Is it really that bad, I was thinking of giving it a try since I love turn-based tactics
If someone is interested there are 100% accurate rules wise servers where you can play tabletop battletech for clan era and for 3025.
Also, anyone have a fun/useful light mech build to recommend that isn't the 5m C-bill Raven?
I'm about to spend my hard-earned C-bills on a Stalker (first assault mech I'll own). Which variant and config is the "best"?
Disco, I'm trying to follow this guide you posted
Could you give me a little bit of context behind this? There isn't much in game that lets me know exactly what I'm doing.
EDIT: I actually did some digging around in the menus and figured it out.
Why aren't these available as posters/prints?![]()
From the Shadowrun Returns pitch video:
Fireye suggested to scan the image from the book and go out and print it as a poster.
For comparison, here's the TRO:3050 (updated version) depiction:
Damn I love this version.
I wonder how they're gonna handle the hitboxes on the Timber Wolf. The obvious thing to do is to make the LRM boxes count as side torso but then XL engines will be suicide. And the center fuselage part sticks out quite a lot, it'll either be a big liability like it is on the Catapult or be shielded by side torsos like on the Stalker, making XL engines an even worse choice.
PGI has recently been working on enticing players from around the world to invest in the various package deals being offered as a part of the up and coming Project Phoenix. There has been a lot of confusion about what exactly happened between FASA Corporation/Battletech, Harmony Gold, and the legal battles that have gone down over in the past. As a result, I feel obligated to do some journalistic sleuthing and dig up information to help shine some light onto the situation.
Oh look, he missed because of the JJ shake.
Damn I love this version.
I wonder how they're gonna handle the hitboxes on the Timber Wolf. The obvious thing to do is to make the LRM boxes count as side torso but then XL engines will be suicide. And the center fuselage part sticks out quite a lot, it'll either be a big liability like it is on the Catapult or be shielded by side torsos like on the Stalker, making XL engines an even worse choice.
I'm still trying to figure out how some Macross/Robotech designs ended up in Exo Squad.
That is an actual screenshot they have on their official homepage.
Do you play zoomed out though? A lot of games like RTS look bad zoomed in on individual models.
Action figure artstyle though, not sure what I think about it.
Do you play zoomed out though? A lot of games like RTS look bad zoomed in on individual models.
Action figure artstyle though, not sure what I think about it.
by Piranha Games in [ Announcements ] on, Jul 10, 2013 8:00 PM UTC
Hello MechWarriors!
Today we're releasing the Public Test build installer, which you can download . This will be for 12v12 testing; thats right, its here! The servers for the test WILL NOT BE UP UNTIL TOMORROW, 11TH OF JULY. So please download the link now and install, but realise you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT UNTIL TOMORROW.
For info on test times, check MattC's post here.
We look forward to dropping with you guys, and we'll see you on the battlefield!
The MechWarrior Online Team
Arriving for July 16th… heat scale on high weapon count alphas.
As promised, once systems are in place for new balancing/tuning features, I will let you know about them as they enter test. What we have seen so far is very positive. There are some tweaks that need to be done but those will come with subsequent patches. The key here is to get this feature enabled to allow you, the Beta testers to see the effects and adjust your gameplay or meta-gameplay as needed.
This is very experimental and is being addressed aggressively as I mentioned in my previous weapons update. The first set of numbers are for the immediate effect on the current meta-game but more weapons and balancing will occur with each patch you see on our path to Launch. That being said, here is a table of maximum weapons of each weapon type you can fire without incurring the heat penalty. Internally we call this value Max Alpha.
Weapon System Max Alpha
LRM-15 2
Large Laser 2
Medium Laser 6
AC/20 1
SRM-2 4
SSRM-2 4
SRM-4 4
SRM-6 3
Firing more weapons than Max Alpha makes heat generation grow exponentially. For example, from the table above, if you fire 2 PPCs, you will receive no heat penalty. Fire 3 and there will be a noticeable heat increase. Fire 4, it starts to get significant. Beyond that, you’re playing with fire.
What about SRMs?!?! Buff them to 2.5!!!
Nuh uh. 2.5 SRM damage causes the same effect as the previous LRM-aggedon. While funny to test, the 6-SRM6 Catapult will decimate any Assault class Mech in 3 volleys. The third volley doesn’t even have to be a full volley, 2 volleys following up with a medium laser will probably kill most builds in the game. So what am I going to do about this? Well let me explain an issue…
Many of you have cited hit detection errors. We’re seeing this as well. While it happens across almost all Mechs, it’s most noticeable with small Mech chassis. Bumping damage is going to help deal a small amount more damage to small Mechs, but the larger Mechs are going to be destroyed VERY quickly. We are investigating the root cause of these detection errors but it’s a deep problem. We need to find out if it’s in HSR (host state rewind) or is it in the simulation running on the server etc etc. Once found we will be pouring heavy resources on to the problem to fix it ASAP. However, I can tell you this, it’s going to take a while to find due to its complexity.
That being said, here’s an opportunity for you to decide your fate when dealing with SRMs. In this feedback thread (, there is a poll. You can vote to bump SRM damage up to 2.0, not this patch but next, or leave damage as is until hit detection is fixed. Keep in mind, this bump in damage is going to be a fairly big world of hurt for larger Mechs. NOTE: Cut off for voting will be Sunday 11:59PM PST.
Taking damage beyond 120% heat.
This value is going to be reduced to 100%. Depending on how long you're in a state of overheat will determine how much damage you take. If you overheat by 1 point and are only in overheat for a very short amount of time, you probably won't take any damage at all.
Just to clarify:
PPC and ERPPC will be combined into one weapon bucket on the 30th. The code is done but has not gone through test yet and will not be ready for the 16th. After the 30th, both PPC and ERPPC will share the PPC heat scale. i.e. Firing 2 PPCs and 1 ERPPC will be the same as firing 3PPCs.
Love mechs.
Not that I get why mechs in this game have hands...they never punch anyone. Also later this month Sarah's mech is finally going to be released, all the legal work on it has finally been cleared.
This might be off-topic, but this dude from the UK made his own resin models out of the Iglesias renditions of the Raven and Commando.
Pretty goddamn impressive work if you ask me. He's looking into selling these models later, if PGI allows it (they've been sent the sample work)
I'm liking these changes. I voted for upping SRM dmg temporarily.
Don't think PGI has any say in the matter, it would probably require going to the original license holder for permission.
Wow those look friggin incredible. So much detail. I'd definitely buy one if they were reasonably priced.
By the way, I had a match yesterday with Alex Iglesias - I managed to fellate him over the chat as much as possible (basically calling him the greatest artist Battletech has seen which he humbly replied with "I'm not that good lol") while also squeezing out 5 kills in that match. /brag
I think Catalyst Game Labs and PGI are in close contact with each other, so they'll probably communicate with them. Besides, don't PGI retain the Iglesias versions of these mechs? EDIT: Apparently Topps "has the current copyrights on the figurines" according to the art director of MW:O.
By the way, I had a match yesterday with Alex Iglesias - I managed to fellate him over the chat as much as possible (basically calling him the greatest artist Battletech has seen which he humbly replied with "I'm not that good lol") while also squeezing out 5 kills in that match. /brag
Is it wrong to buy Mechs for what they look like over their actual functionality?
I really want a Cataphract because i just like the way it looks and moves when i could probably do the same design with a Jager.