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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


Bish loves my games!
Truelize said:
You can leave and run back to your ship and refill your entire medpack inventory in the room where the Doctor is. Try to remember to do that every time you need too in between missions.

I can't. There's a massive rock blocking my passage back to the ship. Is there a way to move it? Or another way back to the ship?


Steroid Distributor
jetjevons said:
I can't. There's a massive rock blocking my passage back to the ship. Is there a way to move it? Or another way back to the ship?

Dang I didn't know you couldn't leave. There is a health station as you progress through there. Do you happen to have any medic upgrades for your armour? You might have to camp and let your health refill after every fight.


Just beat it my second time finally.. god Adepts are a million times better than Soldiers. Anyway, I'm sitting here spamming Stasis to try and get the achievement against a destroyable object in the room outside Saren... hope this works.
Just beat it for my second time last night on Hardcore. Bout to start my third game on insanity. It's taken me a long time because of school.

Quick question, for the weapons achievements, is it cumalative? I tried to get the shotgun expert last game but my squad was having no part of it, they steal like 3/4'th my damn kills! I want to get the 150 kills still, but it sorta takes away from my enjoyment a bit to play the game with weapons I am not trained in (I'm an infiltrator that LOVES my sniper and pistol), and if I'm going to half to start all over, then I might just say screw it.

The second playthrough, without doing most of the sidequest, really gave me a much better perspective on the game. I mean, it was already one of my faves before, but after that second run, I'm really seeing just how good this thing ages. I already know I will have a 4th and possibly 5th playthrough after this, which is unheard of for me, I usually beat games once, if a fps, maybe twice.
lethial said:
I finally got around to beating the story which ran for about 10 hours. Is it really worth going back for the side quests? I'm not a gamescore-whore personally.

no. Sidequests in ME are by far the worst in any Bioware game


butthole fishhooking yes
Meier said:
Anyway, I'm sitting here spamming Stasis to try and get the achievement against a destroyable object in the room outside Saren... hope this works.

Sounds super fun!
lethial said:
I finally got around to beating the story which ran for about 10 hours. Is it really worth going back for the side quests? I'm not a gamescore-whore personally.

It really depends on the sidequest, honestly.

I'd say that you have to go to Earths moon for instance, if only to look back at earth. It's also a decent mission that gives you a bonus.

There is this little conspiracy-driven sub-plot that deals with this Cerberus group that is also very interesting (To me at least).

Bring Down the Sky (The DLC) is also worth checking out, if only for the Quarian armor you can get....:lol

There is some side-quest involving Wrex and Garrus that I also recommend.

To be honest though, I just really like to geek out about this game, and I enjoy the universe and story a lot. The gameplay and even the environments don't change much though.....
I've got the day off work tomorrow, gonna spend it playing Mass Effect. Sad, I know, but my hard drive died a few months back and I was robbed of a chance to play through it a second time. I'm really looking forward to playing this again, especially as a brand new character.

I'm thinking of picking Infiltrator (went Vanguard first time round) because I really want to try the sniper rifle. How does Infiltrator stack up against the other classes? I don't want to be stuck with a gimped class for my runs at the tougher difficulties but I really want to try the sniper rifle. Also, which team-mates help go best with Infiltrator? I'm thinking Wrex and someone else.

In fact, can anyone do a rough tier list for the classes? With reasons why?


Liara T'Soni said:
Just beat it for my second time last night on Hardcore. Bout to start my third game on insanity. It's taken me a long time because of school.

Quick question, for the weapons achievements, is it cumalative? I tried to get the shotgun expert last game but my squad was having no part of it, they steal like 3/4'th my damn kills! I want to get the 150 kills still, but it sorta takes away from my enjoyment a bit to play the game with weapons I am not trained in (I'm an infiltrator that LOVES my sniper and pistol), and if I'm going to half to start all over, then I might just say screw it.

The second playthrough, without doing most of the sidequest, really gave me a much better perspective on the game. I mean, it was already one of my faves before, but after that second run, I'm really seeing just how good this thing ages. I already know I will have a 4th and possibly 5th playthrough after this, which is unheard of for me, I usually beat games once, if a fps, maybe twice.

Yes, they are cumulative.


Junior Member
PrivateRyan said:
In fact, can anyone do a rough tier list for the classes? With reasons why?

I think that would be tough, given the ability to assign talents that you unlocked achievements for to new characters. Example, assault rifles are a very powerful weapon, but once you gain the ability to give that to other classes the soldier's appeal drops through the floor.

Meier said:
Just beat it my second time finally.. god Adepts are a million times better than Soldiers.

I played my first time with a soldier, second time through as a vanguard (w/ assault rifle talent). Even the basic biotic powers they give the hybrids trivialize a lot of the game. With Kaiden along, the last fight on hardcore difficulty was a complete joke.

I'd love to play through a third time as an infiltrator, but it's hard to justify that when I've now seen both the paragon and renegade stories, and I've got a decent backlog on 360, Wii, and DS.

Renegade was a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting something awesome along the lines of KoTOR's dark side story, but it didn't come close. Bioware does pure evil much better than renegade good-guy.
PrivateRyan said:
I'm thinking of picking Infiltrator (went Vanguard first time round) because I really want to try the sniper rifle. How does Infiltrator stack up against the other classes? I don't want to be stuck with a gimped class for my runs at the tougher difficulties but I really want to try the sniper rifle. Also, which team-mates help go best with Infiltrator? I'm thinking Wrex and someone else.

I've only ever used the infiltrator, but I love it, never had any problems.

The sniper rifle and pistol may seem like a funny class, but it is honestly enough to get you out of just about anything. The pistol in the game is quite underated, get the right heat dampening upgrades (Something coil, I forget, but you will know what I'm talking about when you pick them up), and you basically have an automatic rifle, as it will NEVER overheat. I just hold down the trigger when I get into fights with the pistol out, it's THAT good.

The sniper is damned powerful, get the upgrades that steady the gun (I prefer this to accuracy, but I gets it just depends on your style of play), get down on one knee, and if your any good at all in shooters you should be able to pick off enemies fairly easily. It's very helpful against the bigger enemies and bosses as well.

As far as the other perks, this is just MY personal opinion, but I find the biotic stuff to be a little bit....I dunno, corny or something. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and the universe...but it seems like Bioware just couldn't shake off the Force elements from Star Wars, so they gave us these biotic powers instead. I prefer the omni stuff a lot more, it fits in with the universe a helluva lot better, and I don't feel like I'm using powers left over from KOTOR. With infiltrator, you get shield boost (Very useful imo), unity (Brings dead squad members back to life), immunity (Makes you invincible or at least partially invincible for a duration), assassination (Makes your pistol shoot faster and more powerful....quite useful in higher levels), marksmen (Does the same thing as assassination, except with the sniper), sabotage, damping, and overload. The last three are the "tech" powers, I didn't give them any explanation because honestly, I don't know what they do specifically. I tend to use them one after another and after that I pull out a weapon (Actually at level 58, most of the enemies tend to be dead before I even begin to start shooting...:D). One thing that Bioware REALLY needs to work on for next game is the AESTHETICS of the tech and biotic powers...ALL the tech powers look the same, and ALL the biotic powers look the same.

As far as squad members go, honest to god, as I was saying a little bit earlier in the thread, I find the game to be pretty easy. I don't see how a lot of people can focus so much on the strategic aspects of it, but maybe I've just forgotten how it was at lower difficulties. I tend to just take the members as I see fit, I try to get interaction between different members of the squad, see what their conversations are like, etc etc etc. However, I tend to think that Ashley and Wrex or Ashley and Liara are probably your safest bets if you want a purely destructive wreckoning machine. Liara in later levels is fucking godly, you can't enter a fight without her lifting enemies up into the sky. After that, throw a sabotage or something at em and shoot away.


Liara T'Soni said:
The sniper is damned powerful, get the upgrades that steady the gun (I prefer this to accuracy, but I gets it just depends on your style of play), get down on one knee, and if your any good at all in shooters you should be able to pick off enemies fairly easily. It's very helpful against the bigger enemies and bosses as well.

I don't think that the upgrades for steadying the SR are necessary when you get enough skill points to it. It barely sways when you get down on your knee. I alway go for more damage even if the heat absorbtion takes a hit. It's a fucking cannon that way and it's always funny to see your enemies go flying up in the air.
TomServo said:
Renegade was a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting something awesome along the lines of KoTOR's dark side story, but it didn't come close. Bioware does pure evil much better than renegade good-guy.

Honestly...this is another aspect of the game where I feel Bioware simply couldn't or wouldn't shake off the star wars elements. I have a strong dislike for the paragon/renegade stuff....this isn't (Or, shouldn't be, at least) the simple, black and white, good versus evil morality driven universe of Star Wars, so why must the developers feel that they need to interpret our choices for us? Just how the hell do they know what I personally think is "good" or "bad"??? In Star Wars it worked because Lucas made the universe very black and white, but in real life, that kind of judgemental attitude usually turns to shit.

I hate having to alter my dialogue options because I know that the bottom right one is going to give me "renegade" points while the top right will give me "paragon" ones...to hell with that, it's unnatural and almost a bit condescending. I don't really see the point in having this system, honestly, I see none at all. It seems that Bioware simply couldn't think outside of the star wars box, so rather then getting rid of the darkside/lightside crap, they just changed the names to renegade/paragon....it's stupid, and one of my strongest critiques of the game.


Junior Member
Liara T'Soni said:
Honestly...this is another aspect of the game where I feel Bioware simply couldn't or wouldn't shake off the star wars elements...

I read your whole post, so please don't mind the clipping.

I see where you're coming from, but for me the paragon / renegade bit felt forced because they're letting you operate in a much more narrow window of outcome than they did in KoTOR, and that's obviously being done with the sequels in mind. Rather than just declare one version of the story canon and move on, they want us all to be able to move our characters into the next game(s), so despite differences in how we get there, the end result is the same.


So I just got this game and started it last night. Here's my character.. she's hot as fuck.


I've gotta say the game looks amazing. I'm blown away at how much detail there is. The textures are phenomenal... high-res textures everywhere. The character models and environments look awesome too. I'm only up to Eden Prime.. just finished that area.

I picked a Vanguard because it had Biotic abilities and also use of weapons and medium armor. Sentinel was another choice but it doesn't have weapon specialties. At least with Vanguard you get to use a shotty.

Anything I should know in terms of gameplay settings or whatever before I go any further?


Subete no aware
Vanguard can be easy if you build the right character.

I'll bitch about this once again, but the lack of an SDK for the PC version is just stupid. I honestly don't know why BioWare is against modding nowadays.


I just got through the game. Even though a lot of the sidequests were weak, I got sucked into it and ended up putting way too many hours into it. Altogether took me about 45 hours. Loved playing as a Sentinel, tech/biotics destroys pretty much everything, just having a pistol was fine by me.

I feel empty now. I feel this urge to play more, but other than the experience of playing as a different class or going Renegade, I pretty much saw all there is to see. I'll probably end up playing through KOTOR again or trying out Jade Empire or something.


kbear said:
So I just got this game and started it last night. Here's my character.. she's hot as fuck.


I've gotta say the game looks amazing. I'm blown away at how much detail there is. The textures are phenomenal... high-res textures everywhere. The character models and environments look awesome too. I'm only up to Eden Prime.. just finished that area.

I picked a Vanguard because it had Biotic abilities and also use of weapons and medium armor. Sentinel was another choice but it doesn't have weapon specialties. At least with Vanguard you get to use a shotty.

Anything I should know in terms of gameplay settings or whatever before I go any further?
Set it to hardcore from the beginning. It forces you to be a smart player and fully exploit the combat system. So glad to see new players. Mass Effect is tied with Halo 3 as my favorite game so far this generation. That said, there's a bunch of stuff they need to fix in ME2.


Deepblue said:
Set it to hardcore from the beginning. It forces you to be a smart player and fully exploit the combat system. So glad to see new players. Mass Effect is tied with Halo 3 as my favorite game so far this generation.

Agreed! Can't believe GTA IV is getting much higher scores than this gem
Coming back for my second playthrough and the game pulls me right back in. Such an amazing world they have created.

Great things about the second play through is the stuff you missed the first time around. The scene pulling into the Citadel where you can see the Ascension parked outside is fucking awesome, and I didn't notice it my first go.

Playing as a Vanguard this time, going to try out the Good storyline this time. Also bought the DLC, should have my comments today.
Lonesome_Raod said:
Ah GOTY last year for me. Such brilliance. Played it through twice now: paragon with ash and tali and renegade with wrex and garrus.

I figure I'll play through 3 times, at the minimum.

First playthrough I got a lvl46 renegade soldier, 2nd playthrough to try out a biotic on Hardcore and to see the DLC, and a third playthrough on Insanity to get over lvl 50 with one of the two characters, whichever I end up liking best.
Good to see this thread again, I got my hands on Mass Effect a few days back and loving it so far, spent a good 6 hours just on my first sitting!

I keep getting a little lost but then working out what to do, the game is great so far.
gregor7777 said:
I figure I'll play through 3 times, at the minimum.

First playthrough I got a lvl46 renegade soldier, 2nd playthrough to try out a biotic on Hardcore and to see the DLC, and a third playthrough on Insanity to get over lvl 50 with one of the two characters, whichever I end up liking best.

I kind of want a third game to play as the psycher (whatever they are called) class and use liara and kaiden.


Hum... now I feel like giving this another go, havent tried the DLC yet. And I don't have a level 60 yet either.

I'm just gonna finish Lost Odyssey first :)


don't know if it has been posted but here is the cover for the 2nd novel, set between Mass Effect 1 and ME 2. It will be released on July 29.



Probably not the best piece of literature out there, but I did enjoy the first book so I'm looking forward to reading the second one.


KurowaSan said:
Probably not the best piece of literature out there, but I did enjoy the first book so I'm looking forward to reading the second one.

Most sci-fi is utter garbage and surprisingly, Revelations is not (granted it simply cannot stand-up to the best that sci-fi has to offer, but it's still good).


KurowaSan said:
don't know if it has been posted but here is the cover for the 2nd novel, set between Mass Effect 1 and ME 2. It will be released on July 29.



Probably not the best piece of literature out there, but I did enjoy the first book so I'm looking forward to reading the second one.

Nice! After seeing the ending of ME1 I NEED to know what happens next. It's such an epic cliffhanger...I am drowning in anticipation.


thrasher said:
Agreed! Can't believe GTA IV is getting much higher scores than this gem

I don't think Mass Effect was a bad game, it was quite good in terms of its production values, some great-looking vistas, very detailed faces for some of the more important NPCs, but GTAIV is in a class of its own.

In GTAIV the world feels alive and believable, the attention to details is incredible whether we're talking about the web or even getting a lap dance, somebody has been doing some serious homework, there's more than one vehicle, you can go anywhere while this is so obviously not the case for Mass Effect, the character's mobility within even the level given to the player in Mass Effect is rather limited, you can't jump, you can't climb, you can't vault over objects, tons and tons of loading.

Heck GTAIV had better shooting, headshots actually mean headshots in GTAIV, even for an open-world game, GTAIV's AI is smarter than Mass Effect, graphically shadows are dynamic and lighting changes according to day-night cycles, not the case in Mass Effect, there's variety in the missions versus the same subquest levels over and over in Mass Effect. Heck GTAIV has better story and characters than Mass Effect, each character, instead of like in Mass Effect where he or she just has a backstory that he or she tells you while in conversation, in GTAIV, they all have their little living, breathing world, their own social circle, their own friends and cohorts, unique needs and missions. For me Mass Effect was the third-best game last year after HALO3 and Bioshock but it's not in the same class as GTAIV.
Kittonwy said:
I don't think Mass Effect was a bad game, it was quite good in terms of its production values, some great-looking vistas, very detailed faces for some of the more important NPCs, but GTAIV is in a class of its own.

In GTAIV the world feels alive and believable, the attention to details is incredible whether we're talking about the web or even getting a lap dance, somebody has been doing some serious homework, there's more than one vehicle, you can go anywhere while this is so obviously not the case for Mass Effect, the character's mobility within even the level given to the player in Mass Effect is rather limited, you can't jump, you can't climb, you can't vault over objects, tons and tons of loading.

Heck GTAIV had better shooting, headshots actually mean headshots in GTAIV, even for an open-world game, GTAIV's AI is smarter than Mass Effect, graphically shadows are dynamic and lighting changes according to day-night cycles, not the case in Mass Effect, there's variety in the missions versus the same subquest levels over and over in Mass Effect. Heck GTAIV has better story and characters than Mass Effect, each character, instead of like in Mass Effect where he or she just has a backstory that he or she tells you while in conversation, in GTAIV, they all have their little living, breathing world, their own social circle, their own friends and cohorts, unique needs and missions. For me Mass Effect was the third-best game last year after HALO3 and Bioshock but it's not in the same class as GTAIV.

To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.
gregor7777 said:
To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.

Except for Bioshock, I agree.

The exposition in Bioshock, the way the story unfolds through the tapes, is amazing to me. It gets the extra .01 for being down more originally, even though the story itself isn't as good, the way it's told was lovely.

My favorite story parts in Mass Effect were talking to the Reaper and talking to Virgil. After talking to Virgil, it completely changed the way I viewed the title screen.

Honestly, I've never been that big a fan of any of the GTA games. I haven't beaten GTA4 yet (I just did the first mission for Playboy at the construction site), but I'm getting bored already of it. I have no idea why my character is doing anything he's doing, his agency comes out of nowhere it seems! I find the big cities to be comparable to the side planets of ME....I see so much potential, and only 1 percent of it being used. I'm shocked that so many people find the city of this game to be so alive, I mean, I suppose there is no reason for it to be more lively then it already is. But when I see the beautiful times square section of the city, I can't help but when I could walk up in some of these buildings, talk to some of these people, etc.
I'm really interested in how the new book will be. Since a lot of stuff from the game cant be continued in the book (different decisions)

My guess is that it will mostly introduce new characters to the universe.

To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.
For me, ME has the best story and presentation of this gen, while GTAIV is entertaining and fun and a great game etc., the story is just not that amazing as in ME.

Kydd BlaZe

dejan said:
Mass Effect PC - Story trailer


June can't come soon enough.

Trailer looks amazing. Makes the wait for Mass Effect 2 a bit more agonizing, however.

Hellraizer said:
For me, ME has the best story and presentation of this gen, while GTAIV is entertaining and fun and a great game etc., the story is just not that amazing as in ME.

Agreed. Mass Effect definitely has the best story this gen so far. However, GTA IV's world and attention to detail is simply unmatched.

Kydd BlaZe

Hellraizer said:
It got me all hyped up again and I finished that damn thing 3 times already.

Lol, same here. I think i've finished Mass Effect's campaign about 6 times, though. I'm an achivement whore :D (the game is surprisingly short if you just stick to the main quests). The game has its issues, but it really picks up near the end of the game. The story just grips you and never lets you go. I can't wait to see what Bioware comes up with in the sequel, and to see all the improvements over the original (UE 3.5 perhaps?).
Yeah, they definitely need to switch to UE3.5 for ME2, which hopefully would fix some technical issues easier.

+ the other features of course, like destructible environments, and a swarm of geth enemies on screen.


Chili Con Carnage!
KurowaSan said:
don't know if it has been posted but here is the cover for the 2nd novel, set between Mass Effect 1 and ME 2. It will be released on July 29.



Probably not the best piece of literature out there, but I did enjoy the first book so I'm looking forward to reading the second one.

oh nice! The first book was a great lead in to ME, think I might hold off on this one untill ME2 is a little closer though.
Ghost said:
oh nice! The first book was a great lead in to ME, think I might hold off on this one untill ME2 is a little closer though.

So I assume reading the second book will clue you in on where they are heading with ME2?


gregor7777 said:
To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.

Each of the characters like Roman, Brucie, Elizabetha, Little Jacob, all had their little own unique story and setting presented to you in-game instead just two people talking to each other, it's a bit more fleshed out that way. Mass Effect had some nice cutscenes though especially at the end.
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