Red Blaster
Anyone got a code for a nice FemShep? I've restarted twice now because the two I've made look horrible once you're actually in the game; gg Bioware for not give us a full 360 degree camera when creating our character.
click I'm sure you'll find a good oneRed Blaster said:Anyone got a code for a nice FemShep? I've restarted twice now because the two I've made look horrible once you're actually in the game; gg Bioware for not give us a full 360 degree camera when creating our character.
...I'm well aware of that. But you do get a lot of cash though.dralla said:you don't get anything new from sb.
dralla said:you don't get anything new from sb.
Diablohead said:Grunt looks bad ass, it's a shame most characters dlc alts have sunglasses of some kind though, jack's alt in an older pack is great but her shades ruin it.
Unless you've got any other missions do to, you're about to go on the suicide mission and end the game.Charles said:Hey guys, I just finished theand recruitedderelict reaper. About 29 hours in, how much longer have I got?legion
Charles said:Hey guys, I just finished theand recruitedderelict reaper. About 29 hours in, how much longer have I got?legion
AvidNobody said:When I start a new round with my character, can I change his appearance? Thanks.
They won't. Miranda and Grunt's visors don't look quite as bad though, IMO... Man, they didn't really take any risks with Tali. It's been a while since I've played ME2, but I'm not seeing much of a difference from her Loyalty outfit.Stallion Free said:Oh come on they better let us toggle off the headgear.
can you respec and choose 100% speech bonus?Mifune said:Oh man, I'm up to the suicide run, and because of some stupid argument that happened early on, I'm about to lose a crew member. I don't think I can pump my Paragon rating up enough to defuse the tensions.
yeah the shades really killed that first alt pack for me too. I'm hoping their going to let us choose squad armor in ME3Sai said:They won't. Miranda and Grunt's visors don't look quite as bad though, IMO... Man, they didn't really take any risks with Tali. It's been a while since I've played ME2, but I'm not seeing much of a difference from her Loyalty outfit.
I've said it before in the old thread, but Jack's DLC outfit would've been perfect for her if not for the shades.
If respeccing doesn't work, just make sure not to select your disloyal person for any sort of mission, despite their strengths. I think it's okay to take them for the first two, but do not bring that member to the last boss fight. Leave Grunt, Garrus and Zaeed behind with your disloyal member and they might be able to live.Mifune said:Oh man, I'm up to the suicide run, and because of some stupid argument that happened early on, I'm about to lose a crew member. I don't think I can pump my Paragon rating up enough to defuse the tensions.
VaLiancY said:
Ultimoo said:If respeccing doesn't work, just make sure not to select your disloyal person for any sort of mission, despite their strengths. I think it's okay to take them for the first two, but do not bring that member to the last boss fight. Leave Grunt, Garrus and Zaeed behind with your disloyal member and they might be able to live.
That's what I did. Worked like a charm, no deathsUltimoo said:If respeccing doesn't work, just make sure not to select your disloyal person for any sort of mission, despite their strengths. I think it's okay to take them for the first two, but do not bring that member to the last boss fight. Leave Grunt, Garrus and Zaeed behind with your disloyal member and they might be able to live.
esbern said:whoops just realized there was an OT2, anyway putting my post in the first one here:
Alright ME2 noob here, trying to construct a decent party on the difficulty level below insanity (my first playthrough) before I jump into the omega red warp.
I've been running through everything and really really like using Grunt and Legion, since they both have tanking skills from their loyalty missions and I love throwing a drone out for distractions. My main dude is a Soldier and I have Adrenaline Rush fully maxed and I stay back and sniper everything I see while the other two tank everything for me, and its going really well.
So the point is, does anybody else use this setup and have any tweaks they recommend, or am I just awful at the game and these two kinda suck?
For the Suicide mission I would personally recommend using Miranda and Thane. Collectors are Barrier heavy so having 2 squaddies with Warp is very useful. I personally use Unstable Warp, the shorter cooldown is worth the tradeoff in damage to me. Maxing Miranda's passive is a must. The stat boost is very useful. Personally I would go with Cerberus Leader at Rank 4.esbern said:whoops just realized there was an OT2, anyway putting my post in the first one here:
Alright ME2 noob here, trying to construct a decent party on the difficulty level below insanity (my first playthrough) before I jump into the omega red warp.
I've been running through everything and really really like using Grunt and Legion, since they both have tanking skills from their loyalty missions and I love throwing a drone out for distractions. My main dude is a Soldier and I have Adrenaline Rush fully maxed and I stay back and sniper everything I see while the other two tank everything for me, and its going really well.
So the point is, does anybody else use this setup and have any tweaks they recommend, or am I just awful at the game and these two kinda suck?
I don't have ME2 on PC (yet... DMr Jared said:Now that I've finally gained S-Rank status for Mass Effect 2 (I FINALLY completed an Insanity run after putting it off for ages. Only problem was Horizon which took a few continues) I'm diving into the PC version for some mods.
And let me tell you, modding this game in is a gigantic pain in the ass. There's really no easy way to go about it and even with a mod manager, there's still a lot of heavy lifting to be done on your hand. A lot of confusing, script-rich lifting. All I really wanted to do was have a FemShep that had Kelly's hair, so instead I settled with just taking the whole damn head.
Here are a handful of screenshots, the last one being after I tweaked my config file for Trilinear filtering, improved shadows and all that jazz. (Kelly w/ Miranda's clothing) (Kelly w/ original N7 armor) (Kelly w/ Miranda's clothing) (Kelly w/ Miranda Loyalty Outfit)
There are a few hi-res texture mods out there for certain characters but apparently you have to reinstall them every time you play so uh.. that's not going to happen.
zazrx said:Quick question:
If I play a female Shepard, can my love interest be Miranda? Do I get the trophy for doing romance with her?
Wario64 said:I dont think you can do same gender relationships
Wario64 said:I dont think you can do same gender relationships
I think it was implied, but a romantic relationship between her and FemShep still isn't possible.DR2K said:Isn't Jack bisexual?
Sai said:I think it was implied, but a romantic relationship between her and FemShep still isn't possible.
Barrow Roll said:And do not underestimate Squad Cryo Ammo. It is incredibly useful, even on higher difficulties where enemies almost always have protection. Use squad cryo, then equip your ammo power of choice on your own guns. Inferno or Warp ammo are good choices (personally I would never use a Biotic bonus power on a non Biotic character, breaks immersion for me). The effectiveness of Squad Cryo is difficult to put into words, you have to play it to see just how powerful it is. I would link you to a vid with a Vanguard tearing shit up with SquadCryo but it's a vid of the suicide mission and I don't want to spoil anything for you.
Fimbulvetr said:So I can only be lesbians with Liara?![]()
Equus Bellator Apex said:Yeah you can, but not their gender.
The Frankman said:Am I the only one here who had code issues? Still on the hook with EA now...
Ohhh this thread begs to differxKilltheMx said:No plenty of people on the Bioware forums at first had problems but they said it was resolved.
The Frankman said:Ohhh this thread begs to differ
ALOT of people are still having major issues (currently 3rd largest thread in their Tech Support). This is such bullshit.
I didn't question why they didn't betatest more; I mean even in the demo there were glitches galore. I just held off from buying it for 2-3 weeks so they could patch out the bugs, kinda like what MLB: The Show and Fallout 3. However some of the things I'm reading about are making me wonder it if was worth plunking down the cash to buy this. The scary part is they released patches and I'm still reading about save corruption/glitches... I had no idea they still had Redemption Code issues reading this thread. I can't even start this game now because for some moronic reason the comic isn't on the Blu-Ray disc (which would easily fit it).xKilltheMx said:Ah I was going off memory of them saying it was getting resolved. But I've now learned that when Bioware says resolved they mean kind of looking into it sort of.
Grisby said:Yep. Interesting how they kind of moved forward on the relationships in DA but dialed it back in ME2.