RoboPlato said:I've been having some disgusting lag today. When I try to play MoH online I have to make 3 steps in order to travel forward the equivalent of one because it keeps snapping me back to the spot I started from. Anyone else having the same issues? I checked my modem and everything seems to be fine. Other games and Netflix are working flawlessly.
krioto said:Does anyone know if you are matched with players that have the same aiming option set as you do?
I use no aim assist, and as I've just started playing online (less than 1000 skill), I seem to be up playing against people with vastly superior skill scores.
So, are people with aim assist matched together, and those without matched together, or does each online game include both?? thanks
Releasing November 2nd for both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, the DLC adds a new mode to competitive multiplayer called Clean Sweep, which should be a frantic and adrenaline fueled affair with devastating consequences, if youre on the receiving end of enemy gunfire.
In it, two teams square off in three four-minute rounds, where the first group to record two victories wins the match. What makes it interesting, though, is the elimination aspect. There are no re-spawns in Clean Sweep, so youll need slaughter everyone to succeed. Of course, if you take a bullet to the head, you wont return until the next round.
A second PC patch is on the way for Medal of Honor's multiplayer. We have been working on the feedback from the forums that you posted during the PC beta. We are listening to your major concerns and are pleased to show you the change/fix list.
Fixed the scenario when joining a friend on a password protected server caused a hang
Ribbons and medals appear on unranked servers
Jumping and shooting at the same time now affects the ability to be accurate with the weapons
Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
Holding your breath and moving forward no longer takes you out of scope
Modifications in weapon behaviour *see weapon tweaks below
Increased the points needed to win a Domination/TDM game
-- Increased TDM score from 1200 to 1400 points
-- Increased Sector Control score from 1800 to 2600 points
Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
Cut points from score chain rewards in half
Addressed the sniper rifle damage to bring the sniper rifle more in line with the other kits
Increased the amount of recoil and spread *see weapon tweaks below
Changed immortal time to 1.9 from 1.6 seconds after spawn to prevent the scenario of spawning in the open only to be shot on spawn in
Assault Rifles
-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Lowered close range damage
-- Jumping deviation increased
-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation increses faster than assault rifles
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Jumping deviation increased
Sniper rifles
-- Headshot does the most damage
-- Less damage from bolt action
--- 2 shots to kill on body from long range
--- 1 shot on body from short range
---- Normal: 8m
---- Ammo 2: 10m
---- Range: 9.6m
-- Increased recoil on semi-automatic
-- Damage by hit point
--- Head
---- Headshots as before
--- Body
---- Body shots as before
--- Arms and legs
---- 20% less damage
Sounds like the old team deathmatch in action quake. The average round should run something like thisdarkwing said:
Oh man, that's happened to me too. I mentioned it in an earlier post. I went to check the scoreboard and boom, the game froze. The game also seems to freeze for a second if someone on my PSN friend list signs off.Cornbread78 said:MAtchmaking, the squad system and communication when joining games is all essentially broken ATM. Hopefully they patch this all soon.
Also, still beware not to check the score menu during game. I was haveing an awesome game (18-5) I was on my 6 score chain, I had just dropped a missile and got a crap load of points and went to check how many kills I got, then FREEZE. The game froze, I didn't get my rocket trophy and the system didn't save my stats. I had to reboot. Talk about total BS..!
Man, I went so far negative over the weekend because of al the sniping and spawn camping. I'mm have to do a bunch of TDMs and get positive again...
purple cobra said:Oh man, that's happened to me too. I mentioned it in an earlier post. I went to check the scoreboard and boom, the game froze. The game also seems to freeze for a second if someone on my PSN friend list signs off.
I wonder if this happens to people on 360?
Bumblebeetuna said:....
Nice, seems like it's coming sooner than I expected. Can't wait to try it out.Enosh said:
The G3 is worthless at the moment. It's way too weak.demolitio said:Did anyone get the M21 skin from the Dr. Pepper promo? I can't tell ANY difference between the camo skin and normal M21. The new reflex sight on the U.S. side is amazing though.
Also, does anyone know how to throw more C4/IED's before detonating? I used to know how to do it but I can't figure it out again. I'm tired of throwing one IED at the Bradley to hurt it and then have to throw another one to kill it. :lol
That patch looks nice. Can't wait to see the fallout from the sniper tweak. I'm usually a riflemen so I hope the recoil and deviation don't screw me up. Is it just me or does the G3 suck?
Yeah, this sort of mode is going to tend to be a camp-fest, if only because it punishes risky action by not having a second chance to win one for the team, and improving campers and bolt action users.aristotle said:Clan Sweep sounds interesting. Just as long as it's anti-camping, I'm down for it. I'll keep my view of it open, but I see it degenerating quickly into sniping fests.
Enosh said:
kitch9 said:I tried MP on PC last night and it seemed to look way too bright and washed out. Turning down the brightness didn't solve it much so I ended up turning it off.
SP is fine, has anybody noticed this too?
The configuration file you need to edit is Settings.ini, which can be found here.
Windows 7/Vista
C:Users[username]DocumentsMedal of HonorMultiplayersettings.ini
Windows XP
Cocuments and Settings[username]My DocumentsMedal of HonorMultiplayersettings.ini
Effect that tries to mimic the way human eye sees a bright object right after seeing a dark object. More of an eye candy, so turn it off.
Best Performance: false (off)
Best Quality: true (on)
Honestly, I'm not as excited... Thing is, something like that screws a sniper at the mid-range. if anything, they should take the OHK out of the long range, but at close-mid range, a sniper is at a massive disadvantage, and considering how close the maps are, I'm not sure it would be as worth it if I can only make headshots beyond 10m. I don't even play sniper, it's just to nerf the class to the point of about uselessness promotes the other extreme: Constant run&gun. So I'd promote rather than just getting rid of OHKs all together, make it harder to get that hit. Put ballistics and bullet drop in sniper rifles with a combat scope or a HP scope and more sway when sighted, plus unavoidable built in sway when standing. That would make the weapon harder to use, but it wouldn't totally screw a sniper at medium ranges.Erasus said:Awesome, just awesome! Sounds like this fixes a lot of the problems.
oldschoolpinball said:The single player in this game is pretty good.the multiplayer, not so much. I'm wondering how the spawn camping make it through qa? I thought this would tide my shooter hand over till cod but it looks like I'm going back to battlefield
Oh yeah,servers down on 360 also
You actually have to find the rest of the soldiers for yourself. Try using the thermal scope to spot enemies in the brush at range, You're probably missing something.Wario64 said:Is there a fix for this glitch? The sniping mission in tier 1 mode, after I kill the first 4 guys, the mission doesnt go on. It just stays at that part with no enemies. Restarting the mission doesnt fix it
doomed1 said:You actually have to find the rest of the soldiers for yourself. Try using the thermal scope to spot enemies in the brush at range, You're probably missing something.
Kasra_2x4 said:Somebody please tell me which version is better?PC or PS3
Thanks dude .FLEABttn said:PC no doubt but PS3 version has no aimbots.
adversesolutions said:Anyone know if the achievements stack for Tier 1 mode? I.e. if I beat Tier 1 mode, does the Hard mode achievement unlock?
Flek said:oh yeha i need to know this too - also can you do single player trophies if you chose the missions speratly? (like destroying the camp?)
MidnightRider said:That destroying the camp one has been pissing me off.
I shoot down every target I see and I still don't get it.![]()
well so far I finished it twice once on normal and once on hard and playing now the tier 1 mode, so I guess I got my moneys worth from the game :lolr.gun said:Finished up the campaign recently. I really enjoyed it. I really don't get why it scored so low in the reviews, but I guess it may have been overhyped.
MidnightRider said:That destroying the camp one has been pissing me off.
I shoot down every target I see and I still don't get it.![]()
mcrae said:seemed to stable out at around 2300 points. played for 7 hours.
i totally agree that this game is snipe fest city. its not very fun. team deathmatch is fucking terrible, the 5 objective maps are much better but still have the problem, and there arent enough maps.
glad i only rented it. (ps3)
Flek said:yeha me too this and the one where you have to rush the mg in under 2 minutes i tried them 3 times in a row each and did not get a trophyOnly sp trophies missing oh and the one where you have to throw a grenade and kill 6 guys !?