about the absolute epidemic of fat people in the west.
This is true I don't care about them but this is mostly in part of our ridiculously priced health care system.


Are you ready for turbo covid?

All going according to that leaked Canadian document.

a little thing on masks to share

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

So no evidence that China masks do anything.

We did not consider the use of respirators in the community. Respirators are tight-fitting masks that can protect the wearer from fine particles (37) and should provide better protection against influenza virus exposures when properly worn because of higher filtration efficiency. However, respirators, such as N95 and P2 masks, work best when they are fit-tested, and these masks will be in limited supply during the next pandemic. These specialist devices should be reserved for use in healthcare settings or in special subpopulations such as immunocompromised persons in the community, first responders, and those performing other critical community functions, as supplies permit.

n95s can help. And this is the playbook Fauci et al were following at first. Keeping the n95s for the health care professionals.

In lower-income settings, it is more likely that reusable cloth masks will be used rather than disposable medical masks because of cost and availability (38). There are still few uncertainties in the practice of face mask use, such as who should wear the mask and how long it should be used for. In theory, transmission should be reduced the most if both infected members and other contacts wear masks, but compliance in uninfected close contacts could be a problem (12,34). Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission (39). Thus, education on the proper use and disposal of used face masks, including hand hygiene, is also needed.

And here we go. There has been 0 education on face masks, and we are wearing the wrong masks. And this INCREASES the risk of transmission.

Basically according to SCIENCE those 5 cent China masks and neck gaiters everyone is wearing is increasing transmission not reducing it.

Universal face masking will only make sense if you give out NEW masks each time someone enters into a building. Preferably n95s. And you do hand washing, keep the sick away, and SD as much as possible.

Whole thing is ass backwards where we are forcing healthy people to wear POS useless china masks that is spreading the virus around.

No wonder everywhere that puts a face mask mandate sees a surge in cases.


Gold Member
Masks served many purposes:

1. Mandates gave the impression that elected officials were doing something.
2. Wearing a mask gave people the impression that they had some control over an uncontrollable situation
3. They were a highly visible sign that things were not normal and the people who did the mandates are in total control
4. They made an easy scapegoat for any place that had infections, the problem wasn't a contagious virus going around, it was that you didn't mask hard enough.

Basically masks cannot fail, they can only be failed.


Sometimes I think what if China had succeeded in keeping Li quiet and covering up the outbreak?

What a different world if China just shut out anyone from finding out a couple thousand people died in a city of 11 million. Sure we would have eventually found out about this new virus but without China doing a wacky lockdown and making a big show about it maybe our leadership would have followed actual science and treated the virus properly.


Gold Member
Sometimes I think what if China had succeeded in keeping Li quiet and covering up the outbreak?

What a different world if China just shut out anyone from finding out a couple thousand people died in a city of 11 million. Sure we would have eventually found out about this new virus but without China doing a wacky lockdown and making a big show about it maybe our leadership would have followed actual science and treated the virus properly.

All China had to do was film themselves welding a door shut and take a picture of a guy lying down on the street with a mask on.

That's it, that's all it took, to destroy the west and send it into a tailspin.


Are bus drivers immune to COVID? They sure don't have to wear a mask as long as some half assed fucking saran wrap is put in front of them. MANDATORY MASKS ON BUSES, BUT NOT FOR THE DRIVERS!!!

Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh makes so much sense!

Fuckin' retards.
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Masks served many purposes:

1. Mandates gave the impression that elected officials were doing something.
2. Wearing a mask gave people the impression that they had some control over an uncontrollable situation
3. They were a highly visible sign that things were not normal and the people who did the mandates are in total control
4. They made an easy scapegoat for any place that had infections, the problem wasn't a contagious virus going around, it was that you didn't mask hard enough.

Basically masks cannot fail, they can only be failed.
I am pretty sure most mask mandates is from pressure to do something and not from evil intent.

I watch most every press briefing here in Sweden and it is insane how many questions they get about mask use. Same thing goes for the stories in many of the newspapers.

If this administration here does not cave to pressure on this issue through this thing I am probably voting for them next election for this reason alone.


Neighbours from Hell
South Korea is having a bad spike and are close to its very first lockdown. They avoided one the first go around.

Poor Mikey Chen. Dude left the States to go to a place that had it under control because his stress was through the roofand was freaking out, and now he’s in a country with a breakout and he may not be able to leave.

Joe T.

South Korea is having a bad spike and are close to its very first lockdown. They avoided one the first go around.

This only continues to cement the point about the PCR test fraud. "More tests means more cases" and sure enough:


Everyone will eventually wake up to this scam sooner or later the same way they woke up to the H1N1 scam (Forbes, Bloomberg) but if you need to wait for a mainstream media source to deliver it to you in 2021 then so be it.

"Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t" by the New York Times, Jan 2007, about a whooping cough scare:
Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Instead, it appears the health care workers probably were afflicted with ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.

Now, as they look back on the episode, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say the problem was that they placed too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray.
Many of the new molecular tests are quick but technically demanding, and each laboratory may do them in its own way. These tests, called “home brews,” are not commercially available, and there are no good estimates of their error rates. But their very sensitivity makes false positives likely, and when hundreds or thousands of people are tested, as occurred at Dartmouth, false positives can make it seem like there is an epidemic.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.



How do you explain that hospitalizations are also up with all these bad PCR tests and infections rising again in nursing homes ...

Yes those who learned nothing from The Spanish flu.. and look how it now goes ..

Wuhan lockdown 🙌 1 lockdown and it could have ended in May.

Multiple lock downs winter it is 🤣🦠
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Good start for UK in vaccinations.

While other countries drag their heels on whether to approve or not, or deal with the anti-vax morons, the UK have started vaccinating our most vulnerable, which means the restrictions can properly start to be lifted fairly soon (y)
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Joe T.


How do you explain that hospitalizations are also up

Happens every year in fall. Numbers will peak in January and decline steadily as they usually do - no masks, social distancing or lock downs required. The pandemic response gave 2020 the added wrinkle of damaging, not protecting, public health so it's impressive to see how well the world has endured this mess.

You should take a look at your country's historical data, it's been showing a fairly steep increase in annual mortality for years and 2020 isn't looking much different than 2019 in the Netherlands, though UN's outlook for the next 20 years looks suspiciously dire. With PCR tests delivering so many false results regarding infectious cases and the "public health" measures proving to be more harmful than beneficial you'd have been better off going about life as usual.

This is no Spanish Flu, it's not even the Hong Kong Flu or Asian Flu. The Wuhan Flu had a serious case of false advertising.
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