Vids are popping up on Youtube.
PC Ultra settings 1080p gameplay
SP looks, visually, great in this level. MP, on the other hand...
nice!Took a screenshot of the graphics options for you pc guys..
I assume the most important setting, a FOV slider is in some other menu because there's no way in hell a triple A fps developer decides against such a feature in 2012. Right guys, right?
SP doesn't disappoint. Dat frostbite.
Yep. Looks amazing. Way better than the console version.
Korean or Australian vpn maybe?
And yet it does look good on consoles as well.
And yet it does look good on consoles as well.
I thought frostbite always looked terrible on consoles. It just doesn't scale well to just low end machines.
The 30fps does not bother me at all. The visual enveloppe is the element that made me a PC gamer anyway.Yeah. I'm still pretty impressed by consoles. I played a little Arkham City on PS3 for the first time the other days and was impressed by how good it looked. It's the 30FPS that I hate after having spent the last year playing nothing but PC games.
I can't remember, is BF 3 sub-HD on PS360 ?
Technically yes.
Game is hideous. Worse than Battlefield Bad Company that came out years ago.
Well, not by a huge margin I believe.
I wonder if this is the case for Warfighter.
Interesting but no Korean server. Is the game definitely available on origin in Australia right now?
Played the MP for a couple of hours. This is more akin to COD than I'd thought. Gameplay feels fast and dying is annoying thanks to the slow mo effect which looked cool at first but starts to get on my nerves now.
Can't say I like the map design so much but probably have to get used to it.
I really hate the UI, everything is written so big, and way too much information, why point out the special ability of each class and the key to use it?
I picked Canadian assault soldier right off the bat and got stuck with a long range weapon with no option to remove the sights on it. Just let me choose the weapon I want to roll with...
Do I regret getting this game? Probably considering I only have one Origin friend and he didn't get it, but the price wasn't too high so I guess it's ok...
BF3 feels a lot better than this, even the graphics are better which is strange considering the scale of the maps in BF3 and in here you run into invisible walls every 2minutes.
Well there goes $2. Doesn't work dude, Origin just goes offline...
Game is super ugly in daytime
Really? I used that same VPN to unlock Amalor, Syndicate and BF3 on Origin in the US. Unless something has changed with Origin, it should still work... where are you located?
Well there goes $2. Doesn't work dude, Origin just goes offline...
Played the MP for a couple of hours. This is more akin to COD than I'd thought. Gameplay feels fast and dying is annoying thanks to the slow mo effect which looked cool at first but starts to get on my nerves now.
Can't say I like the map design so much but probably have to get used to it.
I really hate the UI, everything is written so big, and way too much information, why point out the special ability of each class and the key to use it?
I picked Canadian assault soldier right off the bat and got stuck with a long range weapon with no option to remove the sights on it. Just let me choose the weapon I want to roll with...
Do I regret getting this game? Probably considering I only have one Origin friend and he didn't get it, but the price wasn't too high so I guess it's ok...
BF3 feels a lot better than this, even the graphics are better which is strange considering the scale of the maps in BF3 and in here you run into invisible walls every 2minutes.
Aha! Spoke to them on live chat and they sent me a fix (FYI -
However there's no option to unlock MoH showing up, I'm guessing it's not out in Aus yet...
Game is out on 25th in Australia, just seen by using the VPN ¬_¬'
Sorry about that. I assumed it was already out in Australia.
Vids are popping up on Youtube.
PC Ultra settings 1080p gameplay
SP looks, visually, great in this level. MP, on the other hand...
Someone needs to punch whoever thought that was a clever idea. You don't have to show me the same kill-cam everytime because I'm going to see it hundreds of times.
Seriously, this is super basic stuff.
You can't take scopes off of certain weapons? You sure? Are you missing the option to in the UI? The video I saw of the weapon customization was so much more in depth than anything I've seen before in a shooter. Not doubting you, I would just be surprised if you couldn't detach a scope on a weapon.
Going to check once more but for the life of me couldn't remove the sights and couldn't change weapon with the canadian soldier I chose. I am lvl9 by the way.
try this one. limited slots so you have to wait your turn. I just spammed the connect button until I got in. After you unlock put Origin in offline mode and don't quit the app otherwise you'll have to do it all over again.
Lightning and texture work looked great. Shame about SSAO. Beginning think it's an inherent flaw with Frostbite 2
Going to check once more but for the life of me couldn't remove the sights and couldn't change weapon with the canadian soldier I chose. I am lvl9 by the way.
MoH 2010 actually has pretty good graphics, from replaying it yesterday. The night time/dusk/twilight missions look REALLY good, and the game has pretty great image quality.
Dangerclose has no idea what the are doing with this engine. Moh on unreal looked like shit also.
Like Cudder said the customization in this game is extremely in-depth. I'm sure you can. Perhaps that ability is just unlocked later on.
I really liked what they did with that engine and the performance was fantastic. Was a little disappointed when they switched over to Frostbite because I was curious what they could eek out of that engine given the time.
What? MoH looked great maxed out on PC. Not BF3 but definitely had it's moments.
Looks like BF3 but with out a blue filter
Finally got in! But Origin is saying this game hasn't been unlocked when I try run it. Looks like it's going to load up then another window opens to show the error. Any ideas?