PrivateRyan said:
I'm thinking of picking Infiltrator (went Vanguard first time round) because I really want to try the sniper rifle. How does Infiltrator stack up against the other classes? I don't want to be stuck with a gimped class for my runs at the tougher difficulties but I really want to try the sniper rifle. Also, which team-mates help go best with Infiltrator? I'm thinking Wrex and someone else.
I've only ever used the infiltrator, but I love it, never had any problems.
The sniper rifle and pistol may seem like a funny class, but it is honestly enough to get you out of just about anything. The pistol in the game is quite underated, get the right heat dampening upgrades (Something coil, I forget, but you will know what I'm talking about when you pick them up), and you basically have an automatic rifle, as it will NEVER overheat. I just hold down the trigger when I get into fights with the pistol out, it's THAT good.
The sniper is damned powerful, get the upgrades that steady the gun (I prefer this to accuracy, but I gets it just depends on your style of play), get down on one knee, and if your any good at all in shooters you should be able to pick off enemies fairly easily. It's very helpful against the bigger enemies and bosses as well.
As far as the other perks, this is just MY personal opinion, but I find the biotic stuff to be a little bit....I dunno, corny or something. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and the universe...but it seems like Bioware just couldn't shake off the Force elements from Star Wars, so they gave us these biotic powers instead. I prefer the omni stuff a lot more, it fits in with the universe a helluva lot better, and I don't feel like I'm using powers left over from KOTOR. With infiltrator, you get shield boost (Very useful imo), unity (Brings dead squad members back to life), immunity (Makes you invincible or at least partially invincible for a duration), assassination (Makes your pistol shoot faster and more powerful....quite useful in higher levels), marksmen (Does the same thing as assassination, except with the sniper), sabotage, damping, and overload. The last three are the "tech" powers, I didn't give them any explanation because honestly, I don't know what they do specifically. I tend to use them one after another and after that I pull out a weapon (Actually at level 58, most of the enemies tend to be dead before I even begin to start shooting...

). One thing that Bioware REALLY needs to work on for next game is the AESTHETICS of the tech and biotic powers...ALL the tech powers look the same, and ALL the biotic powers look the same.
As far as squad members go, honest to god, as I was saying a little bit earlier in the thread, I find the game to be pretty easy. I don't see how a lot of people can focus so much on the strategic aspects of it, but maybe I've just forgotten how it was at lower difficulties. I tend to just take the members as I see fit, I try to get interaction between different members of the squad, see what their conversations are like, etc etc etc. However, I tend to think that Ashley and Wrex or Ashley and Liara are probably your safest bets if you want a purely destructive wreckoning machine. Liara in later levels is fucking godly, you can't enter a fight without her lifting enemies up into the sky. After that, throw a sabotage or something at em and shoot away.