To you. It's OK.samdavis said:Mass Effect 2 wasn't that cinematic. And it certainly wasn't worthy of any tears. No game has done that yet.
To you. It's OK.samdavis said:Mass Effect 2 wasn't that cinematic. And it certainly wasn't worthy of any tears. No game has done that yet.
Dice said:I'm not sure I would like this game on consoles. I am constantly telling my team exactly where to go and what to do and making very precise moves myself. It doesn't seem like it would work right with a controller.
It had a couple of dynamic conversations during the beginning of the game on the Normandy. Then Bioware jettisoned that idea and we got back to static, camera 1 and camera 2 dialouge systems. I hope this changes in ME3.samdavis said:Mass Effect 2 wasn't that cinematic. And it certainly wasn't worthy of any tears. No game has done that yet.
samdavis said:Mass Effect 2 wasn't that cinematic. And it certainly wasn't worthy of any tears. No game has done that yet.
Mindlog said:On the bright side of things Bioware's desire to sell DLC means ME3 probably won't end in some lame self-sacrifice.
Considering nothing can really match the events that should take place we'll probably get some Kinect-enabled Mass Effect: Dance Party DLC.
Mindlog said:On the bright side of things Bioware's desire to sell DLC means ME3 probably won't end in some lame self-sacrifice.
Yeah, but you had to intentionally play as poorly as possible to die. There's a difference between that and having Shepard die being one (of a few?) significant ME3 ending(s).subversus said:You could die in ME2.
Lostconfused said:Ashley is a bitch because her family has a black mark on its history after the first contact war and doesn't want to be too chummy with aliens? But when some one makes a compliment or a remark to Liara she twists into an insult or something that demeans her and complains about it and she isn't a bitch? Yup makes sense.
Lostconfused said:After the conversation with Lorik Qui'in where he mentions Benezia and how she was dressed in a business suit. Liara complains about how everyone thinks Asari are promiscuous and by extension that she is as well. It kind of makes sense that mentioning Benezia would hit a nerve with her but still. There was also another moment where Garrus mentions that Asari are lucky because they don't need implants to be able to use biotics. Liara goes on a rant how she had to study and train to learn how to use biotics and how dare Garrus make light of all her pain and suffering making him apologize for that comment. There is also another conversation that goes along the same lines but I am forgetting it.
Edit: I guess I have to replay mass effect 1 again because honestly I don't remember the conversations exactly anymore and its not like any of them are up on youtube either. Well at least you know any that don't involve the romance options.
Arjen said:I have absolutly no problems playing with a controller, even on Insanity
Buckethead said:I forget, can you change difficulty in-game?
The beginning can be a little difficult (as with all classes except soldier.) Just be sure to use warp bombs as often as possible and it gets easy. With a proper party it gets really easy. Blue Suns and Geth-Mech should be Miranda + Garrus. Just about everything else should be Miranda + Thane. AR is a pretty good bonus weapon talent. I have a lot of success with SR. The Viper is great.Patryn said:So I think I've read a lot of stuff slamming adepts in this game. How hard is it to play them? Does the whole armor structure make them impotent?
Vanguard. You will probably die a lot before you get a feel for it.AShep said:Also, is there a consensus on the most "fun" class to play?
samdavis said:And it certainly wasn't worthy of any tears. No game has done that yet.
Yes. You can change everything except sex and name.Rei_Toei said:DL'ed Lair of the Shadow Broker and got sucked back into Mass Effect 2 right away. I want to start a new game with my ME1 character. I was wondering, can you change your class while importing a ME1 character? My ME1 Shepard is an infiltrator, I kinda want to do something else but it'd be more fun playing with this character then with a new character.
Mindlog said:Yes. You can change everything except sex and name.
It's right after the opening Lazarus montage IIRC.Rei_Toei said:Good to know - how/when? Because when I started a new game with a old character I couldn't change it. Is it after you leave the Cerberus base where the Lazarus'ed you?
Patryn said:So I think I've read a lot of stuff slamming adepts in this game. How hard is it to play them? Does the whole armor structure make them impotent?
Mindlog said:It's right after the opening Lazarus montage IIRC.
Wallach said:It's not hard, honestly. Just get used to recognizing the best ways to set up Warp detonations to hit multiple targets safely. I think I've linked this video before, but you can absolutely maul shit in this game with Warp detonations: (note this is spoilery, very late game)
AG did this quick run at the request of someone wanting to see how effective Warp detonations really were compared to the other classes in this section. Also take note of how he uses Singularity because it's a CC on pretty much any target regardless of whether they have armor/shields/barrier or not.
Rei_Toei said:Man, that's weird, I could swear I didn't get the option to change the class. Maybe I overlooked it. Will try again.
Edit: weird, now it did show up, right after the facial reconstruction. Weird, I must've missed it.
Another thing I'm wondering about: I was replaying ME1, but then dl'ed Shadow Broker. To make room I deleted the Bring down the Sky DLC for ME1. Now I can't play my old ME1 savegames anymore because it says I'm missing the BdtS dlc. Kinda weird - only way to solve it is probably to re-install the DLC?
Patryn said:Hmmm.
I'm so tempted to make run number 3 be an adept run, but I really feel like I'd be abandoning my beloved engineer class. I tried doing a Sentinel run, but I still prefer Engineer (Incinerate + Drone = LOVE).
I take some sick pleasure out of the fact that I play the most unpopular combination in the game: Female Engineer. Does that make me a hipster?
Wallach said:Do you mean a run for setting up ME3 or something? Not like your Engineer's going anywhere. Something about lots of fish in the sea, etc.
Patryn said:Yeah, I'm starting another full series run to prep for The Arrival (also ME3).
But I am inclined to constantly replay the series. If I end up doing this, it'll be run number 5 for ME1 and run number 3 for ME2. What can I say? ME1 is actually my favorite game of all time.
Nah, it does the same for me, the voices seem to be in sync, but the explosions and other sound effects are always off.RyanardoDaVinci said:Does the game frequently go out of sync in regards to voice/sfx in certain situations/cutscenes for anyone else, or is it just me?
I'll get a half-second or so de-sync of voices in some scenes (mostly involving TIM).
PS3, btw.
Relix said:Lair of the Shadow Broker is freaking fantastic. Best DLC I've ever bought!
Wallach said:I really enjoyed it. Couple environments in that DLC are fucking gorgeous.
Relix said:Lair of the Shadow Broker is freaking fantastic. Best DLC I've ever bought!
Acidote said:Lair of the Shadow Broker is DLC done right. I hope they don't "forget" how to do it.
Unfortunately I may have already had the DLC spoiled for me. Quite a few of the critics from the other thread are going to get something they've been asking for. I wonder how they'll react. I predict a new wave of whinging that ignores previous complaints.subversus said:I'm in media blackout for Arrival but according to newslines Shepard goes solo.
I hope that doesn't mean that they decided to streamline out party mechanics in ME3.
cornontheCoD said:One thing that I hope that Bioware does for ME3 is make some fun hacking minigames. Unfortunately, the only developer that makes interesting hacking minigames is Insomniac Games (every hacking minigame in the ratchet and clank games is great). I would really like to see a compelling hacking minigame in ME3.
cornontheCoD said:One thing that I hope that Bioware does for ME3 is make some fun hacking minigames. Unfortunately, the only developer that makes interesting hacking minigames is Insomniac Games (every hacking minigame in the ratchet and clank games is great). I would really like to see a compelling hacking minigame in ME3.
kitzkozan said:Perhaps if Mike Laidlaw moved on to "supervise" the Mass effect franchise and it's DLC I would be worried, but I'm confident Arrival will have solid gameplay and setpieces even if it's a solo mission.![]()
Wallach said:I really enjoyed it. Couple environments in that DLC are fucking gorgeous.
CarbonatedFalcon said:I'm a whore and just bought Shadow Broker, Overlord, and Kasumi, never having played them (and missing out on that one sale, drat). Damn unjustified anticipation for this DLC!
The sad thing is I was 10 points short to buy both Overlord and Kasumi at the same time, so I had to get even more points to get both of those. Oh well, at least I have excess points for Arrival now, though I'll still have a weird spare amount of points afterwards.
Patryn said:If you like ME2, they're all worth it.