Totally forgot about this one. Does it support the old Sidewinder?![]()
Possibly, but playing with a joystick is pretty sub-optimal. Mouse is best due to the need to aim.
Totally forgot about this one. Does it support the old Sidewinder?![]()
How often does paint go on sale? I'm getting sick of these basic colors and want me some tans/browns/greys/white, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay full price for that shit.
Also if you guys haven't added me yet, add me! 'Vertigo 1' I play pretty much every day.
Do Blackjack arms change depending on the weapons on them like JagerMech's (and Highlander's)?
Yup. Expect that on all new mechs while slowly being rolled out to old ones over time.
Is this related to you wanting a symetrical mech?
That moment when you finally hit the sweet spot with a mech build you like. So good.
So good and yet so bad, since mine was a dual gauss Catapult K2, which some people consider obnoxious and cheesy... But I still laugh maniacally every time someone targets and destroys my useless, unarmored arms and I kill them with an alpha strike to the core. GET REKT!
You cheesy fu... ah who am I kidding. I've been pop-tarting in my highlander since ballistic state rewind.
1 Gauss, 2 ERPPCs, 1ML, 19DHS. The most potent beastie in my mech garage. P2W realized!
Totally forgot about this one. Does it support the old Sidewinder?![]()
Tried out the trial Jager, reliance on ballistics as primaries is dangerous.
Twin LB10XACs with twin large lasers (in arms to take advantage of their position) would be neat. Pierce armor and then destroy internals. Arguably i could make that by having the LLs in torso but... eh.
What's the medium laser for? Close range defense?
If you have enough space, i'd trade it for another DHS, or perhaps more ammo.
Personally, i can't stand jump-sniping. Had enough of it in MW4/Mercs (usually the victim, since i never found the particular style fun to play). That said, strong screen-shake while jumping would make it hard, if not completely remove it.
Keep in mind that the trial Jager is a complete trashpile with less armor than the trial Jenner.
Unfortunately I think you have to sacrifice too much to fit twin LBX-10s and twin LLAS on the Jager. You could try 4x MLAS instead, which has a slightly higher alpha and better DPS than the two LLAS at the expense of range. Something like this:
Medium laser is for fun.
But also for those times when you just need an extra bit of damage to pop that red body part.
So, I have about 12 million C-Bills to spend. Can anyone recommend a newbie-friendly mech type? I'm looking for a Medium or a Heavy.
My first guess was a Catapult with two EPPC or Gaus cannons? I really don't want to mess up my first mech, that would be a really bad way to start out.
How did you get that cash?
So, I have about 12 million C-Bills to spend. Can anyone recommend a newbie-friendly mech type? I'm looking for a Medium or a Heavy.
My first guess was a Catapult with two EPPC or Gauss cannons? I really don't want to mess up my first mech, that would be a really bad way to start out.
Going from SNES to PC gaming back in 1995 was some intense shit. The intro from MW2 is still one of the best around.Thank you, this post and your avatar took me back to fifth grade for a few rose-tinted moments:
on the other hand, this popular centurion build packs nearly the same amount of firepower as the hunchback but at the cost of having less agility in the speed in which you can twist your torso and the fact that all the weapons are mounted to it, meaning lights will tear you apart but on the positive side, it's the prototypical zombie mech which all other zombie builds aspire to be. don't be surprised with how often you'll have both arms blown off, nearly every part of your upper body cored and yet still manage to end the match being able to fire every last one of your weapons.
i find hunchbacks easy to deal with, but even in an alpha heavy assault mech, i find pilots using this build to be annoying shits.
Sounds like your best bet is to wait and see how the Orion and Victor turn out since you have pretty exacting taste in mechs. Although I am curious to see if you can build a Highlander that fits your style.
Orion is exactly what i want. Symmetrical primary (ie most used) weapons, a big gun, and SRMs or LRMs for support. All i need to do is to add endo-steel, DHS, perhaps XL for faster speed, more armor and more ammo.
Orion is one of the most asymmetrical looking mechs around.
Also, the ballistic and missle packs are its primary weapon systems.
But I suppose that's ok for you, because you don't like ballistics, so you won't be using those.
You're a weird cat, you know that?
EDIT the unfortunate thing with Atlas is that it is just plain ugly, expensive and way too slow.I actually wonder if by 'symetrical' he means where the different weapon systems are spread evenly across the seperate sides of the mech rather than asthetically symetrical, like the Atlas for example, but not like the very RT heavy Hunchback or Highlander (in fact, I'd call the hardpoint split one of the huge advantages of the Heavy Metal over regular varients).
Still think the team build ups can get really silly with way too many assaults and heavies at times, but putting any strict limits on matches would probably really screw with matchmaking speed. To me it seems like it's taking lot longer to get into matches too, I used to get almost instant matches, but lately I've had it sit their waiting to find matches for 4-5 minutes. Unless its an indicator of the player population drying up a bit.
EDIT note: these are for MWO and other mech sims. For the tabletop, i have no clear favorites or dislikes.Yeah, sounds like the Orion will be more worth your grind-time then anything else around right now.
What would your ideal possible mech (correct timeframe/seen) from the lore be anyway?
I wonder why this isn't on Steam yet.
I wonder why this isn't on Steam yet.
unquestionably still the best medium brawler in the game as well as imo the best practice/starter mech you can buy. the four medium lasers on the arm along with its generous torso twist ensure you can easily hold your own against a pack of lights and the srm's allow you to go one on one with most heavier mechs. there are very few mechs as well balanced as this one though there is very little you can do outside this one build.
on the other hand, this popular centurion build packs nearly the same amount of firepower as the hunchback but at the cost of having less agility in the speed in which you can twist your torso and the fact that all the weapons are mounted to it, meaning lights will tear you apart but on the positive side, it's the prototypical zombie mech which all other zombie builds aspire to be. don't be surprised with how often you'll have both arms blown off, nearly every part of your upper body cored and yet still manage to end the match being able to fire every last one of your weapons.
i find hunchbacks easy to deal with, but even in an alpha heavy assault mech, i find pilots using this build to be annoying shits.
Probably because it isn't "launched" yet. Also, currently the game uses its own patcher/launcher. Not much point in Steam version, unless the extra exposure is the point.
Were challenging you! In addition to the usual challenge of winning your matches, were adding an additional challenge to get twenty-five (25) victories from today (28th of May Noon PDT) till Friday (31st of May 10am PDT) . Think you can do it? Well this challenge comes with a bonus if you succeed in this challenge, youll get a free 3050 hologram for your cockpit!
So. Why do Double Heat Sinks (and normal heat sinks as well?) increase heat cap?
Remove that and this game will not be AlphaStrikeWarrior any longer.
And... This actually provides a perfect system to balance Single Heat Sinks as well, have them increase the heat cap (but much less than DHS currently do).
That is, when choosing heat sinks, you choose between weak heat dissipation but slightly higher heat cap, and good heat dissipation but normal heat cap.
DHS should be balanced to be slightly more desirable in general, since they're more expensive and bigger (and more advanced tech), but specialized builds would benefit from SHS. Also, DHS are not supposed to be necessary for people to be useful, trial mechs are pretty horrible for new players...
This way the heat curve itself wouldn't have to be tweaked either really, to avoid "randomness" of ammo explosions etc. without forced shutdown. (In the Tabletop game, ammo can explode before the mech gets shutdown, in MWO, ammo cannot seemingly explode unless you're also shutdown from heat. Not sure about extended high heat... Correct me if i'm wrong in either point).
Weapons still need to be balanced a bit, i think Pulse Lasers and small weapons in general are a bit too worthless at the moment.
LRMs are pretty good now. Don't like how slow they're though, they arc so high it takes forever for them to land. Very easy to avoid by going to cover to break the lock.
EDIT also, the engine weights don't account cockpit and gyro. At least, the small ones don't. Smallest gyro is 0.5 tons, i think, and cockpit is always 3 tons... so lightest extra-light engine should be 0.5+0.5+3=4 tons.
EDIT oh. OH! Someone did the math, the heat sinks you add are the weight of cockpit+gyro, since all engines have to have 10 heat sinks. In the Tabletop, all engines have 10 heat sinks included always, apparently?
Messing around with heat doesn't really fix the core of the issue. It might help to fix some of the symptoms of the issue, while inadvertantly nerfing a bunch of other ones.
And the heatcap is 30+heat sink dissipation...
because that's the heat cap from the board game.
I mean, what happens when you have 30 cooling and fire 30 heat worth of weapon in 1 round in BT?
And what happens if you have 30 points of heat dissipation and fire 30 heat worth of weapons in 10 seconds in MWO?
I suppose a heat penalty scale that starts above your heat dissipation rate would help to bring the intent of the heat system back in line with the original BT game (i.e. that there are penalties for firing too many weapons in a single turn, of which shut down is one)...
But I understand the current no penalty intent to be a bone for newer players.
i.e. the game is already complicated as fuck, so why make it even more complicated?
Which is something I don't necessarily agree with - because additional complexity is introduced when you're getting smashed constantly by imbalanced mechs in your bad trial mechs, and you can't figure out what on earth is going on and how you can get better at the game... but I digress.
But I still feel the core of the issue in high pin point damage loadouts (my new term for what I was calling high alphastriking), isn't fully, or even properly addressed by heat scale, heat dissipation, or whatever changes you'd want to propose to the heat system.
Because ballistics is an entire weapon category that goes relatively unnerfed by this change. As a result, nerfing heat would just cause everyone to find and boat the most ballistics they can.
K2 players and Jagermech players would love that.
Other issue with going from TT to the game is the removal of random hit locations. Players here just easily alpha strike a single point for quick kills when in the table top your dealing with damage and hits being applied more randomly spread out. This is a problem that they really can't easily fix in a real time game though. They are essentially going to need to break away from trying to stick too close to certain TT elements.
Even with adding more penalties to heat and group firing it's still going to give ballistics an advantage. What are they going to do then, start nerfing the heck out of ballistic damage? Main nerfing and balancing to play with right now is recharge/firing rates if anything and little tweaks to damage. Any group firing penalties can't be too severe.
But they really need to add in more penalty for overheating.
Possibly, but playing with a joystick is pretty sub-optimal. Mouse is best due to the need to aim.
I'll note something ironic. Simulation games aim for realism, no*? Well, a real tank, with computer guided main gun, can hit a small target from 2 kilometers easy. Arguably Battletech universe mechs are at least that advanced, indeed it has been noted that the ranges in the tabletop are for convenience, not because they're realistic. And in the books, experiences mechwarriors can hit what they aim easily enough, unlike in the tabletop game. So, the aiming system MWO has... well, it is quite likely very correct.
Non-standard mechs are rare, arguably if everyone was using stock variants, the game would be very different. Saying this because standard-mechs would prevent quite a lot of this "pin-point-alpha-strike" metagame.
Funny. Mech customization is so big part of the Mechwarrior games, one cannot make a game without it. OTOH, the games could be much more interesting and demanding without customization.
EDIT note for self, general video game design point: Customization is fun. But it should have big trade-offs, make people really think whether it is worth it. Prevent optimization, at very least prevent high amount of optimization. Stock designs need to be workable as well.
EDIT* Strictly speaking, they aim to simulate whatever they're based on. Usually with high degree of realism. Still, in MWO's and other mech games' case, i think it is valid to claim they try to simulate how the mechs would work realistically, within certain boundaries to keep the feeling similar to the original works.
Optimization is fine.
But the system should be designed and balanced such that it allows for a large number of optimized builds using all weapon types and all mech types.
I mean, that's the ideal - but the job is to get that as true as possible.
In the lore convergence is not instantaneous. The mechwarrior holds the reticule over the target and waits for the reticule to go gold indicating convergence. Firing before that introduces error into your shot. This is for direct fire weapons, they wait for a tone on missiles I believe.
In the lore convergence is not instantaneous. The mechwarrior holds the reticule over the target and waits for the reticule to go gold indicating convergence. Firing before that introduces error into your shot. This is for direct fire weapons, they wait for a tone on missiles I believe.
I believe this type of mechanic is implemented in World of Tanks, though I have never played that game. You have a shrinking cone of possible weapon trajectories the longer you hold the reticule over the target until it goes to pinpoint accuracy.
I'm not actually a fan of this as it implements a RNG into instantaneous targetting and takes out fast twitch targetting as a effective skill from the game, but it is food for thought and seems to mimic how it worked in the lore.
Perhaps my favored solution would be to put hardpoint size restrictions. So no mech would have 6 large energy weapon hardpoints. So take the Atlas D, you would have a large ballistics hardpoint for gauss or AC20, but only 4 medium energy hardpoints. Not sure how I would size the missile hardponts but you get the drift. You could even make it flexible by saying 2 medium hardpoints in the same section could add together to make 1 large hardpoint.
I kinda like this idea, but mainly in the sense that it makes each mech more unique. Problem is it doesn't get rid of natural boats - so you just end up with a narrower selection of Tier 1 and 2 builds (Current tier 1 been poptarting highlanders w/ 1 gauss and PPCs/ERPPCs and cataphracts with same, Tier 2 been other large assaults boating PPCs and gauss, and AC20/gauss jagermechs/catapults/cataphracts).