Neo Member
Another review has gone live over at PX360:
otake said:Betas are demo's now. Every other game has a beta nowadays and it's so near the games it launch it really can't be a beta.
Vinterbird said:I think he was thinking of the actual beta from four months or so ago. I think the current beta/demo on pc has all the changes from the actual beta implemented.
Macintosh360 said:Another review has gone live over at PX360:
Score: 7.7The top strength of Medal of Honor is in the single-player campaign, and Danger Close has done an incredible job of putting together a tribute to the Special Forces community, honoring their many sacrifices. The same can't be said for the effort DICE has put forth with multiplayer, as it feels unpolished and in some regards unbalanced and unfinished.
incredible job of putting together a tribute to the Special Forces community, honoring their many sacrifices
Macintosh360 said:Another review has gone live over at PX360:
enslavedmercenar1e said:I'm stopping by the local mom and pop store, they should have MOH in by 4PM EST.. It's either MOH or Castlevania Lords of Shadow... what do you guys recommend?
from what I've played, the MP doesn't come close to matching up with BFBC2. Dice had like 8 months to make MP in MoH and it shows.Fersis said:How many MP maps at release?
Maybe the online is worth the game? Like BFBC2, lackluster SP God like MP.
Is it true that the game had 3 years of development? (Single Player)
mercenar1e said:I'm stopping by the local mom and pop store, they should have MOH in by 4PM EST.. It's either MOH or Castlevania Lords of Shadow... what do you guys recommend?
They certainly will. It just has to have CoD or BF in the title.Mr_Brit said:This should teach them that most gamers are smart and won't accept a blatant COD/BF ripoff without a sliver of creativity in it.
This is what I'm trying to judge for myself. On the one hand, $60 is a lot for such a short singleplayer and limited multiplayer, but on the other hand I get a lot of use from my multiplayer games...Fersis said:Maybe the online is worth the game? Like BFBC2, lackluster SP God like MP.
SapientWolf said:They certainly will. It just has to have CoD or BF in the title.
i actually disagree. i think gamers would swallow an equally compelling substitue/knock-off to CoD. CoDs have consistently reviewed between the high 8's and low 9's...MoH just isn't up to that quality. I don't even think the lack of creativity is the issue. I think it's the lack of a compelling, fully featured game. If this were an 8-10 hour campaign, with co-op, a survival mode of sorts, and a fully-fledged, balanced mp with perks and roughly 10 maps then this shit could take a BIG chunk from CoD.Mr_Brit said:You've gotta feel sorry for EA, they sunk a ton of time, money and effort into this thing and all they got in the end was a mediocre scoring game which will be swallowed whole by Black Ops when it launches next month. This should teach them that most gamers are smart and won't accept a blatant COD/BF ripoff without a sliver of creativity in it.
mercenar1e said:I'm stopping by the local mom and pop store, they should have MOH in by 4PM EST.. It's either MOH or Castlevania Lords of Shadow... what do you guys recommend?
DennisK4 said:Score: 7.7
What mediocre scores are you referring to?Mr_Brit said:You've gotta feel sorry for EA, they sunk a ton of time, money and effort into this thing and all they got in the end was a mediocre scoring game which will be swallowed whole by Black Ops when it launches next month. This should teach them that most gamers are smart and won't accept a blatant COD/BF ripoff without a sliver of creativity in it.
The ones that are inevitably coming when the best EA could do for an exclusive first review was an 8.5.acevans2 said:What mediocre scores are you referring to?
Reviews =/= Sales. This will sell 800K-1mil copies before Black Ops is released.Mr_Brit said:You've gotta feel sorry for EA, they sunk a ton of time, money and effort into this thing and all they got in the end was a mediocre scoring game which will be swallowed whole by Black Ops when it launches next month. This should teach them that most gamers are smart and won't accept a blatant COD/BF ripoff without a sliver of creativity in it.
Zenith said:I'm going to say it's down to the campaign being only FOUR HOURS LONG. Such a huge sticking point that stands out from other games, and the "only area of the game that is noticeably substandard" they bother to note is the AI?
lockload said:Ok team xbox say 6 to 7 hours who is right?
Not sure, but I do know that Team Xbox is wrong...lockload said:Ok team xbox say 6 to 7 hours who is right?
The stream that's still available online, showing that the player completed the game in 4 hours.lockload said:Ok team xbox say 6 to 7 hours who is right?
You should inform them of their mistake. Only decent thing to do.mercenar1e said:Just got this email.. was about to head out to buy MOH...
i pre ordered MOH back in June 2010 and i canceled a month later.. guess what happened today?
First Email
Thank you for ordering from EA Store (US) on June 16, 2010. The following product(s) has shipped. If you paid by credit card, your credit card has now been charged.
With tracking info! comes tomorrow.
so i called and got the follow up email
Thank you for contacting EA Support regarding your cancelled Medal of Honor pre-order. As we discussed I can fully assure you that you have been refunded the purchase price of $65.27.
Apesht Mcfckface said:So theres a embargo on the reviews or something? Probably already addressed, but when do the reviews go up? Not getting it at launch (no money) but I'm still interested in how it turned out.
Yeah and all we got were "edgy" games with the plots of Michael Bay films, but somehow dumber.jakonovski said:Even though I personally disliked the idea of 6 Days in Fallujah, I nonetheless feel that its cancelation was the death knell of war fps's as anything more than inane shooting galleries embroidered with faux patriotic slogans.
DennisK4 said:You should inform them of their mistake. Only decent thing to do.
mercenar1e said:i did.. and the representative said "i can guarantee you have been refunded.. but i cannot say if we shipped the item out to you for free or it was a system glitch" and it's in UPS system.. free is free
What do you want to know? It's just the game you know from back then, but in hd (no mlaa and still some tearing tough) and with trophy support.GQman2121 said:Are there any details at all about Frontline? That's really all I'm interested in when discussing MOH. But there's just nothing out there right now.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Seriously, I want a MoH game like FarCry 2 where you're in a huge open level world hunting down terrorists.
Day 1 if it has co-op. I've always wanted someone to take GRAW's co-op mission packs as the basis for a full scale game.Jason's Ultimatum said:Yes. You have a compass and a map. You move your way through terrains of mountains and whatnot. You can even go inside caves. You can call in airstrikes if you spot a taliban base camp.
Put the players in the role of mission planning using finite assets.Alienshogun said:Wouldn't happen since MOH is based more or less in reality. Soldiers (even SOF) don't just go out on their own with no objective or mission.
They would have to completely abandon what is supposed to make MOH what it is (aside from that abomination "airborne") or a completely different game would have to be made.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Seriously, I want a MoH game like FarCry 2 where you're in a huge open level world hunting down terrorists.
Alienshogun said:Wouldn't happen since MOH is based more or less in reality. Soldiers (even SOF) don't just go out on their own with no objective or mission.
They would have to completely abandon what is supposed to make MOH what it is (aside from that abomination "airborne") or a completely different game would have to be made.
kamspy said:could someone do me a favor and shop a tier 1 beard onto my operator for an OT at another forum?