Neo Member
robut said:So I've been wearing my blood dragon armor and it's cool but I've also been upgrading my armor as well. Am I upgrading the blood dragon armor or do I have to go back to the original suit to get the upgrade benefits?
i would like to know this as well seeing as how terminus armor is just bad ass
smokeymicpot said:Only one bad thing I can really say about this game is the ammo.
i agree, i feel like ME2 brought a lot of improvements while negating it with a lot of downgrades
DarkoMaledictus said:I don't think you can, I just found the rare gun drop on the battlefield. I would of liked a whole lot more guns and armor.. here is hoping me 3 gives more loot options! Seems like the only different armors you get are the pre-order deals! Wouldn't mind if the game had like 20 different sets, but as it is it pisses me off the only variety is from custom colors and gamestop deals...
dont forget about spending an extra 10 bucks on the collectors