Not speaking as a mod, though I do find the continued complaining, whining, and moaning in literally
every single Mass Effect thread regardless of the topic to be excruciatingly tiring. It's literally a running joke. Make Mass Effect thread about
anything, give it one or two pages because the pro-Mass Effect anti-Mass Effect 2/3 brigade pipes up about shoot bang. Every single time. Without fail. Regardless of context. I've come to terms with ignoring most of it.
If it gets out of hand then yeah the moderation hammer has to come down, as in the past there's been a few unjustified thread derails, and I don't think any of the moderation team wants this happening to every future Mass Effect thread, but in that particular quote I was referring to people surprised and/or concerned that Omega DLC had a lot of shooting, and how I disagree with complaints that it was too action heavy, when for most part it plays identically to a Mass Effect 2/3 mission. And none of that is surprising to me in the slightest, nor necessarily a universally negative thing.
I feel with Mass Effect, because some people are so crippled by ME2/ME3's changes, that there is an audience looking for every opportunity to moan about the series regardless of whether or not its justified or relevant to the discussion. So for Omega it's like, "hey, this is ME3 DLC, that plays exactly like ME3, and like ME2...and you expected it to play
differently?". There's plenty of criticism that can be thrown at Omega, but I feel complaining that DLC for the most recent games plays like the last two base games is beating a half decomposed dead horse at this point. If people want changes to the series formula they shouldn't be looking towards Mass Effect 3 DLC, even if it is from Montreal.
EDIT: I suppose the long and short of it is that I don't find discussion of how Mass Effect 2 abandoned 70's technicolour sci fi particularly worthy of attention in a thread about Mass Effect 3 DLC
