Zeliard said:
I think some are looking back at the first game with rose-tinted glasses. Someone earlier said that the levels in ME1 were superior. Craziness. The environments are considerably more diverse this time around, especially the planets that you land on. The environmental design in the first game felt extremely cut-and-paste, ala Oblivion. It's one of the things I most hated about the original.
Yeah. I came from doing two runs one after the other, one to 50 and then one to 60, finishing the latter ess than a week before getting into ME2. It was all fresh in my mind. I love Mass Effect but people
really dont remember the story planets that well if they think they're somehow bigger, detailed, and more populated than something like Omega.
I love the Citadel in the original but one of my biggest problems with it was how it was supposed to be so big and populated and I never, ever felt it. Even on a graphical presentation scale, I thought it was really hit and miss. Some areas looked great, others looked really bland.
And I dont want to explore the whole thing again. I did that in the original. I want
new places to go. The Citadel is clearly not the centre of the ME2 story like it was for the first. Why should it be replicated in all its glory again when there's the opportunity for new places to visit?
Noveria wasn't much better. The 'hub' was extremely short (one, two quests to get out, two optional quests), and the rest of the mission was pretty linear and cruisy. Therum? Goes without explaining how linear and combat focused it is. Feros is the only 'stand-out' in terms of offering a really nice hub and a number of quests, as well as seeing growth in characters. Virmire was a nice climax, but again outside of the meeting with the Salarians was heavily linear and combat focused.
Love love love the original Mass Effect, can see the complaints in this one, but environments are far from one of them in my opinion.