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Still gotta watch restrepo

lastplayed said:
I just watched that doco film Restrepo. Now, I've never been to Afghanistan nor been in combat, but if that film's anything to go by, then MoH captures the atmosphere of combat in Afghanistan perfectly.

I'll let you know how it is =P

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
lastplayed said:
I just watched that doco film Restrepo. Now, I've never been to Afghanistan nor been in combat, but if that film's anything to go by, then MoH captures the atmosphere of combat in Afghanistan perfectly.

I've been in combat multiple times over 2 years and 3 months, and MOH is just another military shooter. That's not to detract from the storyline, which is good, but you have to realize with this, as well as with movies, it's entertainment and will have liberties taken with it.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Do all new copies come with a Battlefield 3 beta invite, or was that a limited offer? I'm debating on buying it, but mostly for that beta.


Everything is tsundere to me
Captain Pants said:
Do all new copies come with a Battlefield 3 beta invite, or was that a limited offer? I'm debating on buying it, but mostly for that beta.
The guarantee only came with the preorders, though there COULD be later access. I just enjoy the game though, so whether I get into the beta or not is just a perk for me.

Alienshogun said:
I've been in combat multiple times over 2 years and 3 months, and MOH is just another military shooter. That's not to detract from the storyline, which is good, but you have to realize with this, as well as with movies, it's entertainment and will have liberties taken with it.
Well, I don't think anyone's trying to call MoH REALISTIC, since there are several places were it's pretty gamey. The term instead would be authentic. The actual mechanics of fighting might be different, but the atmosphere and feel of the fighting might feel authentic to what's been communicated through documentary (which is what Restrepo is) or even the real thing. I know you've been the most vocal against the game (and you still have the most posts in the thread), but when put next to games like Black Ops or MW2, it really does stand apart. That doesn't necessarily mean it's better, just that in terms of narrative, pacing, and atmosphere, it's different.
Alienshogun said:
I've been in combat multiple times over 2 years and 3 months, and MOH is just another military shooter. That's not to detract from the storyline, which is good, but you have to realize with this, as well as with movies, it's entertainment and will have liberties taken with it.

Of course, I realise it's still a video game, and I'm not pretending to know what it's really like. But for someone like me, all I've seen of Afghanistan is through the TV, whether it's Ross Kemp in Afghanistan (another brilliant doco), or Restrepo. Each have their own story to tell and do it in different ways. Medal of Honor at least tries to go in that direction. Sure, it falls down in places but I appreciate the attempt, it's a nice change from CoD at least.

AgentOtaku said:
I'll let you know how it is =P

Wow, really? Good luck man! :D


Captain Pants said:
Do all new copies come with a Battlefield 3 beta invite, or was that a limited offer? I'm debating on buying it, but mostly for that beta.

I think it's part of all limited edition copies. There's a red logo on the top left of the US version indicating the Battlefield 3 beta access:



doomed1 said:
Well, it looks like they might have given up on extra support of the multiplayer... they've released a multiplayer shortcut pack for the 360. It's been on the PC for some time, but this is a bad sign... I'm still hoping for some new stuff, but I'm not expecting it.


EA does this with pretty much all their games this gen. Some kind paid unlock everything download for the lazy.


Everything is tsundere to me
Strider2K99 said:
EA does this with pretty much all their games this gen. Some kind paid unlock everything download for the lazy.
Yeah, I actually noticed that before |3

I do wonder if that means that I'd get access to the MP7, M60, M240, and RPK though. If so, I'd consider buying it...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
doomed1 said:
Well, I don't think anyone's trying to call MoH REALISTIC, since there are several places were it's pretty gamey. The term instead would be authentic. The actual mechanics of fighting might be different, but the atmosphere and feel of the fighting might feel authentic to what's been communicated through documentary (which is what Restrepo is) or even the real thing. I know you've been the most vocal against the game (and you still have the most posts in the thread), but when put next to games like Black Ops or MW2, it really does stand apart. That doesn't necessarily mean it's better, just that in terms of narrative, pacing, and atmosphere, it's different.

My post wasn't against the game, also, if you look at my posts you will see I loved the single player, it's the multiplayer that sucks.

By the way, I made the "authentic" argument at the beginning of this thread, if you would remember I was one of the people who liked this game right off, it's the MP that turned me off.

Anyway, even the atmosphere is "entertainment" it doesn't fall in line with "authentic."

What DOES fall in line with authenticity is the language, attitudes, weapons and look of the soldiers. That is all spot on.


finally started playing it. The single player looks like ass for some reason, either it was because i checked it out on PC for a bit, or have been playing other games. Multiplayer seemed to look better, which is weird.

First game I got into, yes its still a sniper fest, kind of ridiculous, but i eventually managed to get a few kills. I only played 1 map and i hope not all the maps are wide open like that to allow snipers. i tried sniping, but the scope didnt zoom that far to help, i think i did get 1 guy.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I played through the single player. People weren't joking, its pretty damn short. I think I may have beaten it in under four hours.

Anyways... the sound design! Oh my god! Best I've ever heard. They beat Dice's efforts in Bad Company 2, imo. Totally unexpected. The lighting is also incredible. You can tell a lot of love went into this game.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
BobsRevenge said:
I played through the single player. People weren't joking, its pretty damn short. I think I may have beaten it in under four hours.

Anyways... the sound design! Oh my god! Best I've ever heard. They beat Dice's efforts in Bad Company 2, imo. Totally unexpected. The lighting is also incredible. You can tell a lot of love went into this game.
I guess I am pretty close to the end as I am nearing the 4 hour mark. Shame it is so short as the game is really well made and its easily my favorite SP campaign in a 'modern combat' shooter since MW1. I love the shotgun blast coupled with the dismemberment. I've only had one scripting error which was really early on, other than that its a really good campaign.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
poppabk said:
I guess I am pretty close to the end as I am nearing the 4 hour mark. Shame it is so short as the game is really well made and its easily my favorite SP campaign in a 'modern combat' shooter since MW1. I love the shotgun blast coupled with the dismemberment. I've only had one scripting error which was really early on, other than that its a really good campaign.
I beat FPS games faster than average, I think. I'm definitely going to have to play through it again at a higher difficulty, because I felt like I should've been taking it slower.

I like that Black Ops is completely insane, but MoH has a far more biographical feel to it that gives the whole experience some weight. The story really comes together well too. The campaign was very well composed.

edit: They really should've at least tried to make the multiplayer not feel like a Bad Company 2 mod themed after Afghanistan. Reusing animations and awkward control schemes that are worse than the SP portion is a bit offensive. Its a lot of fun, but Dice really dropped the ball on this. And hearing the sound design on Dice's portion really points out how superior Danger Close's is in the campaign.


Just beat the campaign as well. Enjoyed it, but the brevity is offensive - a four hour campaign is just ridiculous. Still, A.I. scripting bugs aside, I liked it more than the MW2 or Black Ops campaigns - there's actual pacing in place here, instead of a bunch of random set-pieces chained together. Also, since you're not constantly assaulted with waves and waves of enemies, each encounter has more weight and feels more relevant.

I gotta say, though - the explosions in this game are terrible. Some of the large-scale blasts look fairly impressive, but in general the way stuff blows up looks just pathetic with muddy colors and terrible flicker issues. Regardless of how you feel about Treyarch, they have some of the best effects artists and technicians in the business. The explosions in Black Ops are fantastic, and seriously shame the effects in Medal of Honor.
There were 5300 people playing on live when I was on at peak hours tonight.

I can only imagine EA has canceled future dlc plans or at least scaled them back. The community is barely there to support them.


Just bought this game for my NYE gaming fix in between BFBC2 sessions. I have it on PS3 and Xbox 360 now but I will be on 360 mostly: sk3tchcom is my GT on both.

I just love DICE's stuff so I have hopes that this will be a good switch-up/break when I tire of BFBC2 temporarily.


Wow...game is fun (MP) but I will echo what everyone else has been saying:

- sniper fest
- needs more maps
- maps too small

I do like the more deliberate pace...you really have to watch your ass and hit cover ALL THE TIME. But it promotes camping. Fine by me but I know that bugs a lot of folks.

Looks like NO ONE bought the $10 Hot Zone DLC on 360/PS3? At least according to stats on http://mohstats.com/ - whoa. Was thinking of picking it up. But it looks like there will be only a dozen folks max playing it at a time!

Did anyone pick it up here? Can you outline your experience with Hot Zone on 360/PS3?


Game is $29.99 for both Xbox and PS3 on amazon(from gamefaqs posting)


How's the online community for Xbox? I bought it for PS3 at launch and platinumed.
Now that I'm wornt out from COD I might try for 1000 on Xbox.


Just bought this off of Amazon. Looks like it could be interesting. I have a knack for realistic shooters and this seems like the most realistic this gen. (Besides ARMA)
Mr Sandman said:
Damn, did you miss the D2D 50% off sales+ hohoho(?) coupon?

Got the game for 23 bucks. I like it.

Damn, missed that, but I did buy it for $30 on the Steam sale.

Making my way through SP, which is fun. Enjoying it more than COD but I think I'm just sick of COD's engine and pellet guns. Seeing someone's limb explode from a .50 cal is oddly satisfying.

And multiplayer is pretty damned fun, too.


Square Triangle said:
Got MoH, going for the platinum, how is the difficulty on hard? And any tips on grinding to lvl 15?
Not hard at all. It literally felt the same playing on Hard as it did on Normal. I was expecting the worse, what normally comes with playing shooters on the hardest difficulty. But this game felt like a breeze to go through on Hard.

I haven't played this game's MP since pretty much before Black Ops. I believe I was a level 11 or something using the assault class. I believe I only need a couple of more trophies to get all the MP ones. The one for getting all your offensive streaks, one for getting to Tier level 15, one for firing 1,000(?) rounds in a match, and I think one for getting a certain number of support points. I think that's all of em.

As far as grinding, I just kept at the game pretty much every night till Black Ops released. My most played mode was Combat Mission. Was fun pushing through the objectives to get to the next set. But I hated TDM in this game. Pretty much a campfest with all the snipers. :(
Newegg has this for $24.99 shipped, and that got me thinking about how much I absolutely loved the multiplayer when it first came out. Day 2 - Snipers on one side, snipers on the other ..... FIGHT! And that was every..... single..... match.

Did that ever change? Any patches or anything that made the games go ANY other way than that?


i played once since i got it and i was really looking forward to it. i would play more but i got suckered into wow again..oh and the sniperfest is kind of annoying. its a shame they arent supporting this game with patches or updates though

also gimme my bf3 beta


From EAFlashDeals on Facebook:

Congratulations 60% off MOH + free shipping (US only) is unlocked. Enter promo code “GunClub217” at http://bit.ly/eGwIv5. Quantities are limited so act quickly!

The EA Store currently sells MOH for $39.95 for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. Maybe for $16 it's worth checking out. The PS3 version still includes MoH Frontline :)

EDIT: Sold out!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Kccitystar said:
From EAFlashDeals on Facebook:

The EA Store currently sells MOH for $39.95 for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. Maybe for $16 it's worth checking out. The PS3 version still includes MoH Frontline :)
Code not working.


Everything is tsundere to me
TheApatheticOne said:
Newegg has this for $24.99 shipped, and that got me thinking about how much I absolutely loved the multiplayer when it first came out. Day 2 - Snipers on one side, snipers on the other ..... FIGHT! And that was every..... single..... match.

Did that ever change? Any patches or anything that made the games go ANY other way than that?
Yeah, snipers got nerf'd big time in the PC patch early on, and iirc, that got turned over. Headshots still kill, but body shots don't except at very close range. Though I'm not really sure how the communities are on consoles, I still never have trouble finding a game that's full or mostly full with a low 15ms ping.
Stopped by to say that the SP is quite good, far better in fact than MW2/BLOPS (since the two are interchangeable).

I think EA could release a sequel to this with a 10-15 hr SP and make it into a commercial success.
So has it been mentioned anywhere on this site that a sequel has now been officially confirmed?

Greg Goodrich said:
Yes, Danger Close is currently working on the next Medal of Honor.

Just recently, EA announced that the reboot of Medal of Honor was a big success with over 5 million copies sold. We wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for supporting us, our new studio and our storied franchise. We would especially like to thank all of the long time Medal of Honor fans out there who have stuck with us over the years.

Since our launch last October, we've studied, listened and absorbed much of your feedback and are very excited to be marching forward on the next title. We can't wait to tell you more about it, so check back often to the website and the fan page on Facebook.

As you all know, our goal was to tell the story of today's soldier and to do so with the utmost respect and reverence. We’ve received many letters, emails and messages from active servicemen and women from around the world, along with veterans and their families, with appreciation for our recent depiction of their community. I can't tell you how important this is to everyone here at Danger Close Games. You are the heartbeat of this team and this franchise and we are privileged and honored to tell your story. Medal of Honor has always been fueled by the passion of our fans and the commitment and sacrifice shown by the men and women of our armed services.

It's going to be a fun ride for the Medal of Honor franchise. We are happy to have you aboard.

Greg Goodrich
Executive Producer
Medal of Honor

I still haven't played the first although I just bought it. I'm more of a single-player fan so, despite some mixed reviews, I actually have pretty high hopes, especially as I really appreciate how much effort they apparently put into portraying the JSOC SMUs and the region in a realistic fashion (at least for a video game and especially in comparison to something like MW and Black Ops).


Very good news. I loved the campaign but I want to see Danger Close do the multiplayer this time. MOH multiplayer is more of a sniper fest than bad company 2 so I'm curious to see how different Danger Close's online modes would be as compared to Dice.
GreatSage said:
I'm sure the sequel with stir the shit hive too, if it's set in Iraq.
And it probably should be unless they go out of their way to avoid stirring the 'shit hive.'

The same way the first was patterned after Operation Anaconda, the second could be based around something akin to the hunt for Al-Zarqawi and the rest of the 'industrial CT' JSOC did in Iraq. Seriously, read up on that if you're at all interested -- it's probably the closest thing to a video game in terms of mission set, op tempo, and, frankly, body count, in the history of special operations.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
theignoramus said:
it's a decent looking game, but SSAA would be a nice option. I cant force AA without my weapon literally appearing as a white blob.
Are you on Nvidia? Try 0x00020041 AA comp in Nvidia Inspector and disable the in-game AA toggle.
This game has been in the house since a few weeks after it shipped. I finally got around to playing the multiplayer...it is fucking horrible, just horrible.

There is a reason COD has 1 million on line some nights and this game struggles to break a thousand and I am not even that big of a COD fan. Why are there even sniper rifles in the modes where you have to rush to assault and take objectives?!

I'm going to try the single player today. Hope its decent.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Single player was fun as fuck, much better than COD.......... not so mental.
I finished the campaign last night, and yeah, anyone who generally enjoys the MW campaigns but doesn't like their over-the-top nature will love this.

And if you've done any reading about Operation Anaconda and/or SFOD-D and ST6, this game is like one giant Easter egg.

Give me a Frostbite 2.0-powered sequel featuring co-op (which both sound very likely), and open up the missions just a bit, and I'm all set.


Really enjoying the campaign. Definitely glad I picked it up for $13.50. I also think the game looks really good at 1080p, but what the hell is it doing with my processor? In Bad Company 2 I guess I always figured it was so processor intensive because of how destructible everything is, but in this game only some things are destructible but it is still kicking my [email protected]'s ass.
Yep, campaign is better than Black Ops.Certainly no classic, but I like the close scale encounters. It feels more "special ops" than Black Ops, surprisingly.
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